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Created October 28, 2021 15:18
Show Gist options
  • Save activedecay/87afac1e0e57e3e309a662b9352b183b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save activedecay/87afac1e0e57e3e309a662b9352b183b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
output from running the interop validator against ocp profiles using the profile simulator as a device
Doing ../HWMgmt-OCP-Profiles/LICENSE
Redfish Interop Validator, version 2.0.1
Option online_profiles not supported!
"DEFAULT": {},
"Tool": {
"verbose": {
"value": "",
"description": "TBD"
"Host": {
"ip": {
"value": "http://beastmode:5000",
"description": "TBD"
"username": {
"value": "root",
"description": "TBD"
"password": {
"value": "password123456",
"description": "TBD"
"description": {
"value": "redfish-profile-simulator",
"description": "TBD"
"forceauth": {
"value": "False",
"description": "TBD"
"authtype": {
"value": "Basic",
"description": "TBD"
"token": {
"value": "",
"description": "TBD"
"Validator": {
"payload": {
"value": "",
"description": "TBD"
"logdir": {
"value": "./logs",
"description": "TBD"
"oemcheck": {
"value": "True",
"description": "TBD"
"online_profiles": {
"value": "True",
"description": "TBD"
"debugging": {
"value": "False",
"description": "TBD"
Target URI: http://beastmode:5000
authtype: Basic
config: config/example.ini
debugging: False
forceauth: False
ip: http://beastmode:5000
logdir: ./logs
oemcheck: True
online_profiles: True
password: ******
profile: ['../HWMgmt-OCP-Profiles/LICENSE']
username: root
verbose: 0
warnrecommended: False
writecheck: False
Start time: 10/28/21 - 09:15:56
Setting up service...
Redfish Version of Service: 1.0.2
Description of service: redfish-profile-simulator
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 277, in <module>
status_code, lastResultsPage, exit_string = main()
File "", line 144, in main
my_profiles.append((filename, json.loads(
File "/usr/lib/python3.6/json/", line 354, in loads
return _default_decoder.decode(s)
File "/usr/lib/python3.6/json/", line 339, in decode
obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())
File "/usr/lib/python3.6/json/", line 357, in raw_decode
raise JSONDecodeError("Expecting value", s, err.value) from None
json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 34 (char 33)
Doing ../HWMgmt-OCP-Profiles/OCPBaselineHardwareManagement.json
Redfish Interop Validator, version 2.0.1
Option online_profiles not supported!
"DEFAULT": {},
"Tool": {
"verbose": {
"value": "",
"description": "TBD"
"Host": {
"ip": {
"value": "http://beastmode:5000",
"description": "TBD"
"username": {
"value": "root",
"description": "TBD"
"password": {
"value": "password123456",
"description": "TBD"
"description": {
"value": "redfish-profile-simulator",
"description": "TBD"
"forceauth": {
"value": "False",
"description": "TBD"
"authtype": {
"value": "Basic",
"description": "TBD"
"token": {
"value": "",
"description": "TBD"
"Validator": {
"payload": {
"value": "",
"description": "TBD"
"logdir": {
"value": "./logs",
"description": "TBD"
"oemcheck": {
"value": "True",
"description": "TBD"
"online_profiles": {
"value": "True",
"description": "TBD"
"debugging": {
"value": "False",
"description": "TBD"
Target URI: http://beastmode:5000
authtype: Basic
config: config/example.ini
debugging: False
forceauth: False
ip: http://beastmode:5000
logdir: ./logs
oemcheck: True
online_profiles: True
password: ******
profile: ['../HWMgmt-OCP-Profiles/OCPBaselineHardwareManagement.json']
username: root
verbose: 0
warnrecommended: False
writecheck: False
Start time: 10/28/21 - 09:15:56
Setting up service...
Redfish Version of Service: 1.0.2
Description of service: redfish-profile-simulator
Profile Hashes:
profile: OCPBaselineHardwareManagement, dict md5 hash: e15010bc54aee7e32ca8073640a8f6c6
*** /redfish/v1/, ServiceRoot
Type (#ServiceRoot.v1_0_2.ServiceRoot), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for AccountService
### Validating PropertyRequirements for UUID
### Validating PropertyRequirements for RedfishVersion
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Chassis
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Managers
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SessionService
6 of 6 tests passed.
ServiceRoot, Counter({'pass': 6, 'totaltests': 6, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/, ServiceRoot
Type (#ServiceRoot.v1_0_2.ServiceRoot), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for AccountService
### Validating PropertyRequirements for UUID
### Validating PropertyRequirements for RedfishVersion
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Chassis
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Managers
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SessionService
6 of 6 tests passed.
ServiceRoot, Counter({'pass': 6, 'totaltests': 6, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/AccountService, AccountService
Type (#AccountService.v1_0_2.AccountService), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Accounts
1 of 1 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:AccountService, Counter({'passGet': 1, 'pass': 1, 'totaltests': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Chassis, ChassisCollection
Type (#ChassisCollection.ChassisCollection), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Members
2 of 2 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Chassis, Counter({'pass': 2, 'totaltests': 2, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Managers, ManagerCollection
Type (#ManagerCollection.ManagerCollection), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Members
2 of 2 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Managers, Counter({'pass': 2, 'totaltests': 2, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/SessionService, SessionService
Type (#SessionService.v1_0_2.SessionService), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
0 of 0 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:SessionService, Counter({'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Chassis/A33, Chassis
Type (#Chassis.v1_2_0.Chassis), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for AssetTag
### Validating PropertyRequirements for ChassisType
### Validating PropertyRequirements for IndicatorLED
Invalid Profile - CompareType is required for CompareProperty but not found
Condition was skipped due to payload error
### Validating PropertyRequirements for LocationIndicatorActive
Item is recommended but does not exist
Invalid Profile - CompareType is required for CompareProperty but not found
Condition was skipped due to payload error
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Manufacturer
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Model
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SerialNumber
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SKU
### Validating PropertyRequirements for PartNumber
### Validating PropertyRequirements for PowerState
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Status
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Thermal
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Power
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Links
20 of 20 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Chassis:Members#0, Counter({'pass': 20, 'totaltests': 20, 'errorProfileComparisonError': 2, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc, Manager
Type (#Manager.v1_1_0.Manager), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for ManagerType
### Validating PropertyRequirements for UUID
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Status
### Validating PropertyRequirements for FirmwareVersion
### Validating PropertyRequirements for NetworkProtocol
### Validating PropertyRequirements for EthernetInterfaces
### Validating PropertyRequirements for LogServices
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Links
11 of 12 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Managers:Members#0, Counter({'totaltests': 12, 'pass': 11, 'passGet': 1, 'fail.LogServices.ReadRequirement': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/root, ManagerAccount
Type (#ManagerAccount.v1_0_2.ManagerAccount), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
0 of 0 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:AccountService:Accounts:Members#0, Counter({'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/jane, ManagerAccount
Type (#ManagerAccount.v1_0_2.ManagerAccount), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
0 of 0 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:AccountService:Accounts:Members#1, Counter({'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/john, ManagerAccount
Type (#ManagerAccount.v1_0_2.ManagerAccount), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
0 of 0 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:AccountService:Accounts:Members#2, Counter({'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Chassis/A33/Power, Power
Type (#Power.v1_1_0.Power), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for PowerControl
6 of 6 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Chassis:Members#0:Power, Counter({'pass': 6, 'totaltests': 6, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Chassis/A33/Thermal, Thermal
Type (#Thermal.v1_1_0.Thermal), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Fans
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Temperatures
Item is recommended but does not exist
Item is recommended but does not exist
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Redundancy
43 of 43 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Chassis:Members#0:Thermal, Counter({'pass': 43, 'totaltests': 43, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces, EthernetInterfaceCollection
Type (#EthernetInterfaceCollection.EthernetInterfaceCollection), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Members
2 of 2 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Managers:Members#0:EthernetInterfaces, Counter({'pass': 2, 'totaltests': 2, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/NetworkProtocol, ManagerNetworkProtocol
Type (#ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_2.ManagerNetworkProtocol), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for HostName
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Status
### Validating PropertyRequirements for FQDN
### Validating PropertyRequirements for HTTP
### Validating PropertyRequirements for HTTPS
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SSH
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SSDP
18 of 18 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Managers:Members#0:NetworkProtocol, Counter({'pass': 18, 'totaltests': 18, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces/eth0, EthernetInterface
Type (#EthernetInterface.v1_0_2.EthernetInterface), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for MACAddress
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SpeedMbps
### Validating PropertyRequirements for InterfaceEnabled
### Validating PropertyRequirements for LinkStatus
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Status
