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Last active April 5, 2021 04:45
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[Monday February 15, 2021 09:00 AM] Permutations
"main": [
"branch": "I watched them all"
"branch": "admiration"
"branch": "quotes"
"branch": "i-ve-wasted-my-youth"
"branch": "ive-heard-its-similar"
"ive-heard-its-similar": [
{ "ps":
"I've (heard|been told) if you like (Rick and Morty|Rick & Morty|R&M) you'll like (Gravity Falls|Adventure Time|Solar Opposites) (too|as well) but I've never (watched|seen) it. (You|Have you)?"
{ "ps":
"(Apparently |)I'm (supposed to|told I would) (like|enjoy|love) (Gravity Falls|Adventure Time) (because|if) I (like|enjoy|love) (Rick and Morty|Rick & Morty|R&M), but (I've never|I haven't) seen it. (Have you|You)?"
"i-ve-wasted-my-youth": { "ps":
"(I've|I have) (wasted|thrown away|burned up|donated|blown) (a lot|too much|way too much|a startling amount|an unhealthy amount) of my youth (on|watching|watching and rewatching) (episodes of ||)this (show|series)."
"I watched them all": [
{ "ps":
"I (really |rather |)(like|enjoy) (Rick and Morty|R&M) but (at this point |by now |)I've seen (all the episodes|every episode|each episode) at least (twice|2-3 times). (Any|Recommend any|Do you have any|Do you have|Know of any) (other |)(shows|series) that are (similar|like it) I might (like|enjoy)?"
"admiration": [
"I love this show.",
"ha ha, I love this show.",
"I don't care how dumb this show is. I love it.",
"Isn't this show the greatest?",
"They just can't make episodes of this show fast enough.",
"R&M is my jam.",
"I. Love. Morty. And I hope Morty loves me.",
"Love R&M",
"This show is so dumb but I love it.",
"I'm a big R&M fan",
"They can't make enough episodes of this show for me",
" ",
"What season are you on?",
" ",
"How many seasons did you get through?",
" ",
"What episode are you on?",
"Which season are you watching now?",
"How many episodes in are you rn?"
"I love",
"I'm a huge fan of",
"I really like",
"I am a dedicated fan of",
" ",
"this show",
"Rick and Morty",
"Rick & Morty",
"the crap out of this show",
"watching this show",
"Rickety Rick & morty",
"Rick and Momo"
"quotes": [
"“What, so everyone’s supposed to sleep every single night now? You realize that nighttime makes up half of all time?”",
"“If I let you make me nervous, then we can’t get schwifty”",
"“That’s planning for failure Morty. Even dumber than regular planning.”",
"“Weddings are basically funerals with a cake”",
"“Honey, stop raising your father's cholesterol so you can take a hot funeral selfie.”",
"“Nobody exists on purpose”",
"“I’m sorry, but your opinion means very little to me.”- Rick",
"Get Out Of Here, Summer! You Ruined The Season 4 Premiere!",
"Wubba Lubba Dub Dub!",
"“To live is to risk it all”",
"Morty: You sold a gun to a murderer so you could play video games?\n\nRick: Yeah, sure, I mean, if you spend all day shuffling words around, you can make anything sound bad, Morty.",
"Don’t get drawn into the culture, Morty. Stealing stuff is about the stuff, not the stealing.",
"“Ruben’s seen some rough years, Morty. You don’t agree to get a theme park built inside you if your life is going great.”",
"Morty: I mean, why would a Pop-Tart want to live inside a toaster, Rick? I mean, that would be like the scariest place for them to live. You know what I mean?",
"Morty: Rick, what about the reality we left behind?\n\nRick: What about the reality where Hitler cured cancer, Morty? The answer is, don’t think about it.",
"\"Lemme check my list of powers and weaknesses: ability to do anything, but only whenever I want.\"",
"\"There’s a lesson here and I’m not going to be the one to figure it out.\"",
"“And”? What more do you want tacked on to this? I turned myself into a pickle, and 9/11 was an inside job?",
"“There’s pros and cons to every alternate timeline. Fun facts about this one: It’s got giant, telepathic spiders, eleven 9/11s, and the best ice cream in the multiverse!”",
"\"Sometimes science is a lot more art than science. A lot of people don’t get that.\"",
"I’m not looking for judgement, just a yes or no. Can you assimilate a giraffe?",
"And that’s the wa-a-a-ay the news goes!",
"Morty, you gotta flip ’em off. I told them it means “peace among worlds.” How hilarious is that!",
