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Last active May 25, 2023 20:08
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Livewire Qr Generator

This code generates QR codes based on user input. It utilizes the following packages, To install the required packages, run the following commands:

  • composer require simplesoftwareio/simple-qrcode "~4"
  • composer require jeroendesloovere/vcard

After installing the packages, you can start using them in your code to generate QR codes and VCards based on user input.

<div class="flex justify-center" x-data="{ activeTab: 'url' }">
<div class="w-35 bg-gray-200">
<ul class="py-4">
<li @click="activeTab = 'url'" :class="{ 'bg-blue-500 text-white': activeTab === 'url' }"
class="cursor-pointer px-4 py-2 mb-2">Website URL</li>
<li @click="activeTab = 'emailAdress'" :class="{ 'bg-blue-500 text-white': activeTab === 'emailAdress' }"
class="cursor-pointer px-4 py-2 mb-2">E-mail Address</li>
<li @click="activeTab = 'phoneNumber'" :class="{ 'bg-blue-500 text-white': activeTab === 'phoneNumber' }"
class="cursor-pointer px-4 py-2 mb-2">Phone Number</li>
{{-- <li @click="activeTab = 'geoAddress'" :class="{ 'bg-blue-500 text-white': activeTab === 'geoAddress' }"
class="cursor-pointer px-4 py-2 mb-2">Geo Address</li> --}}
<li @click="activeTab = 'VCard'" :class="{ 'bg-blue-500 text-white': activeTab === 'VCard' }"
class="cursor-pointer px-4 py-2 mb-2">VCard</li>
<div class="w-1/2 px-4 bg-gray-100 ">
<div x-show="activeTab === 'url'">
<label for="websiteUrl">Website URL</label>
<input type="text" id="websiteUrl" wire:model.lazy="websiteUrl"
class="w-full border border-gray-300 px-2 py-1">
@if ($websiteUrl !== null)
<div class="my-4 flex justify-center">
{!! SimpleSoftwareIO\QrCode\Facades\QrCode::format('svg')->style('square')->size(400)->eye('circle')->generate(Request::url($websiteUrl)) !!}
<div class="my-4 text-center">
<x-button danger type="button" wire:click="refresh">
<div x-show="activeTab === 'emailAdress'">
<label for="email">Email</label>
<input type="email" id="email" wire:model.lazy="email"
class="w-full border border-gray-300 px-2 py-1">
@if ($email !== null)
<div class="my-4 flex justify-center">
{!! SimpleSoftwareIO\QrCode\Facades\QrCode::format('svg')->style('square')->size(400)->eye('circle')->email($email) !!}
<div class="my-4 text-center">
<x-button danger type="button" wire:click="refresh">
<div x-show="activeTab === 'phoneNumber'">
<label for="phone">Phone</label>
<input type="number" id="phone" wire:model.lazy="phone"
class="w-full border border-gray-300 px-2 py-1">
@if ($phone !== null)
<div class="my-4 flex justify-center">
{!! SimpleSoftwareIO\QrCode\Facades\QrCode::format('svg')->style('square')->size(400)->eye('circle')->phoneNumber($phone) !!}
<div class="my-4 text-center">
<x-button danger type="button" wire:click="refresh">
{{-- <div x-show="activeTab === 'geoAddress'">
<label for="address">Address</label>
<input type="text" id="lat" class="w-full border border-gray-300 px-2 py-1">
<input type="text" id="lon" class="w-full border border-gray-300 px-2 py-1">
</div> --}}
<div x-show="activeTab === 'VCard'">
<label for="name">Name</label>
<x-input type="text" id="name" class="w-full border border-gray-300 px-2 py-1"
wire:model.lazy="name" :value="old('name')" />
<label for="company_name">Company Name</label>
<x-input type="text" id="company_name" class="w-full border border-gray-300 px-2 py-1"
wire:model.lazy="company_name" :value="old('company_name')" />
<label for="phone">Phone</label>
<x-input type="text" id="phone" class="w-full border border-gray-300 px-2 py-1"
wire:model.lazy="phone" :value="old('phone')" />
<label for="email">Email</label>
<x-input type="text" id="email" class="w-full border border-gray-300 px-2 py-1"
wire:model.lazy="email" :value="old('email')" />
<label for="address">Address</label>
<x-input type="text" id="address" class="w-full border border-gray-300 px-2 py-1"
wire:model.lazy="address" :value="old('address')" />
<label for="website">Website</label>
<x-input type="text" id="websiteUrl" class="w-full border border-gray-300 px-2 py-1"
wire:model.lazy="websiteUrl" :value="old('websiteUrl')" />
<label for="instagram">Instagram</label>
<x-input type="text" id="instagram" class="w-full border border-gray-300 px-2 py-1"
wire:model.lazy="instagramLink" :value="old('instagramLink')" />
<label for="facebook">Facebook</label>
<x-input type="text" id="facebook" class="w-full border border-gray-300 px-2 py-1"
wire:model.lazy="facebookLink" :value="old('facebookLink')" />
<label for="tiktok">TikTok</label>
<x-input type="text" id="tiktok" class="w-full border border-gray-300 px-2 py-1"
wire:model.lazy="tiktokLink" :value="old('tiktokLink')" />
<label for="whatsapp">WhatsApp</label>
<x-input type="text" id="whatsapp" class="w-full border border-gray-300 px-2 py-1"
wire:model.lazy="whatsappLink" :value="old('whatsappLink')" />
<div class="my-4 text-center">
<x-button danger type="button" wire:click="generateQrCode">
generate Qr Code
<x-button danger type="button" wire:click="data">
fill with data
@if ($qrCodeData !== null)
<div class="my-4 flex justify-center">
{!! SimpleSoftwareIO\QrCode\Facades\QrCode::format('svg')->style('square')->size(400)->eye('circle')->generate($qrCodeData) !!}
<div class="my-4 text-center">
<x-button danger type="button" wire:click="refresh">
namespace App\Http\Livewire;
use Livewire\Component;
use Illuminate\Contracts\View\View;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Gate;
use SimpleSoftwareIO\QrCode\Facades\QrCode;
use JeroenDesloovere\VCard\VCard;
use JeroenDesloovere\VCard\Formatter\VCardFormatter;
use Request;
class QrGenerator extends Component
public $activeTab = 'url';
public $email ;
public $phone ;
public $name ;
public $company_name ;
public $address ;
public $websiteUrl ;
public $qrImage ;
public $qrCodeData ;
public $instagramLink;
public $facebookLink;
public $tiktokLink;
public $whatsappLink;
public function render(): View
return view('livewire.qr-generator');
public function refresh()
public function data()
$this->name = '';
$this->company_name = '';
$this->phone = '';
$this->email = '';
$this->address = '';
$this->websiteUrl = '';
$this->instagramLink = '';
$this->facebookLink = '';
$this->tiktokLink = '';
$this->whatsappLink = '';
public function generateQrCode(): void
$vcard = new VCard();
// Set the basic information
// Add social media links
$vcard->addURL($this->websiteUrl, 'Website');
$vcard->addURL($this->instagramLink, 'Instagram');
$vcard->addURL($this->facebookLink, 'Facebook');
$vcard->addURL($this->tiktokLink, 'TikTok');
$vcard->addURL($this->whatsappLink, 'WhatsApp');
$vcard->addLabel('street, worktown, workpostcode Belgium');
// Format the VCard data as a string
$qrCodeData = $vcard->getOutput();
$this->qrCodeData = $qrCodeData;
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