### Validating PropertyRequirements for DHCPv4
Item is recommended but does not exist
### Validating PropertyRequirements for DHCPv6
Item is recommended but does not exist
### Validating PropertyRequirements for HostName
Condition DOES apply
### Validating PropertyRequirements for FQDN
Condition DOES apply
### Validating PropertyRequirements for NameServers
Item is recommended but does not exist
Condition DOES apply
### Validating PropertyRequirements for IPv4Addresses
Condition DOES apply
### Validating PropertyRequirements for IPv4StaticAddresses
Item is recommended but does not exist
### Validating PropertyRequirements for IPv6AddressPolicyTable
### Validating PropertyRequirements for IPv6StaticAddresses
### Validating PropertyRequirements for IPv6StaticDefaultGateways
Item is recommended but does not exist
### Validating PropertyRequirements for IPv6Addresses
### Validating PropertyRequirements for StaticNameServers
Item is recommended but does not exist
35 of 38 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Managers:Members#0:EthernetInterfaces:Members#0, Counter({'totaltests': 38, 'pass': 35, 'passGet': 1, 'fail.MinVersion': 1, 'fail.LinkStatus.ReadRequirement': 1, 'fail.NameServers.Conditional.ReadRequirement': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Systems/2M220100SL/LogServices/SEL, LogService
Type (#LogService.v1_0_2.LogService), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Entries
2 of 2 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Systems:Members#0:LogServices:Members#0, Counter({'pass': 2, 'totaltests': 2, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Systems/2M220100SL/LogServices/SEL/Entries/1, LogEntry
Type (#LogEntry.v1_0_2.LogEntry), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Created
### Validating PropertyRequirements for EntryType
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Message
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Severity
4 of 4 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Systems:Members#0:LogServices:Members#0:Entries:Members#0, Counter({'pass': 4, 'totaltests': 4, 'passGet': 1})
/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Thermal: URI could not be acquired: 500
*** /redfish/v1/Systems/2M220100SL/LogServices/SEL/Entries/2, LogEntry
Type (#LogEntry.v1_0_2.LogEntry), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Created
### Validating PropertyRequirements for EntryType
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Message
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Severity
4 of 4 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Systems:Members#0:LogServices:Members#0:Entries:Members#1, Counter({'pass': 4, 'totaltests': 4, 'passGet': 1})
Service Level Checks
Elapsed time: 0:00:00
1 fail.LogServices.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc
1 fail.LinkStatus.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces/eth0
1 fail.MinVersion errors in /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces/eth0
1 fail.NameServers.Conditional.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces/eth0
errorProfileComparisonError: 2
fail.LinkStatus.ReadRequirement: 1
fail.LogServices.ReadRequirement: 1
fail.MinVersion: 1
fail.NameServers.Conditional.ReadRequirement: 1
failErrorPresent: 1
pass: 157
passGet: 29
totaltests: 160
Validation has failed: 5 problems found
Doing ../HWMgmt-OCP-Profiles/OCPBaselineHardwareManagement.v1_0_0.json
Redfish Interop Validator, version 2.0.1
Option online_profiles not supported!
"DEFAULT": {},
"Tool": {
"verbose": {
"value": "",
"description": "TBD"
"Host": {
"ip": {
"value": "http://beastmode:5000",
"description": "TBD"
"username": {
"value": "root",
"description": "TBD"
"password": {
"value": "password123456",
"description": "TBD"
"description": {
"value": "redfish-profile-simulator",
"description": "TBD"
"forceauth": {
"value": "False",
"description": "TBD"
"authtype": {
"value": "Basic",
"description": "TBD"
"token": {
"value": "",
"description": "TBD"
"Validator": {
"payload": {
"value": "",
"description": "TBD"
"logdir": {
"value": "./logs",
"description": "TBD"
"oemcheck": {
"value": "True",
"description": "TBD"
"online_profiles": {
"value": "True",
"description": "TBD"
"debugging": {
"value": "False",
"description": "TBD"
Target URI: http://beastmode:5000
authtype: Basic
config: config/example.ini
debugging: False
forceauth: False
ip: http://beastmode:5000
logdir: ./logs
oemcheck: True
online_profiles: True
password: ******
profile: ['../HWMgmt-OCP-Profiles/OCPBaselineHardwareManagement.v1_0_0.json']
username: root
verbose: 0
warnrecommended: False
writecheck: False
Start time: 10/28/21 - 09:15:57
Setting up service...
Redfish Version of Service: 1.0.2
Description of service: redfish-profile-simulator
Profile Hashes:
profile: OCPBaselineHardwareManagement, dict md5 hash: 39f2b380f50986cbbb9dbe8b7e8a1143
*** /redfish/v1/, ServiceRoot
Type (#ServiceRoot.v1_0_2.ServiceRoot), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for AccountService
### Validating PropertyRequirements for UUID
### Validating PropertyRequirements for RedfishVersion
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Chassis
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Managers
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SessionService
6 of 6 tests passed.
ServiceRoot, Counter({'pass': 6, 'totaltests': 6, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/, ServiceRoot
Type (#ServiceRoot.v1_0_2.ServiceRoot), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for AccountService
### Validating PropertyRequirements for UUID
### Validating PropertyRequirements for RedfishVersion
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Chassis
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Managers
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SessionService
6 of 6 tests passed.
ServiceRoot, Counter({'pass': 6, 'totaltests': 6, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/AccountService, AccountService
Type (#AccountService.v1_0_2.AccountService), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Accounts
1 of 1 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:AccountService, Counter({'passGet': 1, 'pass': 1, 'totaltests': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Chassis, ChassisCollection
Type (#ChassisCollection.ChassisCollection), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Members
2 of 2 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Chassis, Counter({'pass': 2, 'totaltests': 2, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Managers, ManagerCollection
Type (#ManagerCollection.ManagerCollection), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Members
2 of 2 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Managers, Counter({'pass': 2, 'totaltests': 2, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/SessionService, SessionService
Type (#SessionService.v1_0_2.SessionService), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
0 of 0 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:SessionService, Counter({'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Chassis/A33, Chassis
Type (#Chassis.v1_2_0.Chassis), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for AssetTag
### Validating PropertyRequirements for ChassisType
### Validating PropertyRequirements for IndicatorLED
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Manufacturer
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Model
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SerialNumber
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SKU
### Validating PropertyRequirements for PartNumber
### Validating PropertyRequirements for PowerState
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Status
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Thermal
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Power
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Links
18 of 18 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Chassis:Members#0, Counter({'pass': 18, 'totaltests': 18, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc, Manager
Type (#Manager.v1_1_0.Manager), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for ManagerType
### Validating PropertyRequirements for UUID
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Status
### Validating PropertyRequirements for FirmwareVersion
### Validating PropertyRequirements for NetworkProtocol
### Validating PropertyRequirements for EthernetInterfaces
### Validating PropertyRequirements for LogServices
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Links
10 of 11 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Managers:Members#0, Counter({'totaltests': 11, 'pass': 10, 'passGet': 1, 'fail.LogServices.ReadRequirement': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/root, ManagerAccount
Type (#ManagerAccount.v1_0_2.ManagerAccount), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
0 of 0 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:AccountService:Accounts:Members#0, Counter({'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/jane, ManagerAccount
Type (#ManagerAccount.v1_0_2.ManagerAccount), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
0 of 0 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:AccountService:Accounts:Members#1, Counter({'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/john, ManagerAccount
Type (#ManagerAccount.v1_0_2.ManagerAccount), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
0 of 0 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:AccountService:Accounts:Members#2, Counter({'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Chassis/A33/Power, Power
Type (#Power.v1_1_0.Power), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for PowerControl
6 of 6 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Chassis:Members#0:Power, Counter({'pass': 6, 'totaltests': 6, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Chassis/A33/Thermal, Thermal
Type (#Thermal.v1_1_0.Thermal), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Fans
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Temperatures
Item is recommended but does not exist
Item is recommended but does not exist
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Redundancy
43 of 43 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Chassis:Members#0:Thermal, Counter({'pass': 43, 'totaltests': 43, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces, EthernetInterfaceCollection
Type (#EthernetInterfaceCollection.EthernetInterfaceCollection), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Members
2 of 2 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Managers:Members#0:EthernetInterfaces, Counter({'pass': 2, 'totaltests': 2, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/NetworkProtocol, ManagerNetworkProtocol
Type (#ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_2.ManagerNetworkProtocol), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for HostName
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Status
### Validating PropertyRequirements for FQDN
### Validating PropertyRequirements for HTTP
### Validating PropertyRequirements for HTTPS
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SSH
