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Created April 23, 2019 19:14
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[mac-cheat-sheet] mac-cheat-sheet #mac #cheat-sheet
#file: doc/cheat-sheets/
# how-to check that a DNS server is working to a target url
nslookup <<target-uri>> <<dns-server-to-check>>
dig @
# how-to get hw info - lsb_release -a for mac
system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType
# which tcp / ip ports are open
sudo lsof -PiTCP -sTCP:LISTEN
# get list of my hardware devices
sudo networksetup -listallhardwareports
# brew install iproute2mac
ip link show en0
# how-to check the current routes
sudo netstat -nr
# lo is the loopback interface
# en0 and en1 are your hardware interfaces (usually Ethernet and WiFi)
# p2p0 is a point to point link (usually VPN)
# p2p is Apple’s custom WiFi-Direct (used by things like personal hotspot in place of normal WiFi in some phases
# stf0 is a "six to four" interface (IPv6 to IPv4)
# gif01 is a software interface
# bridge0 is a software bridge between other interfaces
# utun0 is used for "Back to My Mac" - a the tunnel interface driver
# XHC20 is a USB network interface
# awdl0 is Apple Wireless Direct Link (Bluetooth) to iOS devices
/sbin/route add $subnet -interface $vpn_interface 0 $vpn_server_ip $vpn_gateway $non_vpn_gateway
# a solution for the dns resolution problem
# which are my dns servers
grep nameserver <(scutil --dns)
15. UseFull keyboard shortcuts via the finnish mac keyboard
Go to folder from Finder: Shift + Command + G
Pipe (|) = Alt + 7
Backslash (\) = Shift + Alt + 7
Open square bracket ([) = Alt + 8
Closed square bracket (]) = Alt + 9
Open curly bracket ({) = Shift + Alt + 8
Closed curly bracket (}) = Shift + Alt + 9
Dollar sign ($) = Alt + 4
Tilde (~) = Alt + ¨
Page up = Fn + Up
Page down = Fn + Down
Print screen = Cmd + Shift + 3
Partial print screen = Cmd + Shift + 4 (You get a cursor to select what to capture)
Print window = Cmd + Shift + 4 and then press Spacebar
Delete = Fn + Backspace
Delete file from Finder = Cmd + BackspaceThe
# install java 8
brew cask install caskroom/versions/java8
brew install scala
brew install sbt
# which are the OpenDNS servers
# which are the google dns servers
# eof file: doc/cheat-sheets/
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