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Last active June 21, 2021 15:45
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  • Save aarongustafson/f59fead5a44734d31a20106d79d41c98 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save aarongustafson/f59fead5a44734d31a20106d79d41c98 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
AutoHotKey stuff
!VKC0SC029::Return ; grave -> the grave ` accent gave some probs, used the virtualkey + scancode instead
!e::Return ; acute
!i::Return ; circumflex
!t::Return ; tilde
!u::Return ; umlaut
; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
; 0
; r g G a A c C t T u U
diacritic(regular,accentedCharacters) {
StringSplit, char, accentedCharacters, `,
graveOption := char1
graveShiftOption := char2
acuteOption := char3
acuteShiftOption := char4
circumflexOption := char5
circumflexShiftOption := char6
tildeOption := char7
tildeShiftOption := char8
umlautOption := char9
umlautShiftOption := char10
if (A_PriorHotKey = "!VKC0SC029" && A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < 2000) {
if (GetKeyState("Shift")) {
SendInput % graveShiftOption
} else {
SendInput % graveOption
} else if (A_PriorHotKey = "!e" && A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < 2000) {
if (GetKeyState("Shift")) {
SendInput % acuteShiftOption
} else {
SendInput % acuteOption
} else if (A_PriorHotKey = "!i" && A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < 2000) {
if (GetKeyState("Shift")) {
SendInput % circumflexShiftOption
} else {
SendInput % circumflexOption
} else if (A_PriorHotKey = "!t" && A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < 2000) {
if (GetKeyState("Shift")) {
SendInput % tildeShiftOption
} else {
SendInput % tildeOption
} else if (A_PriorHotKey = "!u" && A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < 2000) {
if (GetKeyState("Shift")) {
SendInput % umlautShiftOption
} else {
SendInput % umlautOption
} else {
if (GetKeyState("Shift") or GetKeyState("Capslock","T")) {
SendInput % "+" regular
} else {
SendInput % regular
; Alt + Shift + key
*!d::altShift("partial difference","Î")
*!x::altShift("approximately equal","Ù")
altShift(accented,accentedShift) {
if (!GetKeyState("Shift")) {
SendInput % accented
} else {
SendInput % accentedShift
; Fix for some CTRL + stuff that may not work
; TODO - Add more as we find them
^a::Send ^{end}^+{home}
^o::WinMenuSelectItem, A, , File, Open
Copy link

patik commented Nov 7, 2016

I created a fork of this with real characters in place of words like "omega", "integral", "approximately equal", etc. Only the word "Apple" remains since AFAIK that logo doesn't render in Windows without a special font.

Update: I also made the control shortcuts work a little better (e.g. ctrl-a in Chrome wouldn't select an entire [readonly] page's contents). I added support for ctrl-y (Redo).

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