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SSDP
13 of 18 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Managers:Members#0:NetworkProtocol, Counter({'totaltests': 18, 'pass': 13, 'fail.ProtocolEnable.ReadRequirement': 4, 'passGet': 1, 'fail.NotifyMulticstIntervalSeconds.ReadRequirement': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces/eth0, EthernetInterface
Type (#EthernetInterface.v1_0_2.EthernetInterface), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for MACAddress
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SpeedMbps
### Validating PropertyRequirements for InterfaceEnabled
### Validating PropertyRequirements for LinkStatus
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Status
### Validating PropertyRequirements for DHCPv4
Item is recommended but does not exist
### Validating PropertyRequirements for DHCPv6
Item is recommended but does not exist
### Validating PropertyRequirements for HostName
Condition DOES apply
### Validating PropertyRequirements for FQDN
Condition DOES apply
### Validating PropertyRequirements for NameServers
Item is recommended but does not exist
Condition DOES apply
### Validating PropertyRequirements for IPv4Addresses
Condition DOES apply
### Validating PropertyRequirements for IPv4StaticAddresses
Item is recommended but does not exist
### Validating PropertyRequirements for IPv6AddressPolicyTable
### Validating PropertyRequirements for IPv6StaticAddresses
### Validating PropertyRequirements for IPv6StaticDefaultGateways
Item is recommended but does not exist
### Validating PropertyRequirements for IPv6Addresses
### Validating PropertyRequirements for StaticNameServers
Item is recommended but does not exist
35 of 38 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Managers:Members#0:EthernetInterfaces:Members#0, Counter({'totaltests': 38, 'pass': 35, 'passGet': 1, 'fail.MinVersion': 1, 'fail.LinkStatus.ReadRequirement': 1, 'fail.NameServers.Conditional.ReadRequirement': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Systems/2M220100SL/LogServices/SEL, LogService
Type (#LogService.v1_0_2.LogService), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Entries
2 of 2 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Systems:Members#0:LogServices:Members#0, Counter({'pass': 2, 'totaltests': 2, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Systems/2M220100SL/LogServices/SEL/Entries/1, LogEntry
Type (#LogEntry.v1_0_2.LogEntry), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Created
### Validating PropertyRequirements for EntryType
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Message
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Severity
4 of 4 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Systems:Members#0:LogServices:Members#0:Entries:Members#0, Counter({'pass': 4, 'totaltests': 4, 'passGet': 1})
/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Thermal: URI could not be acquired: 500
*** /redfish/v1/Systems/2M220100SL/LogServices/SEL/Entries/2, LogEntry
Type (#LogEntry.v1_0_2.LogEntry), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Created
### Validating PropertyRequirements for EntryType
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Message
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Severity
4 of 4 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Systems:Members#0:LogServices:Members#0:Entries:Members#1, Counter({'pass': 4, 'totaltests': 4, 'passGet': 1})
Service Level Checks
Elapsed time: 0:00:00
1 fail.LogServices.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc
1 fail.NotifyMulticstIntervalSeconds.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/NetworkProtocol
4 fail.ProtocolEnable.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/NetworkProtocol
1 fail.LinkStatus.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces/eth0
1 fail.MinVersion errors in /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces/eth0
1 fail.NameServers.Conditional.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces/eth0
fail.LinkStatus.ReadRequirement: 1
fail.LogServices.ReadRequirement: 1
fail.MinVersion: 1
fail.NameServers.Conditional.ReadRequirement: 1
fail.NotifyMulticstIntervalSeconds.ReadRequirement: 1
fail.ProtocolEnable.ReadRequirement: 4
pass: 149
passGet: 29
totaltests: 157
Validation has failed: 9 problems found
Doing ../HWMgmt-OCP-Profiles/OCPBaselineHardwareManagement.v1_0_1.json
Redfish Interop Validator, version 2.0.1
Option online_profiles not supported!
"DEFAULT": {},
"Tool": {
"verbose": {
"value": "",
"description": "TBD"
"Host": {
"ip": {
"value": "http://beastmode:5000",
"description": "TBD"
"username": {
"value": "root",
"description": "TBD"
"password": {
"value": "password123456",
"description": "TBD"
"description": {
"value": "redfish-profile-simulator",
"description": "TBD"
"forceauth": {
"value": "False",
"description": "TBD"
"authtype": {
"value": "Basic",
"description": "TBD"
"token": {
"value": "",
"description": "TBD"
"Validator": {
"payload": {
"value": "",
"description": "TBD"
"logdir": {
"value": "./logs",
"description": "TBD"
"oemcheck": {
"value": "True",
"description": "TBD"
"online_profiles": {
"value": "True",
"description": "TBD"
"debugging": {
"value": "False",
"description": "TBD"
Target URI: http://beastmode:5000
authtype: Basic
config: config/example.ini
debugging: False
forceauth: False
ip: http://beastmode:5000
logdir: ./logs
oemcheck: True
online_profiles: True
password: ******
profile: ['../HWMgmt-OCP-Profiles/OCPBaselineHardwareManagement.v1_0_1.json']
username: root
verbose: 0
warnrecommended: False
writecheck: False
Start time: 10/28/21 - 09:15:57
Setting up service...
Redfish Version of Service: 1.0.2
Description of service: redfish-profile-simulator
Profile Hashes:
profile: OCPBaselineHardwareManagement, dict md5 hash: 2375fceaf24d4171097ba4d81c89f7e0
*** /redfish/v1/, ServiceRoot
Type (#ServiceRoot.v1_0_2.ServiceRoot), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for AccountService
### Validating PropertyRequirements for UUID
### Validating PropertyRequirements for RedfishVersion
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Chassis
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Managers
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SessionService
6 of 6 tests passed.
ServiceRoot, Counter({'pass': 6, 'totaltests': 6, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/, ServiceRoot
Type (#ServiceRoot.v1_0_2.ServiceRoot), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for AccountService
### Validating PropertyRequirements for UUID
### Validating PropertyRequirements for RedfishVersion
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Chassis
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Managers
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SessionService
6 of 6 tests passed.
ServiceRoot, Counter({'pass': 6, 'totaltests': 6, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/AccountService, AccountService
Type (#AccountService.v1_0_2.AccountService), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Accounts
1 of 1 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:AccountService, Counter({'passGet': 1, 'pass': 1, 'totaltests': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Chassis, ChassisCollection
Type (#ChassisCollection.ChassisCollection), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Members
2 of 2 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Chassis, Counter({'pass': 2, 'totaltests': 2, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Managers, ManagerCollection
Type (#ManagerCollection.ManagerCollection), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Members
2 of 2 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Managers, Counter({'pass': 2, 'totaltests': 2, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/SessionService, SessionService
Type (#SessionService.v1_0_2.SessionService), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
0 of 0 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:SessionService, Counter({'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Chassis/A33, Chassis
Type (#Chassis.v1_2_0.Chassis), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for AssetTag
### Validating PropertyRequirements for ChassisType
### Validating PropertyRequirements for IndicatorLED
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Manufacturer
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Model
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SerialNumber
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SKU
### Validating PropertyRequirements for PartNumber
### Validating PropertyRequirements for PowerState
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Status
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Thermal
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Power
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Links
18 of 18 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Chassis:Members#0, Counter({'pass': 18, 'totaltests': 18, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc, Manager
Type (#Manager.v1_1_0.Manager), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for ManagerType
### Validating PropertyRequirements for UUID
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Status
### Validating PropertyRequirements for FirmwareVersion
### Validating PropertyRequirements for NetworkProtocol
### Validating PropertyRequirements for EthernetInterfaces
### Validating PropertyRequirements for LogServices
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Links
11 of 12 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Managers:Members#0, Counter({'totaltests': 12, 'pass': 11, 'passGet': 1, 'fail.LogServices.ReadRequirement': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/root, ManagerAccount
Type (#ManagerAccount.v1_0_2.ManagerAccount), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
0 of 0 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:AccountService:Accounts:Members#0, Counter({'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/jane, ManagerAccount
Type (#ManagerAccount.v1_0_2.ManagerAccount), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
0 of 0 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:AccountService:Accounts:Members#1, Counter({'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/john, ManagerAccount
Type (#ManagerAccount.v1_0_2.ManagerAccount), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
0 of 0 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:AccountService:Accounts:Members#2, Counter({'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Chassis/A33/Power, Power
Type (#Power.v1_1_0.Power), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for PowerControl
6 of 6 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Chassis:Members#0:Power, Counter({'pass': 6, 'totaltests': 6, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Chassis/A33/Thermal, Thermal
Type (#Thermal.v1_1_0.Thermal), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Fans
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Temperatures
Item is recommended but does not exist
Item is recommended but does not exist