"Robot: What is my purpose?\n\nRick: You pass butter.\n\nRobot: …Oh my God.\n\nRick: Yeah, welcome to the club, pal.",
"\"I’m Mr. Crowbar, and this is my friend, who is also a crowbar.\" —Jerry",
"Jerry: I got my sixth promotion this week, and I still don't know what I do!",
"Jerry: If I've learned one thing, it's that before you get anywhere in life, you gotta stop listening to yourself.",
"Jerry: All right! That's enough! You guys are talking about my species! We understand genocide! We do it sometimes!",
"Jerry: I couldn't hear you over my own screaming. We've talked about this.",
"Jerry: Take your attitude to the men's section of K-Mart, because you need to cut me some slack...",
"Beth: Sweetie, is your shirt on backwards?\n\nJerry: ...Yeah! I like it this way. I'm not stupid!\n\nRick: Man that guy is the Redgrin Grumbholt of pretending he knows what's going on.",
"Beth: Jerry, buttons don't work better if you hit them harder, and foam fists don't make you strong.\n\nJerry: I know. Friends make you strong. I watched the same musical you did.",
"Morty: “My life has been a lie…God is dead. The government’s lame! Thanksgiving is about killing Indians! Jesus wasn’t born on Christmas! They moved the date, it was a pagan holiday!”",
"“Gaslighting doesn’t exist. You made it up because you so crazy.” —Rick & Morty",
"“You and Unity are like…like leggings in mid-calf boots. You think you’re great together, but you’re just bringing out the worst in each other.” –Summer",
"Morty: \"Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. We're all going to die. Come watch TV.\"",
"Rick: \"20% accurate as usual, Morty.\""
"main": [
{ "branch": "pairs-well-with" },
{ "branch": "how-do-you-usually-like-your-coffee" },
{ "branch": "i-love-my-coffee" },
{ "branch": "have-you-ever-tried" },
{ "branch": "how-are-the-coffee-places-where-you-are" },
{ "branch": "have-you-ever-tried-civet-coffee" }
"pairs-well-with": [
"I have been", "I've been", "I'm", "I am", [
" ", [
"on the lookout for", "searching for", "wanting to find", "on the hunt for", "hunting for", "trying to find", "someday going to find", "hoping to find", [
" ", [
"some", "a", [
" ", [
"good", "perfect", "suitable", [
" ", [
"branch": "-pairing", "then": [
". ", [
{ "ps": "Any luck on that?|Have you had any luck in that department?|Any tips?|Any advice there?|Don't know if you've come across anything?|Any inspiration you could share with me?|Have you found anything suitable?" }
"-pairing": [{ "ps": "coffee pairing for food|coffee + food pairing|pastry or something to pair with coffee|food & coffee pairing|dessert pairing for coffee" }],
"": [],
"": [],
"": [],
"": [],
"": []
"main": [
{ "branch": "_exoplanets" },
{ "branch": "_spacex" }
"_exoplanets": [
"branch": "exoplanets",
"then": {
"ps": " are (teaching|showing|educating) us (a lot|a great deal|tremendously) (about|regarding) our own (solar system|part of the universe). (For example, t|T)here's a (chance|possibility) we (might|may|could) (actually |)(have|find ourselves with) a (ninth|9th) planet(, and its| whose) orbit is so (long|extended) we (just |simply |)haven't (found|discoverd) it yet. Do you (think|believe|assume) (it's|that's|it could be) possible?"
"branch": "since-we-started",
"then": {
"branch": "exoplanets",
"then": {
"ps": " we've (found|discoverd) an (insane|incredible|astounding) amount. Do you think it('s| could be| might be) possible we'll (find|discover) one that (could|would) (sustain|support)( human|) life?"
"ps": "We've (found|discoverd) (other |)planets that (may|might|could) be \"super earths\" (in their ability to|in the sense they could easily) (sustain|support) life. (Question is|However|The question remains|But), (could we|is it possible to|will it be possible to) ever (move|transport|shuttle) (humans|human beings) (on |)to it. (What do you think|What would you say|Thoughts)?"
"ps": "(It would be interesting to see|Wonder what would happen|Would it be possible) if we could (take|select|find|discover) a( |n exo)planet that is (close|similar)(| enough) to (earth|ours) and (synthesize|make)( and |/)(grow|cultivate) what is (needed|required) to (get it the rest of the way|make it completely habitable|get it to a habitable state|make the planet habitable|make it habitable|allow it to support life|allow humans to live comfortably). (Do you think that’d|Would that) be (possible|practical)?"
