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module Adrienne.Main
#r "YamlDotNet.dll"
open System
open System.IO
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Text
open YamlDotNet.RepresentationModel
open System.Xml
type YamlObject =
| Asset
| NwsPost
| EvtEvent
| Outlander
type OutputDocs = Dictionary<string,XmlDocument>
type YamlProcessor = (YamlObject -> string -> OutputDocs -> unit)
let itemType = function
| "Asset" -> Asset
| "NwsPost" -> NwsPost
| "EvtEvent" -> EvtEvent
| _ -> Outlander // a match antyhing match
let printYamlObject = function
| Asset -> "Asset"
| NwsPost -> "NwsPost"
| EvtEvent -> "EvtEvent"
| Outlander -> "Outlander"
let yamlObjectType (line:string) =
let item = line.Split( [|':'|], 2).[1].Trim()
item |> itemType
let classObject (line:string) =
match (line.StartsWith "--- !ruby/object") with
| false -> None
| true -> Some (line |> yamlObjectType)
let (++) x y = x + y + "\n"
let documents (fn:YamlProcessor) source outDocs =
let translate (lastYaml, document) line =
match (classObject line) with
| Some nextYamlObject ->
match lastYaml with
| Some y -> fn y document outDocs
| _ -> ()
(Some nextYamlObject, "" ++ line)
| None -> (lastYaml, document ++ line)
let lastYaml, document = source |> Seq.fold translate (None, "")
match lastYaml with
| Some y -> fn y document outDocs
| _ -> ()
let mappingKey (entry:KeyValuePair<YamlNode,YamlNode>) = (entry.Key :?> YamlScalarNode).Value
let rec toXml (xmlRoot:XmlNode) (xmlDocument:XmlDocument) (root:YamlNode) =
match root with
| :? YamlMappingNode as mapping ->
for entry in mapping.Children do
let e = xmlDocument.CreateElement(mappingKey entry)
let r = xmlRoot.AppendChild(e)
toXml r xmlDocument entry.Value
| :? YamlScalarNode as scalar -> xmlRoot.InnerText <- scalar.Value
| :? YamlSequenceNode as seq ->
let recurse = toXml xmlRoot xmlDocument
Seq.iter recurse seq.Children
| _ -> printf "Unrecognized node: %s" (root.ToString())
printfn ""
let createWriter (filename:string) : XmlWriter =
let settings = new XmlWriterSettings(Indent = true)
let outFile = sprintf "../../%s.xml" filename
XmlWriter.Create(outFile, settings)
let parseDocument (yamlObject:YamlObject) (document:string) (outDocs:OutputDocs) =
match yamlObject with
| Asset | EvtEvent | NwsPost ->
let xmlDocument = outDocs.[printYamlObject yamlObject]
let newYaml = xmlDocument.CreateElement(printYamlObject yamlObject)
let root = xmlDocument.FirstChild.AppendChild(newYaml)
let yaml = new YamlStream()
yaml.Load(new StringReader(document))
toXml root xmlDocument (yaml.Documents.[0].RootNode)
| _ -> ()
let createDoc (outDocs:OutputDocs) name =
let d = new XmlDocument()
d.AppendChild(d.CreateElement(name + "s")) |> ignore
outDocs.Add(name, d)
let writeOut (outDocs:OutputDocs) name =
printfn "Wrote %s.xml" name
let out = outDocs.[name]
use w = createWriter name
let main args =
let createDocs names =
let source = File.ReadAllLines args.[0]
let outDocs = new OutputDocs()
let create = (createDoc outDocs)
let write = Seq.iter (writeOut outDocs)
let parse names = documents parseDocument source outDocs; names
create >> parse >> write |> ignore
["Asset"; "NwsPost"; "EvtEvent";] |> createDocs
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