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Redundancy
43 of 43 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Chassis:Members#0:Thermal, Counter({'pass': 43, 'totaltests': 43, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces, EthernetInterfaceCollection
Type (#EthernetInterfaceCollection.EthernetInterfaceCollection), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Members
2 of 2 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Managers:Members#0:EthernetInterfaces, Counter({'pass': 2, 'totaltests': 2, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/NetworkProtocol, ManagerNetworkProtocol
Type (#ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_2.ManagerNetworkProtocol), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for HostName
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Status
### Validating PropertyRequirements for FQDN
### Validating PropertyRequirements for HTTP
### Validating PropertyRequirements for HTTPS
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SSH
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SSDP
18 of 18 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Managers:Members#0:NetworkProtocol, Counter({'pass': 18, 'totaltests': 18, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces/eth0, EthernetInterface
Type (#EthernetInterface.v1_0_2.EthernetInterface), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for MACAddress
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SpeedMbps
### Validating PropertyRequirements for InterfaceEnabled
### Validating PropertyRequirements for LinkStatus
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Status
### Validating PropertyRequirements for DHCPv4
Item is recommended but does not exist
### Validating PropertyRequirements for DHCPv6
Item is recommended but does not exist
### Validating PropertyRequirements for HostName
Condition DOES apply
### Validating PropertyRequirements for FQDN
Condition DOES apply
### Validating PropertyRequirements for NameServers
Item is recommended but does not exist
Condition DOES apply
### Validating PropertyRequirements for IPv4Addresses
Condition DOES apply
### Validating PropertyRequirements for IPv4StaticAddresses
Item is recommended but does not exist
### Validating PropertyRequirements for IPv6AddressPolicyTable
### Validating PropertyRequirements for IPv6StaticAddresses
### Validating PropertyRequirements for IPv6StaticDefaultGateways
Item is recommended but does not exist
### Validating PropertyRequirements for IPv6Addresses
### Validating PropertyRequirements for StaticNameServers
Item is recommended but does not exist
35 of 38 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Managers:Members#0:EthernetInterfaces:Members#0, Counter({'totaltests': 38, 'pass': 35, 'passGet': 1, 'fail.MinVersion': 1, 'fail.LinkStatus.ReadRequirement': 1, 'fail.NameServers.Conditional.ReadRequirement': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Systems/2M220100SL/LogServices/SEL, LogService
Type (#LogService.v1_0_2.LogService), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Entries
2 of 2 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Systems:Members#0:LogServices:Members#0, Counter({'pass': 2, 'totaltests': 2, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Systems/2M220100SL/LogServices/SEL/Entries/1, LogEntry
Type (#LogEntry.v1_0_2.LogEntry), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Created
### Validating PropertyRequirements for EntryType
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Message
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Severity
4 of 4 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Systems:Members#0:LogServices:Members#0:Entries:Members#0, Counter({'pass': 4, 'totaltests': 4, 'passGet': 1})
/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Thermal: URI could not be acquired: 500
*** /redfish/v1/Systems/2M220100SL/LogServices/SEL/Entries/2, LogEntry
Type (#LogEntry.v1_0_2.LogEntry), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Created
### Validating PropertyRequirements for EntryType
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Message
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Severity
4 of 4 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Systems:Members#0:LogServices:Members#0:Entries:Members#1, Counter({'pass': 4, 'totaltests': 4, 'passGet': 1})
Service Level Checks
Elapsed time: 0:00:00
1 fail.LogServices.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc
1 fail.LinkStatus.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces/eth0
1 fail.MinVersion errors in /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces/eth0
1 fail.NameServers.Conditional.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces/eth0
fail.LinkStatus.ReadRequirement: 1
fail.LogServices.ReadRequirement: 1
fail.MinVersion: 1
fail.NameServers.Conditional.ReadRequirement: 1
pass: 155
passGet: 29
totaltests: 158
Validation has failed: 4 problems found
Doing ../HWMgmt-OCP-Profiles/OCPDoorHeatExchangerHardwareManagement.v0_0_5.json
Redfish Interop Validator, version 2.0.1
Option online_profiles not supported!
"DEFAULT": {},
"Tool": {
"verbose": {
"value": "",
"description": "TBD"
"Host": {
"ip": {
"value": "http://beastmode:5000",
"description": "TBD"
"username": {
"value": "root",
"description": "TBD"
"password": {
"value": "password123456",
"description": "TBD"
"description": {
"value": "redfish-profile-simulator",
"description": "TBD"
"forceauth": {
"value": "False",
"description": "TBD"
"authtype": {
"value": "Basic",
"description": "TBD"
"token": {
"value": "",
"description": "TBD"
"Validator": {
"payload": {
"value": "",
"description": "TBD"
"logdir": {
"value": "./logs",
"description": "TBD"
"oemcheck": {
"value": "True",
"description": "TBD"
"online_profiles": {
"value": "True",
"description": "TBD"
"debugging": {
"value": "False",
"description": "TBD"
Target URI: http://beastmode:5000
authtype: Basic
config: config/example.ini
debugging: False
forceauth: False
ip: http://beastmode:5000
logdir: ./logs
oemcheck: True
online_profiles: True
password: ******
profile: ['../HWMgmt-OCP-Profiles/OCPDoorHeatExchangerHardwareManagement.v0_0_5.json']
username: root
verbose: 0
warnrecommended: False
writecheck: False
Start time: 10/28/21 - 09:15:58
Setting up service...
Redfish Version of Service: 1.0.2
Description of service: redfish-profile-simulator
Could not acquire this profile OCPBaselineHardwareManagement None
Profile Hashes:
profile: OCPDoorHeatExchangerController, dict md5 hash: 7477bd0175a0b7a7906ed940bcdb641d
*** /redfish/v1/, ServiceRoot
Type (#ServiceRoot.v1_0_2.ServiceRoot), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
0 of 1 tests passed.
ServiceRoot, Counter({'passGet': 1, 'fail.MinVersion': 1, 'totaltests': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/, ServiceRoot
Type (#ServiceRoot.v1_0_2.ServiceRoot), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
0 of 1 tests passed.
ServiceRoot, Counter({'passGet': 1, 'fail.MinVersion': 1, 'totaltests': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Chassis, ChassisCollection
Type (#ChassisCollection.ChassisCollection), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Members
2 of 2 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Chassis, Counter({'pass': 2, 'totaltests': 2, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Managers, ManagerCollection
Type (#ManagerCollection.ManagerCollection), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Members
2 of 2 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Managers, Counter({'pass': 2, 'totaltests': 2, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Chassis/A33, Chassis
Type (#Chassis.v1_2_0.Chassis), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for AssetTag
### Validating PropertyRequirements for ChassisType
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Controls
Item is recommended but does not exist
### Validating PropertyRequirements for PartNumber
Invalid Profile - CompareType is required for CompareProperty but not found
Condition was skipped due to payload error
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Power
### Validating PropertyRequirements for PowerState
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SKU
Invalid Profile - CompareType is required for CompareProperty but not found
Condition was skipped due to payload error
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SerialNumber
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Status
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Thermal
13 of 13 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Chassis:Members#0, Counter({'pass': 13, 'totaltests': 13, 'errorProfileComparisonError': 2, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc, Manager
Type (#Manager.v1_1_0.Manager), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
0 of 1 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Managers:Members#0, Counter({'passGet': 1, 'fail.MinVersion': 1, 'totaltests': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Chassis/A33/Power, Power
Type (#Power.v1_1_0.Power), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Status
### Validating PropertyRequirements for PowerConsumedWatts
### Validating PropertyRequirements for PowerControl
complex PowerMetrics is missing or not a dictionary
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Voltages
Something went wrong
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/jfaust/hack/redfish/Redfish-Interop-Validator/", line 167, in validateSingleURI
propMessages, propCounts = interop.validateInteropResource(propResourceObj, objRes, jsondata)
File "/home/jfaust/hack/redfish/Redfish-Interop-Validator/common/", line 586, in validateInteropResource
propResourceObj, innerDict[item], (rf_payload.get(item, 'DNE'), rf_payload_tuple), item)
File "/home/jfaust/hack/redfish/Redfish-Interop-Validator/common/", line 394, in validatePropertyRequirement
msg, success = validateRequirement(profile_entry.get('ReadRequirement', 'Mandatory'), rf_payload_item, parent_object_tuple=rf_payload)
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'get'
Could not finish validation check on this payload
ServiceRoot:Chassis:Members#0:Power, Counter({'passGet': 1, 'exceptionProfilePayload': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Chassis/A33/Thermal, Thermal
Type (#Thermal.v1_1_0.Thermal), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Status
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Temperatures
Something went wrong
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/jfaust/hack/redfish/Redfish-Interop-Validator/", line 167, in validateSingleURI
propMessages, propCounts = interop.validateInteropResource(propResourceObj, objRes, jsondata)
File "/home/jfaust/hack/redfish/Redfish-Interop-Validator/common/", line 586, in validateInteropResource
propResourceObj, innerDict[item], (rf_payload.get(item, 'DNE'), rf_payload_tuple), item)
File "/home/jfaust/hack/redfish/Redfish-Interop-Validator/common/", line 375, in validatePropertyRequirement
comparisonValue = v.get("Comparison", "AnyOf") if v.get("Values") is not None else None
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'get'
