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Last active April 14, 2022 03:34
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Godot Marshalls Simplification Proposal
// Here are three of the cases:
case Variant::VECTOR2: {
Vector2 val;
if (type & ENCODE_FLAG_64) {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V((size_t)len < sizeof(double) * 2, ERR_INVALID_DATA);
val.x = decode_double(&buf[0]);
val.y = decode_double(&buf[sizeof(double)]);
if (r_len) {
(*r_len) += sizeof(double) * 2;
} else {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V((size_t)len < sizeof(float) * 2, ERR_INVALID_DATA);
val.x = decode_float(&buf[0]);
val.y = decode_float(&buf[sizeof(float)]);
if (r_len) {
(*r_len) += sizeof(float) * 2;
r_variant = val;
} break;
case Variant::VECTOR3: {
Vector3 val;
if (type & ENCODE_FLAG_64) {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V((size_t)len < sizeof(double) * 3, ERR_INVALID_DATA);
val.x = decode_double(&buf[0]);
val.y = decode_double(&buf[sizeof(double)]);
val.z = decode_double(&buf[sizeof(double) * 2]);
if (r_len) {
(*r_len) += sizeof(double) * 3;
} else {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V((size_t)len < sizeof(float) * 3, ERR_INVALID_DATA);
val.x = decode_float(&buf[0]);
val.y = decode_float(&buf[sizeof(float)]);
val.z = decode_float(&buf[sizeof(float) * 2]);
if (r_len) {
(*r_len) += sizeof(float) * 3;
r_variant = val;
} break;
case Variant::QUATERNION: {
Quaternion val;
if (type & ENCODE_FLAG_64) {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V((size_t)len < sizeof(double) * 4, ERR_INVALID_DATA);
val.x = decode_double(&buf[0]);
val.y = decode_double(&buf[sizeof(double)]);
val.z = decode_double(&buf[sizeof(double) * 2]);
val.w = decode_double(&buf[sizeof(double) * 3]);
if (r_len) {
(*r_len) += sizeof(double) * 4;
} else {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V((size_t)len < sizeof(float) * 4, ERR_INVALID_DATA);
val.x = decode_float(&buf[0]);
val.y = decode_float(&buf[sizeof(float)]);
val.z = decode_float(&buf[sizeof(float) * 2]);
val.w = decode_float(&buf[sizeof(float) * 3]);
if (r_len) {
(*r_len) += sizeof(float) * 4;
r_variant = val;
} break;
// We don't really need to be accessing the elements by
// the named property, we can just use a loop. Once that's
// done, there's a lot of repetition in here that we can
// use a macro to simplify. The above can become this:
#define DECODE_LINEAR_REAL_TYPE(struct_type, variant_type, element_count) \
case variant_type: { \
struct_type val; \
if (type & ENCODE_FLAG_64) { \
ERR_FAIL_COND_V((size_t)len < sizeof(double) * element_count, ERR_INVALID_DATA); \
for (int i = 0; i < element_count; i++) { \
val[i] = decode_double(&buf[sizeof(double) * i]); \
} \
if (r_len) { \
(*r_len) += sizeof(double) * element_count; \
} \
} else { \
ERR_FAIL_COND_V((size_t)len < sizeof(float) * element_count, ERR_INVALID_DATA); \
for (int i = 0; i < element_count; i++) { \
val[i] = decode_float(&buf[sizeof(float) * i]); \
} \
if (r_len) { \
(*r_len) += sizeof(float) * element_count; \
} \
} \
r_variant = val; \
} break;
// The same simplification can be made for these three cases:
case Variant::VECTOR2I: {
Vector2i val;
val.x = decode_uint32(&buf[0]);
val.y = decode_uint32(&buf[4]);
r_variant = val;
if (r_len) {
(*r_len) += 4 * 2;
} break;
case Variant::VECTOR3I: {
Vector3i val;
val.x = decode_uint32(&buf[0]);
val.y = decode_uint32(&buf[4]);
val.z = decode_uint32(&buf[8]);
r_variant = val;
if (r_len) {
(*r_len) += 4 * 3;
} break;
case Variant::COLOR: {
Color val;
val.r = decode_float(&buf[0]);
val.g = decode_float(&buf[4]);
val.b = decode_float(&buf[8]);
val.a = decode_float(&buf[12]);
r_variant = val;
if (r_len) {
(*r_len) += 4 * 4; // Colors should always be in single-precision.
} break;
// Which can become:
#define DECODE_LINEAR_TYPE(struct_type, variant_type, element_count, primitive_type) \
case variant_type: { \
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(len < sizeof(primitive_type) * element_count, ERR_INVALID_DATA); \
struct_type val; \
for (int i = 0; i < element_count; i++) { \
val[i] = decode_##primitive_type(&buf[sizeof(primitive_type) * i]); \
} \
r_variant = val; \
if (r_len) { \
(*r_len) += sizeof(primitive_type) * element_count; \
} \
} break;
DECODE_LINEAR_TYPE(Vector2i, Variant::VECTOR2I, 2, uint32_t)
DECODE_LINEAR_TYPE(Vector3i, Variant::VECTOR3I, 3, uint32_t)
DECODE_LINEAR_TYPE(Color, Variant::COLOR, 4, float)
// Additionally, there's some repetition within the two
// macros that we can simplify with another macro. All 6
// of those original cases (106 lines) can be simplified
// to just 30 lines with little repeated logic:
#define DECODE_LINEAR_TYPE_LOOP(struct_type, element_count, primitive_type) \
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(len < sizeof(primitive_type) * element_count, ERR_INVALID_DATA); \
struct_type val; \
for (int i = 0; i < element_count; i++) { \
val[i] = decode_##primitive_type(&buf[sizeof(primitive_type) * i]); \
} \
r_variant = val; \
if (r_len) { \
(*r_len) += sizeof(primitive_type) * element_count; \
#define DECODE_LINEAR_REAL_TYPE(struct_type, variant_type, element_count) \
case variant_type: { \
if (type & ENCODE_FLAG_64) { \
DECODE_LINEAR_TYPE_LOOP(struct_type, element_count, double) \
} else { \
DECODE_LINEAR_TYPE_LOOP(struct_type, element_count, float) \
} \
} break;
#define DECODE_LINEAR_TYPE(struct_type, variant_type, element_count, primitive_type) \
case variant_type: { \
DECODE_LINEAR_TYPE_LOOP(struct_type, element_count, primitive_type) \
} break;
DECODE_LINEAR_TYPE(Vector2i, Variant::VECTOR2I, 2, uint32_t)
DECODE_LINEAR_TYPE(Vector3i, Variant::VECTOR3I, 3, uint32_t)
DECODE_LINEAR_TYPE(Color, Variant::COLOR, 4, float)
// (I tested that it compiles, there is technically one other change needed
// which is that decode_uint32 needs to be renamed to decode_uint32_t)
// Additionally, this is possible because these types (Vector2(i), Vector3(i),
// Quaternion, Color) can all have their primitive members accessed using the
// [] array operator. We could simplify the rest of the cases (Rect2, AABB,
// Basis, Transforms, Plane, etc) if we had a standardized method in each
// struct that let us access a primitive value by index. Then we could take
// about 300 lines and turn them into only about 35 lines.
// Or maybe there's some pointer magic that could let us access struct primitive
// members by index without needing to add methods to each struct.
// The primary function of these changes would be to simplify code and
// reduce duplication. However, I will mention another bonus feature,
// if anyone wants to add a new type to Variant, these kinds of changes
// make things much much easier, since you can just add one line.
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