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Created April 28, 2020 20:38
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Boilerplate for new POSIX shell scripts
version_text="Boilerplate for new scripts v$version"
options="h o: q v V"
help_text="Usage: $prog_name [-o <text>] [-hqvV] [<file>]...
Boilerplate for new scripts
-o <text> Set an option with a parameter
-h Display this help text and exit
-q Quiet
-v Verbose mode
-V Display version information and exit"
main() {
parse_options "$@"
shift $((OPTIND-1))
# If we want to use `getopts` again, this has to be set to 1.
# shellcheck disable=2154
$option_h && usage
$option_V && version
$option_q && info() { :; }
$option_o && info "option 'o' has parameter '$param_o'"
$option_v && info "verbose mode is on"
for _file do
info "operand $_i is '$_file'"
unset _i _file
[ -t 0 ] ||
info "stdin is not a terminal"
# shellcheck disable=2034,2046
set_defaults() {
set -e
trap 'clean_exit' EXIT TERM
trap 'clean_exit HUP' HUP
trap 'clean_exit INT' INT
IFS=' '
set -- $(printf '\n \r \t \033')
nl=$1 cr=$2 tab=$3 esc=$4
IFS=\ $tab
# For a given optstring, this function sets the variables
# "option_<optchar>" to true/false and param_<optchar> to its parameter.
parse_options() {
for _opt in $options; do
# The POSIX spec does not say anything about spaces in the
# optstring, so lets get rid of them.
eval "option_${_opt%:}=false"
while getopts ":$_optstring" _opt; do
case $_opt in
:) usage "option '$OPTARG' requires a parameter" ;;
\?) usage "unrecognized option '$OPTARG'" ;;
eval "option_$_opt=true"
[ -n "$OPTARG" ] &&
eval "param_$_opt=\$OPTARG"
unset _opt _optstring OPTARG
info() { printf %s\\n "$*" >&2; }
version() { printf %s\\n "$version_text"; exit; }
error() {
printf '%s: Error: %s\n' "$prog_name" "$*" >&2
exit "$_error"
usage() {
[ $# -ne 0 ] && {
exec >&2
printf '%s: %s\n\n' "$prog_name" "$*"
printf %s\\n "$help_text"
exit ${1:+1}
clean_exit() {
trap - EXIT
info "exiting"
[ $# -ne 0 ] && {
trap - "$1"
kill -s "$1" -$$
exit "$_exit_status"
main "$@"
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@cometsong I can't reply directly here.

I think in your case I'd add the variables to the top of main().

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is it possible to get parse-opts for longer names options?

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@epsilon-0 not easily. The beauty of parse_options() is that for it's usage you only have to set the scripts options via the options variable and the rest is done for you. Long options will make it more complex in both, usage and code complexity. I'm not a fan of long options in general to say the least, but I will think about a good way (if there is one).

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got it :)

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thanks a lot, I think I am fine without the long options, managed to work around it :)

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