Could not finish validation check on this payload
ServiceRoot:Chassis:Members#0:Thermal, Counter({'passGet': 1, 'exceptionProfilePayload': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces, EthernetInterfaceCollection
Type (#EthernetInterfaceCollection.EthernetInterfaceCollection), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Members
2 of 2 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Managers:Members#0:EthernetInterfaces, Counter({'pass': 2, 'totaltests': 2, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/NetworkProtocol, ManagerNetworkProtocol
Type (#ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_2.ManagerNetworkProtocol), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
0 of 1 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Managers:Members#0:NetworkProtocol, Counter({'passGet': 1, 'fail.MinVersion': 1, 'totaltests': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces/eth0, EthernetInterface
Type (#EthernetInterface.v1_0_2.EthernetInterface), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
0 of 1 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Managers:Members#0:EthernetInterfaces:Members#0, Counter({'passGet': 1, 'fail.MinVersion': 1, 'totaltests': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Systems/2M220100SL/LogServices/SEL, LogService
Type (#LogService.v1_0_2.LogService), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
0 of 1 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Systems:Members#0:LogServices:Members#0, Counter({'passGet': 1, 'fail.MinVersion': 1, 'totaltests': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Systems/2M220100SL/LogServices/SEL/Entries, LogEntryCollection
Type (#LogEntryCollection.LogEntryCollection), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Members
3 of 3 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Systems:Members#0:LogServices:Members#0:Entries, Counter({'pass': 3, 'totaltests': 3, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Systems/2M220100SL/LogServices/SEL/Entries/1, LogEntry
Type (#LogEntry.v1_0_2.LogEntry), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
0 of 1 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Systems:Members#0:LogServices:Members#0:Entries:Members#0, Counter({'passGet': 1, 'fail.MinVersion': 1, 'totaltests': 1})
/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Thermal: URI could not be acquired: 500
*** /redfish/v1/Systems/2M220100SL/LogServices/SEL/Entries/2, LogEntry
Type (#LogEntry.v1_0_2.LogEntry), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
0 of 1 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Systems:Members#0:LogServices:Members#0:Entries:Members#1, Counter({'passGet': 1, 'fail.MinVersion': 1, 'totaltests': 1})
Service Level Checks
Elapsed time: 0:00:03
1 fail.MinVersion errors in /redfish/v1/
1 fail.MinVersion errors in /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc
1 exceptionProfilePayload errors in /redfish/v1/Chassis/A33/Power
1 exceptionProfilePayload errors in /redfish/v1/Chassis/A33/Thermal
1 fail.MinVersion errors in /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/NetworkProtocol
1 fail.MinVersion errors in /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces/eth0
1 fail.MinVersion errors in /redfish/v1/Systems/2M220100SL/LogServices/SEL
1 fail.MinVersion errors in /redfish/v1/Systems/2M220100SL/LogServices/SEL/Entries/1
1 fail.MinVersion errors in /redfish/v1/Systems/2M220100SL/LogServices/SEL/Entries/2
errorProfileComparisonError: 2
exceptionProfilePayload: 2
fail.MinVersion: 7
failErrorPresent: 1
pass: 22
passGet: 29
totaltests: 29
Validation has failed: 10 problems found
Doing ../HWMgmt-OCP-Profiles/OCPRackManagerController.v1_0_0.json
Redfish Interop Validator, version 2.0.1
Option online_profiles not supported!
"DEFAULT": {},
"Tool": {
"verbose": {
"value": "",
"description": "TBD"
"Host": {
"ip": {
"value": "http://beastmode:5000",
"description": "TBD"
"username": {
"value": "root",
"description": "TBD"
"password": {
"value": "password123456",
"description": "TBD"
"description": {
"value": "redfish-profile-simulator",
"description": "TBD"
"forceauth": {
"value": "False",
"description": "TBD"
"authtype": {
"value": "Basic",
"description": "TBD"
"token": {
"value": "",
"description": "TBD"
"Validator": {
"payload": {
"value": "",
"description": "TBD"
"logdir": {
"value": "./logs",
"description": "TBD"
"oemcheck": {
"value": "True",
"description": "TBD"
"online_profiles": {
"value": "True",
"description": "TBD"
"debugging": {
"value": "False",
"description": "TBD"
Target URI: http://beastmode:5000
authtype: Basic
config: config/example.ini
debugging: False
forceauth: False
ip: http://beastmode:5000
logdir: ./logs
oemcheck: True
online_profiles: True
password: ******
profile: ['../HWMgmt-OCP-Profiles/OCPRackManagerController.v1_0_0.json']
username: root
verbose: 0
warnrecommended: False
writecheck: False
Start time: 10/28/21 - 09:16:01
Setting up service...
Redfish Version of Service: 1.0.2
Description of service: redfish-profile-simulator
Profile Hashes:
profile: OCPRackManagerController, dict md5 hash: a5fd8372ef3ec65006ab65f7ed45a096
*** /redfish/v1/, ServiceRoot
Type (#ServiceRoot.v1_0_2.ServiceRoot), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for RedfishVersion
### Validating PropertyRequirements for UUID
### Validating PropertyRequirements for AccountService
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Chassis
### Validating PropertyRequirements for EventService
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Managers
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Registries
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SessionService
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Tasks
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Telemetry
### Validating PropertyRequirements for UpdateService
6 of 11 tests passed.
ServiceRoot, Counter({'totaltests': 11, 'pass': 6, 'passGet': 1, 'fail.EventService.ReadRequirement': 1, 'fail.Registries.ReadRequirement': 1, 'fail.Tasks.ReadRequirement': 1, 'fail.Telemetry.ReadRequirement': 1, 'fail.UpdateService.ReadRequirement': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/, ServiceRoot
Type (#ServiceRoot.v1_0_2.ServiceRoot), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for RedfishVersion
### Validating PropertyRequirements for UUID
### Validating PropertyRequirements for AccountService
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Chassis
### Validating PropertyRequirements for EventService
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Managers
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Registries
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SessionService
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Tasks
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Telemetry
### Validating PropertyRequirements for UpdateService
6 of 11 tests passed.
ServiceRoot, Counter({'totaltests': 11, 'pass': 6, 'passGet': 1, 'fail.EventService.ReadRequirement': 1, 'fail.Registries.ReadRequirement': 1, 'fail.Tasks.ReadRequirement': 1, 'fail.Telemetry.ReadRequirement': 1, 'fail.UpdateService.ReadRequirement': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Chassis, ChassisCollection
Type (#ChassisCollection.ChassisCollection), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Members
2 of 2 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Chassis, Counter({'pass': 2, 'totaltests': 2, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Managers, ManagerCollection
Type (#ManagerCollection.ManagerCollection), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Members
2 of 2 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Managers, Counter({'pass': 2, 'totaltests': 2, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Systems, ComputerSystemCollection
Type (#ComputerSystemCollection.ComputerSystemCollection), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Members
2 of 2 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Systems, Counter({'pass': 2, 'totaltests': 2, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Chassis/A33, Chassis
Type (#Chassis.v1_2_0.Chassis), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for ChassisType
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Assettag
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Manufacturer
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Model
### Validating PropertyRequirements for PartNumber
### Validating PropertyRequirements for PowerState
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SerialNumber
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Status
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Thermal
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Power
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Links
15 of 18 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Chassis:Members#0, Counter({'totaltests': 18, 'pass': 15, 'passGet': 1, 'fail.Assettag.ReadRequirement': 1, 'fail.ContainedBy.ReadRequirement': 1, 'fail.Contains.ReadRequirement': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc, Manager
Type (#Manager.v1_1_0.Manager), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for ManagerType
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Description
### Validating PropertyRequirements for UUID
### Validating PropertyRequirements for ServiceEntryPointUUID
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Model
### Validating PropertyRequirements for DateTime
### Validating PropertyRequirements for DateTimeLocalOffset
### Validating PropertyRequirements for FirmwareVersion
### Validating PropertyRequirements for PowerState
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SerialConsole
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Status
### Validating PropertyRequirements for EthernetInterfaces
### Validating PropertyRequirements for ManagerNetworkProtocol
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Links
16 of 20 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Managers:Members#0, Counter({'totaltests': 20, 'pass': 16, 'passGet': 1, 'fail.PowerState.ReadRequirement': 1, 'fail.SerialConsole.ReadRequirement': 1, 'fail.HealthRollup.ReadRequirement': 1, 'fail.ManagerNetworkProtocol.ReadRequirement': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Systems/2M220100SL, ComputerSystem
Type (#ComputerSystem.v1_1_0.ComputerSystem), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Status
### Validating PropertyRequirements for UUID
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SerialNumber
### Validating PropertyRequirements for BIOSVersion
### Validating PropertyRequirements for ProcessorSummary
### Validating PropertyRequirements for MemorySummary
### Validating PropertyRequirements for PowerState
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Boot
### Validating PropertyRequirements for EthernetInterfaces
### Validating PropertyRequirements for LogServices
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Links
