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Last active May 4, 2022 11:55
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Running HavenoClient tests.
Redocumenting the steps to run haveno-ts tests. All these steps are required.
1. Install. these dependencies on your machine `make wget git git-lfs openjdk-11-jdk`, if you ware on Mac just install the `openjdk-11-jdk`.
2. Download `protoc-gen-grpc-web plugin` and make executable as [shown here](
3. Install `protobuf` compiler v3.19.1 or later for your system:
- mac: `brew install protobuf`
- linux: apt install protobuf-compiler NOTE: You may need to upgrade to v3.19.1 manually if your package manager installs an older version.
4. Clone the `haveno` main repository on `~/.git` directory, it's preferred to clone it on theat directory for the next steps.
5. Clone the `haveno-ts` repository to `~/.git` directory too.
6. `cd haveno` and try to build the binary files of haveno by `make` inside the haveno directory, and wait until the process is completed (this will also download and verify the Monero and Bitcoin binaries).
7. Before running the haveno daemons you should run your the private networks first.
1. In a new terminal window run make `monero-private1`.
2. In a new terminal window run make `monero-private2`.
8. Now run Haveno daemons instances (**seednode**, **Alice**, **Bob**, **arbitrator**) all are required for HavenoClient tests, if you didn't run on of them the test will try to start the not started once but that makes the testing so heavily to start, so recommended to start all these instances before running the test. everyone in a seperated terminal.
1. `make seednode`
2. `make alice-daemon`
3. `make bob-daemon`
4. `make arbitrator-daemon`
When running Alice, Bob and arbitrator, you'll see a Monero address prompted in the terminal.
9. Now run the funding wallet `make funding-wallet`.
10. In a new terminal, `cd haveno-ts` and start envoy proxy with the config in `haveno-ts/config/envoy.test.yaml` (change absolute path for your system or you don't have to if you were cloned to ~/git dir already): `docker run --rm --add-host host.docker.internal:host-gateway -it -v ~/git/haveno-ts/config/envoy.test.yaml:/envoy.test.yaml -p 8079:8079 -p 8080:8080 -p 8081:8081 -p 8082:8082 -p 8083:8083 -p 8084:8084 -p 8085:8085 -p 8086:8086 envoyproxy/envoy-dev:8a2143613d43d17d1eb35a24b4a4a4c432215606 -c /envoy.test.yaml`
11. `cd haveno-ts`
12. `npm install` && `npm run test`
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