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Last active December 30, 2022 12:00
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def pma_import_resubmit(br, sqlfile, target_dbname):
""" To be used in phpmyadmin dump.sql file imports using python-mechanize
as described in <>
Only call this function when you have already found a 'timeout_passed=' string in browser response
(so you are sure the page contains a resubmit link)
#link = br.find_link(url = resumeurl)
link = br.find_link(text = "resubmit the same file")
link.absolute_url = link.absolute_url.replace("&amp;","&").replace("?", "?db="+target_dbname+"&")
resumeurl = link.absolute_url
print("This is the resubmission link absolute_url:",resumeurl)
offset = resumeurl.split("offset=")[1]
# Open server import
# response = br.follow_link(text_regex=re.compile('Import'))
response = br.follow_link(link)
assert(b'after resubmitting will continue from position' in
# Upload SQL file with python mechanize:
print("... about to reupload '{}' (offset {}) to {}".format(sqlfile, offset, resumeurl))
if ".".join(sqlfile.lower().split(".")[-2:])=="": # if compressed, don't use encoding:
# binary open:
br.form.add_file(open(sqlfile, 'rb'), 'text/plain', sqlfile)
print("file RE-added to import form (using zipped mode)")
else: # abubelinha introduces encoding:
encoding="" # set whatever you want, or pass it as a parameter to current function
br.form.add_file(open(sqlfile, encoding=encoding), 'text/plain', sqlfile)
print("file RE-added to import form (using text encoding={})".format(encoding))
response = br.submit()
htmlstring = str(
if len(htmlstring.split("timeout_passed="))>1: # timeout resubmit link found in response:
sample_error = """<div class="error"><img src="themes/dot.gif" title="" alt="" class="icon ic_s_error"> Script timeout passed, if you want to finish import, please <a href="db_import.php?db=dbname&amp;timeout_passed=1&amp;offset=76543210">resubmit the same file</a> and import will resume.</div>"""
newresumeurl = htmlstring.split('Script timeout passed, if you want to finish import, please <a href="')[1].split('">resubmit the same file</a>')[0]
print("\nWarning: new call to pma_import_resubmit(sqlfile='{}', target_dbname='{}', resumeurl='{}')\n".format(sqlfile,target_dbname,newresumeurl))
br = pma_import_resubmit(br, sqlfile, target_dbname) # , resumeurl=newresumeurl
print("\n... back in pma_import_resubmit(resumeurl='{}') from pma_import_resubmit(resumeurl='{}')\n".format(resumeurl,newresumeurl))
else: # no timeout resubmit link in response. All should have finished. Let's check response content:
if len(htmlstring.split('<div class="error">'))>1: # red ERROR divs found:
print("\nERRORS PROCESSING {} BY PHPMYADMIN:".format(sqlfile))
for ediv in htmlstring.split('<div class="error">')[1:]:
errordiv = ediv.split("</div>")[0]
print("\n----- ERROR DIV CONTENT: -----\n", errordiv, "\n","-"*25)
if False:
if errordiv != '<img src="themes/dot.gif" title="" alt="" class="icon ic_s_error"> Javascript must be enabled past this point!':
for error in errordiv.split("</ol>")[0].split("<ol>")[1].split("<li>")[1:]:
print("\n- ",error.split("</li>")[0])
if len(htmlstring.split('<div class="success">'))>1: # green SUCCESS divs found:
print("\nSUCCESS PROCESSING {} BY PHPMYADMIN:".format(sqlfile))
for sdiv in htmlstring.split('<div class="success">')[1:]:
successdiv = sdiv.split("</div>")[0]
print("\n----- SUCCESS DIV CONTENT: -----\n", successdiv, "\n","-"*25)
print("\n... pma_import_resubmit(resumeurl='{}') finished\n".format(resumeurl))
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