12 of 17 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Systems:Members#0, Counter({'totaltests': 17, 'pass': 12, 'passGet': 1, 'fail.BIOSVersion.ReadRequirement': 1, 'fail.ProcessorSummary.ReadRequirement': 1, 'fail.MemorySummary.ReadRequirement': 1, 'fail.EthernetInterfaces.ReadRequirement': 1, 'fail.ManagerBy.ReadRequirement': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Chassis/A33/Power, Power
Type (#Power.v1_1_0.Power), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Status
### Validating PropertyRequirements for PowerConsumedWatts
### Validating PropertyRequirements for PowerControl
complex PowerMetrics is missing or not a dictionary
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Voltages
Something went wrong
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/jfaust/hack/redfish/Redfish-Interop-Validator/", line 167, in validateSingleURI
propMessages, propCounts = interop.validateInteropResource(propResourceObj, objRes, jsondata)
File "/home/jfaust/hack/redfish/Redfish-Interop-Validator/common/", line 586, in validateInteropResource
propResourceObj, innerDict[item], (rf_payload.get(item, 'DNE'), rf_payload_tuple), item)
File "/home/jfaust/hack/redfish/Redfish-Interop-Validator/common/", line 394, in validatePropertyRequirement
msg, success = validateRequirement(profile_entry.get('ReadRequirement', 'Mandatory'), rf_payload_item, parent_object_tuple=rf_payload)
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'get'
Could not finish validation check on this payload
ServiceRoot:Chassis:Members#0:Power, Counter({'passGet': 1, 'exceptionProfilePayload': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Chassis/A33/Thermal, Thermal
Type (#Thermal.v1_1_0.Thermal), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Status
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Temperatures
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Fans
29 of 32 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Chassis:Members#0:Thermal, Counter({'totaltests': 32, 'pass': 29, 'fail.HotPluggable.ReadRequirement': 2, 'passGet': 1, 'fail.Status.ReadRequirement': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces, EthernetInterfaceCollection
Type (#EthernetInterfaceCollection.EthernetInterfaceCollection), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Members
2 of 2 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Managers:Members#0:EthernetInterfaces, Counter({'pass': 2, 'totaltests': 2, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/NetworkProtocol, ManagerNetworkProtocol
Type (#ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_2.ManagerNetworkProtocol), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Status
### Validating PropertyRequirements for HTTP
### Validating PropertyRequirements for HTTPS
5 of 7 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Managers:Members#0:NetworkProtocol, Counter({'totaltests': 7, 'pass': 5, 'fail.ProtocolEnable.ReadRequirement': 2, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces/eth0, EthernetInterface
Type (#EthernetInterface.v1_0_2.EthernetInterface), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for MACAddress
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SpeedMbps
### Validating PropertyRequirements for InterfaceEnabled
### Validating PropertyRequirements for LinkStatus
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Status
### Validating PropertyRequirements for DHCPv4
Item is recommended but does not exist
### Validating PropertyRequirements for DHCPv6
Item is recommended but does not exist
### Validating PropertyRequirements for HostName
Condition DOES apply
### Validating PropertyRequirements for FQDN
Condition DOES apply
### Validating PropertyRequirements for NameServers
Item is recommended but does not exist
Condition DOES apply
### Validating PropertyRequirements for IPv4Addresses
Condition DOES apply
### Validating PropertyRequirements for IPv4StaticAddresses
Item is recommended but does not exist
### Validating PropertyRequirements for IPv6AddressPolicyTable
### Validating PropertyRequirements for IPv6StaticAddresses
### Validating PropertyRequirements for IPv6StaticDefaultGateways
Item is recommended but does not exist
### Validating PropertyRequirements for IPv6Addresses
### Validating PropertyRequirements for StaticNameServers
Item is recommended but does not exist
35 of 38 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Managers:Members#0:EthernetInterfaces:Members#0, Counter({'totaltests': 38, 'pass': 35, 'passGet': 1, 'fail.MinVersion': 1, 'fail.LinkStatus.ReadRequirement': 1, 'fail.NameServers.Conditional.ReadRequirement': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Systems/2M220100SL/LogServices/SEL, LogService
Type (#LogService.v1_0_2.LogService), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for OverWritePolicy
### Validating PropertyRequirements for DateTime
### Validating PropertyRequirements for DateTimeLocalOffset
### Validating PropertyRequirements for ServiceEnabled
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Status
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Entries
6 of 6 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Systems:Members#0:LogServices:Members#0, Counter({'pass': 6, 'totaltests': 6, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Systems/2M220100SL/LogServices/SEL/Entries, LogEntryCollection
Type (#LogEntryCollection.LogEntryCollection), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Members
3 of 3 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Systems:Members#0:LogServices:Members#0:Entries, Counter({'pass': 3, 'totaltests': 3, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Systems/2M220100SL/LogServices/SEL/Entries/1, LogEntry
Type (#LogEntry.v1_0_2.LogEntry), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Created
### Validating PropertyRequirements for EntryType
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Message
### Validating PropertyRequirements for MessageId
### Validating PropertyRequirements for MessageArgs
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SensorNumber
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Severity
7 of 7 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Systems:Members#0:LogServices:Members#0:Entries:Members#0, Counter({'pass': 7, 'totaltests': 7, 'passGet': 1})
/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Thermal: URI could not be acquired: 500
*** /redfish/v1/Systems/2M220100SL/LogServices/SEL/Entries/2, LogEntry
Type (#LogEntry.v1_0_2.LogEntry), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Created
### Validating PropertyRequirements for EntryType
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Message
### Validating PropertyRequirements for MessageId
### Validating PropertyRequirements for MessageArgs
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SensorNumber
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Severity
7 of 7 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Systems:Members#0:LogServices:Members#0:Entries:Members#1, Counter({'pass': 7, 'totaltests': 7, 'passGet': 1})
Service Level Checks
Elapsed time: 0:00:00
1 fail.EventService.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/
1 fail.Registries.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/
1 fail.Tasks.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/
1 fail.Telemetry.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/
1 fail.UpdateService.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/
1 fail.Assettag.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/Chassis/A33
1 fail.ContainedBy.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/Chassis/A33
1 fail.Contains.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/Chassis/A33
1 fail.HealthRollup.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc
1 fail.ManagerNetworkProtocol.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc
1 fail.PowerState.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc
1 fail.SerialConsole.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc
1 fail.BIOSVersion.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/Systems/2M220100SL
1 fail.EthernetInterfaces.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/Systems/2M220100SL
1 fail.ManagerBy.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/Systems/2M220100SL
1 fail.MemorySummary.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/Systems/2M220100SL
1 fail.ProcessorSummary.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/Systems/2M220100SL
1 exceptionProfilePayload errors in /redfish/v1/Chassis/A33/Power
2 fail.HotPluggable.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/Chassis/A33/Thermal
1 fail.Status.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/Chassis/A33/Thermal
2 fail.ProtocolEnable.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/NetworkProtocol
1 fail.LinkStatus.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces/eth0
1 fail.MinVersion errors in /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces/eth0
1 fail.NameServers.Conditional.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces/eth0
exceptionProfilePayload: 1
fail.Assettag.ReadRequirement: 1
fail.BIOSVersion.ReadRequirement: 1
fail.ContainedBy.ReadRequirement: 1
fail.Contains.ReadRequirement: 1
fail.EthernetInterfaces.ReadRequirement: 1
fail.EventService.ReadRequirement: 1
fail.HealthRollup.ReadRequirement: 1
fail.HotPluggable.ReadRequirement: 2
fail.LinkStatus.ReadRequirement: 1
fail.ManagerBy.ReadRequirement: 1
fail.ManagerNetworkProtocol.ReadRequirement: 1
fail.MemorySummary.ReadRequirement: 1
fail.MinVersion: 1
fail.NameServers.Conditional.ReadRequirement: 1
fail.PowerState.ReadRequirement: 1
fail.ProcessorSummary.ReadRequirement: 1
fail.ProtocolEnable.ReadRequirement: 2
fail.Registries.ReadRequirement: 1
fail.SerialConsole.ReadRequirement: 1
fail.Status.ReadRequirement: 1
fail.Tasks.ReadRequirement: 1
fail.Telemetry.ReadRequirement: 1
fail.UpdateService.ReadRequirement: 1
pass: 150
passGet: 29
totaltests: 174
Validation has failed: 26 problems found
Doing ../HWMgmt-OCP-Profiles/OCPServerHardwareManagement.json
Redfish Interop Validator, version 2.0.1
Option online_profiles not supported!
"DEFAULT": {},
"Tool": {
"verbose": {
"value": "",
"description": "TBD"
"Host": {
"ip": {
"value": "http://beastmode:5000",
"description": "TBD"
"username": {
"value": "root",
"description": "TBD"
"password": {
"value": "password123456",
"description": "TBD"
"description": {
"value": "redfish-profile-simulator",
"description": "TBD"
"forceauth": {
"value": "False",
"description": "TBD"
"authtype": {
"value": "Basic",
"description": "TBD"
"token": {
"value": "",
"description": "TBD"
"Validator": {
"payload": {
"value": "",
"description": "TBD"
"logdir": {
"value": "./logs",
"description": "TBD"
"oemcheck": {
"value": "True",
"description": "TBD"
"online_profiles": {
"value": "True",
"description": "TBD"
"debugging": {
"value": "False",
"description": "TBD"
Target URI: http://beastmode:5000
authtype: Basic
config: config/example.ini
debugging: False
forceauth: False
ip: http://beastmode:5000
logdir: ./logs
oemcheck: True
online_profiles: True
password: ******
profile: ['../HWMgmt-OCP-Profiles/OCPServerHardwareManagement.json']
username: root
verbose: 0
warnrecommended: False
writecheck: False
Start time: 10/28/21 - 09:16:01
Setting up service...