"branch": "milbil",
"then": {
"branch": "exoplanets",
"then": {
"ps": " (out there|in the universe|in space). You (just |)know there(’s gotta| must| should| ought to) be one that (supports|can sustain) (human |)life(!|.) Do you (think|believe) (we’ll|we'd) ever (find|discover) it?"
"branch": "chances",
"then": {
"branch": "exoplanets",
"then": {
"ps": " that sustain life, what do you think the chances are that we’ll (find|discover) actual aliens living on one?"
"exoplanets": [
"alien planets",
"planets in other solar systems",
"other planets outside our solar system"
"chances": {
"ps": "With the chances being as good as they are that we’ll (find|discover) "
"since-we-started": {
"ps": "Since we started looking for "
"milbil": { "ps": "(There are|We know of|We've discovered there are) (easily |)(more than |>)(one|1) million billion trillion " },
"_spacex": [
"ps": "What did you think the first time you saw the backwards-looking landing of a Space X rocket?"
"ps": "Do you think we’ll have safer space travel with the new Space X vehicles over the space shuttle?"
"ps": "We’re about to have a huge surge of satellites in orbit around Earth. More so than ever. Do you think that will be an overall positive for life on earth?"
"ps": "The people at Space X seem pretty intent on getting us to Mars. Do you think that will ever actually happen?"
"ps": "With all the advances made in space flight, do you think we’ll one day have flights into space as we have commercial flights across the earth today?"
"ps": "How safe do you think space travel is becoming with the recent advances demonstrated by Space X?"
"main": [
{ "branch": "statement", "then": { "ps":
"\n\n #Wear(A|The)(Damn|)Mask"
"statement": [
{ "branch": "whereilive" },
{ "branch": "suffocate" },
{ "branch": "conflict" },
{ "branch": "permutated-from-real-tweets" },
{ "branch": "vaccine" },
{ "branch": "every-little-bit-counts" },
{ "branch": "hypocrisy" },
{ "branch": "wwii" }
"wwii": [
{ "ps":
"Can you (even |)(believe|fathom) in the (US|United States) we've (actually |)(surpassed|exceeded) (deaths|the body count|death count) from (WWII|World War II|The Second World War)...a (four|4) year long war...just in COVID-19 deaths(| alone)?\n\n(And|...And) (it hasn't even been|we haven't even passed|we're still under) (a|1|one) year(.|!)"
{ "ps":
"(WWII|World War II|The Second World War) was (about|around) (just |)(four|4) years (long|from start to finish) yet in the (US|United States|US of A), we've (already|easily) (lost|killed) more (people |)to (COVID-19|the coronavirus|COVID|#COVID19|#COVID) (in|after) (less than|under|no more than) (a|one|1) year than Americans in that war"
"hypocrisy": [
{ "ps":
"Scientists: \"(Please|Kindly|Maybe you could|It would really help if you) #WearAMask\"\nAntimaskers: \"(NO|Hell NO|NO WAY|F THAT). (MY FREEDOM|MURICA|This is AMURICA)!!\"\n\nScientists: \"(Please|Kindly|Maybe|It would really help if you) don't travel over (Thanksgiving|Tgiving|Thxgiving|the holidays)\"\nAntimaskers: \"(TRY AND STOP ME|You can't force us)!\"\n\n...(Cases skyrocket|Hospitals are overwhelmed again|Morgues are overwhelmed again|Cases through the roof)\n\nAntimaskers: \"See? I told you (your stupid |your little|)(masks|lockdowns) (don't work|are BS|do nothing)!\""
"every-little-bit-counts": [
{ "ps":
"(The way I see it|The way I look at it|I think at the end of the day|At the end of the day), we( can't|'re not going to|'re not able to) convince (everyone|the world|the whole world|antimaskers|the antimaskers of the world) to (do the right thing|take this seriously|work together|follow expert guidance) (overnight|right away), but we can (all |)(at least|at the very least) set (the right|a good) example."
"vaccine": [
{ "ps":
"(What's|What I find) (really|rather|kind of) (sad|unfortunate|unmotivating) is we (could actually|have the ability to|have it within our reach to) (end|put to a close|emerge from|get out of) (this|the) (pandemic|stronghold of the virus|pandemic and lockdowns|pandemic and the loss of freedom or whatever). Yet (when|seeing) protesters (burn piles of masks|go around purposely wearing masks with the front cut out|can't even put on a little mask because their 'freedom'), (it's|it becomes) (hard|a challenge) to (be|stay|keep) (optimistic|forward-thinking) about (enough|the right number of|adequate # of) (people|americans) (taking|accepting|trusting) (the|a) vaccine."
