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Created May 10, 2020 12:08
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Rust GA
name = "ga"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Adam Jensen <>"]
edition = "2020"
rand = "0.7"
extern crate rand;
use rand::Rng;
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ";
struct GeneticAlgorithm {
population: Vec<Individual>,
impl GeneticAlgorithm {
fn seed(&mut self, population_size: usize, genotype_size: usize) {
let mut individuals: Vec<Individual> = vec![];
for _ in 0..population_size {
self.population = individuals;
fn evaluate(&mut self, ideal_genotype: String) {
// TODO: parallelize
for individual in &mut self.population {
let mut matches: i64 = 0;
// Assumption: only ascii characters in the genotype
let optimal_genes = ideal_genotype.as_bytes();
let self_genes = individual.genotype.as_bytes();
for i in 0..individual.genotype.len() {
if self_genes[i] == optimal_genes[i] {
matches += 1;
} = matches as f64 / (optimal_genes.len() as f64);
fn select(&self, top: usize) -> Vec<Individual> {
let mut members = self.population.to_vec();
members.sort_by(|individual1, individual2|;
return members.iter().rev().take(top).cloned().collect();
fn next(&mut self, mutation_probability: f64) {
let mut new_population = / 4);
let random_individuals_needed = self.population.len() / 4;
let crossover_individuals_needed = self.population.len() - new_population.len() - random_individuals_needed;
for i in &new_population {
for _ in 0..random_individuals_needed {
// TODO: Avoid expensive copy of population
for _ in 0..crossover_individuals_needed {
let first_individual = GeneticAlgorithm::random_individual(self.population.to_owned());
let second_individual = GeneticAlgorithm::random_individual(self.population.to_owned());
let crossed_individual = first_individual.crossover(second_individual);
self.population = new_population;
fn best_individual(&self) -> Individual {
let mut members = self.population.to_vec();
members.sort_by(|individual1, individual2|;
let best: Vec<Individual> = members.iter().rev().take(1).cloned().collect();
return best[0].to_owned();
fn generate_individual(genotype_size: usize) -> Individual {
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let genotype: String = (0..genotype_size)
.map(|_| {
let idx = rng.gen_range(0, CHARSET.len());
CHARSET[idx] as char
genotype: genotype,
fitness: -1.0
fn random_individual(population: Vec<Individual>) -> Individual {
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let idx = rng.gen_range(0, population.len());
return population[idx].clone();
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct Individual {
genotype: String,
fitness: f64
impl Individual {
fn mutate(&self, per_site_mut_rate: f64) -> String {
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let mutated_genotype: String =
.map(|i| {
let probability = rng.gen_range(0.0, 1.0);
if probability <= per_site_mut_rate {
let idx = rng.gen_range(0, CHARSET.len());
CHARSET[idx] as char
} else {
self.genotype.as_bytes()[i] as char
fn crossover_with_pivot(&self, other: Individual, pivot: usize) -> Individual {
let first_half = self.genotype[0..pivot].to_owned();
let second_half = &other.genotype[pivot..];
return Individual{genotype: first_half + second_half, fitness: 0.0};
fn crossover(&self, other: Individual) -> Individual {
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let pivot = rng.gen_range(0, self.genotype.len());
return self.crossover_with_pivot(other, pivot);
fn main() {
let ideal_genotype = String::from("The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog");
let population_size = 2000;
let generations = 100;
let mutation_prob = 1.0 / ideal_genotype.len() as f64;
let mut ga = GeneticAlgorithm{
population: vec![],
ga.seed(population_size, ideal_genotype.len());
for i in 0..generations {
let best = ga.best_individual();
println!("[{}]: \"{}\", fitness {}", i, best.genotype,;
if == 1.0 {
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_individual_crossover_with_pivot() {
let i1 = Individual{genotype: "abcd".to_owned(), fitness: 0.0};
let i2 = Individual{genotype: "efgh".to_owned(), fitness: 0.0};
let crossed_individual = i1.crossover_with_pivot(i2, 1);
assert_eq!(crossed_individual.genotype, "afgh");
fn test_individual_fitness() {
let optimal_genotype = String::from("abcd");
let terrible_genotype = String::from("1234");
let mut ga = GeneticAlgorithm{
population: vec![
Individual{genotype: optimal_genotype.to_owned(), fitness: 0.0},
Individual{genotype: terrible_genotype.to_owned(), fitness: 0.0}
assert_eq!(ga.population[0].fitness, 1.0);
assert_eq!(ga.population[1].fitness, 0.0);
fn test_ga_select() {
let optimal_genotype = String::from("abcd");
let terrible_genotype = String::from("1234");
let mut ga = GeneticAlgorithm{
population: vec![
Individual{genotype: optimal_genotype.to_owned(), fitness: 0.0},
Individual{genotype: terrible_genotype.to_owned(), fitness: 0.0}
let selected =;
assert_eq!(selected.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(selected[0].genotype, optimal_genotype);
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