Redfish Version of Service: 1.0.2
Description of service: redfish-profile-simulator
Could not acquire this profile OCPBaselineHardwareManagement None
Profile Hashes:
profile: OCPServerHardwareManagement, dict md5 hash: 63c20344cf90f54cfc1686885bb1dcd6
*** /redfish/v1/, ServiceRoot
Type (#ServiceRoot.v1_0_2.ServiceRoot), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Systems
1 of 1 tests passed.
ServiceRoot, Counter({'passGet': 1, 'pass': 1, 'totaltests': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/, ServiceRoot
Type (#ServiceRoot.v1_0_2.ServiceRoot), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Systems
1 of 1 tests passed.
ServiceRoot, Counter({'passGet': 1, 'pass': 1, 'totaltests': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Systems, ComputerSystemCollection
Type (#ComputerSystemCollection.ComputerSystemCollection), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Members
2 of 2 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Systems, Counter({'pass': 2, 'totaltests': 2, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Chassis/A33, Chassis
Type (#Chassis.v1_2_0.Chassis), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Links
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Thermal
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Power
5 of 5 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Chassis:Members#0, Counter({'pass': 5, 'totaltests': 5, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc, Manager
Type (#Manager.v1_1_0.Manager), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SerialConsole
complex SerialConsole is missing or not a dictionary
0 of 1 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Managers:Members#0, Counter({'passGet': 1, 'fail.SerialConsole.ReadRequirement': 1, 'totaltests': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Systems/2M220100SL, ComputerSystem
Type (#ComputerSystem.v1_1_0.ComputerSystem), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for AssetTag
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SystemType
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SerialNumber
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Manufacturer
### Validating PropertyRequirements for MemorySummary
complex MemorySummary is missing or not a dictionary
### Validating PropertyRequirements for ProcessorSummary
complex ProcessorSummary is missing or not a dictionary
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Model
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SKU
Invalid Profile - CompareType is required for CompareProperty but not found
Condition was skipped due to payload error
### Validating PropertyRequirements for PartNumber
Invalid Profile - CompareType is required for CompareProperty but not found
Condition was skipped due to payload error
### Validating PropertyRequirements for PowerState
### Validating PropertyRequirements for BiosVersion
### Validating PropertyRequirements for UUID
### Validating PropertyRequirements for IndicatorLED
Condition DOES apply
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Status
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Boot
Condition DOES apply
### Validating PropertyRequirements for LogServices
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Links
31 of 33 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Systems:Members#0, Counter({'totaltests': 33, 'pass': 31, 'errorProfileComparisonError': 2, 'passGet': 1, 'fail.MemorySummary.ReadRequirement': 1, 'fail.ProcessorSummary.ReadRequirement': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Chassis/A33/Power, Power
Type (#Power.v1_1_0.Power), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for PowerControl
6 of 6 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Chassis:Members#0:Power, Counter({'pass': 6, 'totaltests': 6, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Chassis/A33/Thermal, Thermal
Type (#Thermal.v1_1_0.Thermal), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Temperatures
Item is recommended but does not exist
Item is recommended but does not exist
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Redundancy
39 of 39 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Chassis:Members#0:Thermal, Counter({'pass': 39, 'totaltests': 39, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces/eth0, EthernetInterface
Type (#EthernetInterface.v1_0_2.EthernetInterface), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for MACAddress
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SpeedMbps
### Validating PropertyRequirements for InterfaceEnabled
### Validating PropertyRequirements for LinkStatus
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Status
### Validating PropertyRequirements for HostName
### Validating PropertyRequirements for FQDN
### Validating PropertyRequirements for NameServers
### Validating PropertyRequirements for IPv4Addresses
13 of 16 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Managers:Members#0:EthernetInterfaces:Members#0, Counter({'totaltests': 16, 'pass': 13, 'passGet': 1, 'fail.MinVersion': 1, 'fail.LinkStatus.ReadRequirement': 1, 'fail.NameServers.ReadRequirement': 1})
/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Thermal: URI could not be acquired: 500
Service Level Checks
Elapsed time: 0:00:00
1 fail.SerialConsole.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc
1 fail.MemorySummary.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/Systems/2M220100SL
1 fail.ProcessorSummary.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/Systems/2M220100SL
1 fail.LinkStatus.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces/eth0
1 fail.MinVersion errors in /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces/eth0
1 fail.NameServers.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces/eth0
errorProfileComparisonError: 2
fail.LinkStatus.ReadRequirement: 1
fail.MemorySummary.ReadRequirement: 1
fail.MinVersion: 1
fail.NameServers.ReadRequirement: 1
fail.ProcessorSummary.ReadRequirement: 1
fail.SerialConsole.ReadRequirement: 1
pass: 97
passGet: 29
totaltests: 103
Validation has failed: 6 problems found
Doing ../HWMgmt-OCP-Profiles/OCPServerHardwareManagement.v0_2_3.json
Redfish Interop Validator, version 2.0.1
Option online_profiles not supported!
"DEFAULT": {},
"Tool": {
"verbose": {
"value": "",
"description": "TBD"
"Host": {
"ip": {
"value": "http://beastmode:5000",
"description": "TBD"
"username": {
"value": "root",
"description": "TBD"
"password": {
"value": "password123456",
"description": "TBD"
"description": {
"value": "redfish-profile-simulator",
"description": "TBD"
"forceauth": {
"value": "False",
"description": "TBD"
"authtype": {
"value": "Basic",
"description": "TBD"
"token": {
"value": "",
"description": "TBD"
"Validator": {
"payload": {
"value": "",
"description": "TBD"
"logdir": {
"value": "./logs",
"description": "TBD"
"oemcheck": {
"value": "True",
"description": "TBD"
"online_profiles": {
"value": "True",
"description": "TBD"
"debugging": {
"value": "False",
"description": "TBD"
Target URI: http://beastmode:5000
authtype: Basic
config: config/example.ini
debugging: False
forceauth: False
ip: http://beastmode:5000
logdir: ./logs
oemcheck: True
online_profiles: True
password: ******
profile: ['../HWMgmt-OCP-Profiles/OCPServerHardwareManagement.v0_2_3.json']
username: root
verbose: 0
warnrecommended: False
writecheck: False
Start time: 10/28/21 - 09:16:02
Setting up service...
Redfish Version of Service: 1.0.2
Description of service: redfish-profile-simulator
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 277, in <module>
status_code, lastResultsPage, exit_string = main()
File "", line 157, in main
all_profiles.extend(getProfiles(profile, './', online=args.online_profiles))
File "/home/jfaust/hack/redfish/Redfish-Interop-Validator/common/", line 123, in getProfiles
targetVersion = 'v{}_{}_{}'.format(*tuple(targetVersionUnformatted.split('.')))
IndexError: tuple index out of range
Doing ../HWMgmt-OCP-Profiles/OCPServerHardwareManagement.v0_2_4.json
Redfish Interop Validator, version 2.0.1
Option online_profiles not supported!
"DEFAULT": {},
"Tool": {
"verbose": {
"value": "",
"description": "TBD"
"Host": {
"ip": {
"value": "http://beastmode:5000",
"description": "TBD"
"username": {
"value": "root",
"description": "TBD"
"password": {
"value": "password123456",
"description": "TBD"
"description": {
"value": "redfish-profile-simulator",
"description": "TBD"
"forceauth": {
"value": "False",
"description": "TBD"
"authtype": {
"value": "Basic",
"description": "TBD"
"token": {
"value": "",
"description": "TBD"
"Validator": {
"payload": {
"value": "",
"description": "TBD"
"logdir": {
"value": "./logs",
"description": "TBD"
"oemcheck": {
"value": "True",
"description": "TBD"
"online_profiles": {
"value": "True",
"description": "TBD"
"debugging": {
"value": "False",
"description": "TBD"
Target URI: http://beastmode:5000
authtype: Basic
config: config/example.ini
debugging: False
forceauth: False
ip: http://beastmode:5000
logdir: ./logs
oemcheck: True
online_profiles: True
password: ******
profile: ['../HWMgmt-OCP-Profiles/OCPServerHardwareManagement.v0_2_4.json']
username: root
verbose: 0
warnrecommended: False
writecheck: False
Start time: 10/28/21 - 09:16:02
Setting up service...
Redfish Version of Service: 1.0.2
Description of service: redfish-profile-simulator
Could not acquire this profile OCPBaselineHardwareManagement None
Profile Hashes:
profile: OCPServerHardwareManagement, dict md5 hash: 7c46a0d8bfc1efd44ffb76292bb5c00d
*** /redfish/v1/, ServiceRoot
Type (#ServiceRoot.v1_0_2.ServiceRoot), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Systems
1 of 1 tests passed.
