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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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Imagining a more functional, classless Flummox API
import Flummox from 'flummox';
import { Map } from 'immutable';
// Instead of a constructor, just wrap flux creation inside a function
export default function createFlux() {
const flux = new Flummox();
// Actions are the same. Just pass an object instead of a class.
const thingActions = flux.createActions('things', {
incrementSomething(amount) {
return amount;
async createThing(newThing) {
// async/await isn't strictly necsesary here -- we could just return the
// the promise, but I like the reminder that this is async
return await WebAPIUtils.createThing(newThing);
const thingActionIds = fooActions.getActionIds();
// Note that everything above is already possible in the current version
// of Flummox.
// Here's where things get interesting...
const thingStore = flux.createStore('things', {
getInitialState: () => ({
things: new Map(),
_pendingThings: new Map(),
counter: 0
// Instead of `this.register()` et al, use hooks (like React's lifecycle
// hooks) to set up action handlers. `register()` should return a hash of
// action ids mapped to handlers.
register: () => ({
// Return new store state, given the previous state and the value sent by
// the action. Like with `setState()`, the new state is merged with the
// old state. It's like a transactional state update, or a
// reduce operation (except it's a merge, not a replace).
// All params are passed as one hash, to support possible future interop
// with RxJS. Yay for destructuring!
[thingActionIds.incrementSomething]: ({ prevState, value: amount }) => ({
counter: prevState.counter + amount
// For async actions, use a sub-hash with success and failure handlers.
// The naming convention is taken from RxJS observers. Notice that there's
// no `onBegin`, which you might expect if you're used to
// Flummox's `registerAsync()`. For that, use the `registerOnStart()` hook
[thingActionIds.createThing]: {
onNext: ({ prevState, value: newThing, payload: { dispatchId } }) => ({
things: prevState.things.merge({
[]: newThing
_pendingThings: prevState.delete(dispatchId)
onError: ({ payload: { dispatchId } }) => ({
_pendingThings: prevState.delete(dispatchId)
// Specify handlers that fire at the beginning async actions, in order to
// perform optimistic updates
registerOnStart: () => ({
[thingActionIds.createThing]: ({ prevState, payload: { dispatchId, actionArgs: [ newThing ] }}) => ({
_pendingThings: prevState._pendingThings.merge({
[dispatchId]: newThing
// We could support both the class-based API and this new functional API
// without much fuss. I think this is important, since much of the appeal of
// Flummox comes from the familiarity and predictability of its API. Many
// people are not used to functional programming concepts, and will want to
// stick with classes.
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I do understand why you want to separate them out into two sections, but just as for tappleby it feels a bit off for me. His syntax would allow us to at least keep things a bit closer together. How about something like this:

  register: () => ({
    [thingActionIds.createThing]: {
      begin() {...},
      stream: {onNext, onError}

But now that I've written that out, it feels weird having to nest the stuff like that. I'll leave it here for discussion anyway.

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