"whereilive": [
{ "ps":
"I('m| count myself| guess I can count myself| feel pretty) (lucky|fortunate) (where I am in the US|on the west coast of the US|where I am on the US west coast|where I am in an urban area|being where I am in the states|where I am in the states), (it's|as it is|since it's|where it's) (|unusual|very unusual|unexpected|not expected|out of the norm|atypical) for (anyone|someone|people) not to wear a mask."
"suffocate": [
{ "ps":
"(It amazes me|I find it pretty amazing|It's incredible|It fascinates me|I find it fascinating|Isn't it incredible|Pretty remarkable) that (people|there are people who|some people) (still|actually|continue to) (think|believe|say|are saying|say) (masks are dangerous|it's somehow dangerous to wear a mask|wearing a mask is dangerous|wearing a mask will harm you|there's any harm in wearing a mask) (even though|knowing full well|meanwhile|despite the fact|while at the same time) (medical professionals|doctors|nurses|doctors and nurses|medical staff) (have been wearing them|wear and have been wearing them) (for decades, maybe more|for decades|for countless decades|for decades—maybe more than a century)( by now|)."
"conflict": [
{ "ps":
"Have you ever (asked someone to put on their mask|talked to someone who wasn't wearing a mask|told someone they need to put their mask on|pulled someone aside for not wearing their mask|tried talking to someone not wearing a mask) and gotten into a (tiff|confrontation|...struggle)?"
"(Some|There are|I know there are) people (out there who|who) get (heated|testy|angry|upset|confrontational|mean) (for being|when|if) (asked|told) to (wear|put on) a mask(| these days). (Did|Anything like) that ever happen to you?"
"permutated-from-real-tweets": [
{ "ps":
"Not (looking forward to|excited about|feeling reassured) (seeing|looking at|when we find out the) #COVID19 (numbers|stats|figures) in the (US|United States|USA|U.S.) in (5-10 days|a week|a week from now|5-7 days from now). (People|Folks|Lots of people) (started traveling|were getting too comfortable|were letting their guard down) this week, (which means|so|and|meaning) some (people|of them|folks) might already (be sick from then|have it|be in bad shape). I expect (a sharp increase|a spike of sorts|a bump) until (two|2) (weeks from now) or so. (#WearAMask|#WearADamnMask)"
"ps": "(Want to go|Going|If you're going|If you feel like going|If you go|Should you go) outside for a (walk or hike|stroll|quick walk|hike or just a little walk) with your (family|friends|friends/family) today, (Remember|Don't forget|Be sure) to bring your keys, cell phone, wallet, and (most importantly|of course|let's not forget), (masks|MASKS) for everyone! (Let’s|Let's all) (stay|be|keep) safe and healthy together! #COVID19 #WearAMask #MaskUp"
"ps": "(Remember|Do you remember|Have you thought about|Ever think about) (way back in|all the way back|back in) (March|January|February|April) when (we thought|we all thought|we actually believed|many of us actually thought) this would only last (a few weeks|another month or so|a matter of days|a matter of months|just a few more weeks/months tops)? #WearAMask"
"ps": "(As it gets colder|With weather getting colder|As the temp drops|With colder months approaching|With the cold wearther not letting up) we (bundle up|wrap ourselves up|try to stay warm|get cozy and bundle up). (Just a reminder|A friendly reminder|A little PSA:|A kind reminder) with #COVID19 to (not use|avoid|stay away from|avoid using) fleece as a (face covering|mask). It (scatters|distributes) ('moist breath'|moisturized breath|breath, full of moisture) unlike most other (materials|fabrics|products). Stay warm, stay safe and #WearAMask"
"main": [
"ps": "Good science communication is sorely in need with misinformation being a bigger problem than ever. Have you noticed any of your family or friends falling prey to bad science?"
"ps": "I hope we can improve scientific literacy for the next generation. Misunderstanding science can do real harm. What do you think is most pervasive in terms of misinformation?"
"ps": "Be vigilant in the fight against misinformation. Good science communication is key. How do we reach more people and educate the public on the facts?"
"ps": "One of the hard parts about science communication is knowing humbly how to speak to people who don’t have a science background. Do you have any favorite figures who are good at this?"
"ps": "The United States could really use a national effort to improve science education. Have you noticed this year how pervasive scientific misinformation has been?"
"ps": "This year has taught us all how science really matters. We don’t know where the next global challenge will come from but we need to be prepared. What do you think would hit us next?"
"main": [
"main": [
{ "branch": "" },
{ "branch": "" },
{ "branch": "" },
{ "branch": "" },
{ "branch": "" },
{ "branch": "" }
"": [],
"": [],
"": [],
"": [],
"": [],
"": []
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