ServiceRoot, Counter({'passGet': 1, 'pass': 1, 'totaltests': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/, ServiceRoot
Type (#ServiceRoot.v1_0_2.ServiceRoot), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Systems
1 of 1 tests passed.
ServiceRoot, Counter({'passGet': 1, 'pass': 1, 'totaltests': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Systems, ComputerSystemCollection
Type (#ComputerSystemCollection.ComputerSystemCollection), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Members
2 of 2 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Systems, Counter({'pass': 2, 'totaltests': 2, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Chassis/A33, Chassis
Type (#Chassis.v1_2_0.Chassis), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Links
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Thermal
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Power
5 of 5 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Chassis:Members#0, Counter({'pass': 5, 'totaltests': 5, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc, Manager
Type (#Manager.v1_1_0.Manager), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SerialConsole
complex SerialConsole is missing or not a dictionary
0 of 1 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Managers:Members#0, Counter({'passGet': 1, 'fail.SerialConsole.ReadRequirement': 1, 'totaltests': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Systems/2M220100SL, ComputerSystem
Type (#ComputerSystem.v1_1_0.ComputerSystem), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for AssetTag
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SystemType
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SerialNumber
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Manufacturer
### Validating PropertyRequirements for MemorySummary
complex MemorySummary is missing or not a dictionary
### Validating PropertyRequirements for ProcessorSummary
complex ProcessorSummary is missing or not a dictionary
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Model
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SKU
Condition does not apply
### Validating PropertyRequirements for PartNumber
Condition does not apply
### Validating PropertyRequirements for PowerState
### Validating PropertyRequirements for BiosVersion
### Validating PropertyRequirements for UUID
### Validating PropertyRequirements for IndicatorLED
Condition DOES apply
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Status
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Boot
Condition DOES apply
### Validating PropertyRequirements for LogServices
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Links
31 of 33 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Systems:Members#0, Counter({'totaltests': 33, 'pass': 31, 'passGet': 1, 'fail.MemorySummary.ReadRequirement': 1, 'fail.ProcessorSummary.ReadRequirement': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Chassis/A33/Power, Power
Type (#Power.v1_1_0.Power), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for PowerControl
6 of 6 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Chassis:Members#0:Power, Counter({'pass': 6, 'totaltests': 6, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Chassis/A33/Thermal, Thermal
Type (#Thermal.v1_1_0.Thermal), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Temperatures
Item is recommended but does not exist
Item is recommended but does not exist
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Redundancy
39 of 39 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Chassis:Members#0:Thermal, Counter({'pass': 39, 'totaltests': 39, 'passGet': 1})
*** /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces/eth0, EthernetInterface
Type (#EthernetInterface.v1_0_2.EthernetInterface), GET SUCCESS (time: 0)
### Validating an InteropResource
### Validating PropertyRequirements for MACAddress
### Validating PropertyRequirements for SpeedMbps
### Validating PropertyRequirements for InterfaceEnabled
### Validating PropertyRequirements for LinkStatus
### Validating PropertyRequirements for Status
### Validating PropertyRequirements for HostName
### Validating PropertyRequirements for FQDN
### Validating PropertyRequirements for NameServers
### Validating PropertyRequirements for IPv4Addresses
13 of 16 tests passed.
ServiceRoot:Managers:Members#0:EthernetInterfaces:Members#0, Counter({'totaltests': 16, 'pass': 13, 'passGet': 1, 'fail.MinVersion': 1, 'fail.LinkStatus.ReadRequirement': 1, 'fail.NameServers.ReadRequirement': 1})
/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Thermal: URI could not be acquired: 500
Service Level Checks
Elapsed time: 0:00:00
1 fail.SerialConsole.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc
1 fail.MemorySummary.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/Systems/2M220100SL
1 fail.ProcessorSummary.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/Systems/2M220100SL
1 fail.LinkStatus.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces/eth0
1 fail.MinVersion errors in /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces/eth0
1 fail.NameServers.ReadRequirement errors in /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces/eth0
fail.LinkStatus.ReadRequirement: 1
fail.MemorySummary.ReadRequirement: 1
fail.MinVersion: 1
fail.NameServers.ReadRequirement: 1
fail.ProcessorSummary.ReadRequirement: 1
fail.SerialConsole.ReadRequirement: 1
pass: 97
passGet: 29
totaltests: 103
Validation has failed: 6 problems found
Doing ../HWMgmt-OCP-Profiles/OCPStorageManagement.json
Redfish Interop Validator, version 2.0.1
Option online_profiles not supported!
"DEFAULT": {},
"Tool": {
"verbose": {
"value": "",
"description": "TBD"
"Host": {
"ip": {
"value": "http://beastmode:5000",
"description": "TBD"
"username": {
"value": "root",
"description": "TBD"
"password": {
"value": "password123456",
"description": "TBD"
"description": {
"value": "redfish-profile-simulator",
"description": "TBD"
"forceauth": {
"value": "False",
"description": "TBD"
"authtype": {
"value": "Basic",
"description": "TBD"
"token": {
"value": "",
"description": "TBD"
"Validator": {
"payload": {
"value": "",
"description": "TBD"
"logdir": {
"value": "./logs",
"description": "TBD"
"oemcheck": {
"value": "True",
"description": "TBD"
"online_profiles": {
"value": "True",
"description": "TBD"
"debugging": {
"value": "False",
"description": "TBD"
Target URI: http://beastmode:5000
authtype: Basic
config: config/example.ini
debugging: False
forceauth: False
ip: http://beastmode:5000
logdir: ./logs
oemcheck: True
online_profiles: True
password: ******
profile: ['../HWMgmt-OCP-Profiles/OCPStorageManagement.json']
username: root
verbose: 0
warnrecommended: False
writecheck: False
Start time: 10/28/21 - 09:16:03
Setting up service...
Redfish Version of Service: 1.0.2
Description of service: redfish-profile-simulator
Could not acquire this profile SwordfishDiscovery
Could not acquire this profile SwordfishEventNotification
Could not acquire this profile SwordfishBlockProvisioning
Profile Hashes:
profile: OCPStorageManagement, dict md5 hash: 01c6477843f9a3f772fa2dfdc61adea8
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 277, in <module>
status_code, lastResultsPage, exit_string = main()
File "", line 194, in main
success, _, resultsNew, _, _ = validateURITree('/redfish/v1/', profile, 'ServiceRoot', expectedJson=jsonData, check_oem=args.oemcheck)
File "/home/jfaust/hack/redfish/Redfish-Interop-Validator/", line 232, in validateURITree
resource_info = dict(profile.get('Resources'))
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
Doing ../HWMgmt-OCP-Profiles/
Redfish Interop Validator, version 2.0.1
Option online_profiles not supported!
"DEFAULT": {},
"Tool": {
"verbose": {
"value": "",
"description": "TBD"
"Host": {
"ip": {
"value": "http://beastmode:5000",
"description": "TBD"
"username": {
"value": "root",
"description": "TBD"
"password": {
"value": "password123456",
"description": "TBD"
"description": {
"value": "redfish-profile-simulator",
"description": "TBD"
"forceauth": {
"value": "False",
"description": "TBD"
"authtype": {
"value": "Basic",
"description": "TBD"
"token": {
"value": "",
"description": "TBD"
"Validator": {
"payload": {
"value": "",
"description": "TBD"
"logdir": {
"value": "./logs",
"description": "TBD"
"oemcheck": {
"value": "True",
"description": "TBD"
"online_profiles": {
"value": "True",
"description": "TBD"
"debugging": {
"value": "False",
"description": "TBD"
Target URI: http://beastmode:5000
authtype: Basic
config: config/example.ini
debugging: False
forceauth: False
ip: http://beastmode:5000
logdir: ./logs
oemcheck: True
online_profiles: True
password: ******
profile: ['../HWMgmt-OCP-Profiles/']
username: root
verbose: 0
warnrecommended: False
writecheck: False
Start time: 10/28/21 - 09:16:04
Setting up service...
Redfish Version of Service: 1.0.2
Description of service: redfish-profile-simulator
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 277, in <module>
status_code, lastResultsPage, exit_string = main()
File "", line 144, in main
my_profiles.append((filename, json.loads(
File "/usr/lib/python3.6/json/", line 354, in loads
return _default_decoder.decode(s)
File "/usr/lib/python3.6/json/", line 339, in decode
obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())
File "/usr/lib/python3.6/json/", line 357, in raw_decode
raise JSONDecodeError("Expecting value", s, err.value) from None
json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
Copy link

this file was created with Redfish-Interop-Validator @ 689acfe and consumes profiles from HWMgmt-OCP-Profiles @ 3e78e7b to hit a simulator running Redfish-Profile-Simulator @ 7638c82

then i edited the example.ini to point to the simulator, and let her rip.

for x in ../HWMgmt-OCP-Profiles/* ; do 
  echo Doing $x;  python -c config/example.ini $x 
done &> test-every-ocp.txt

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