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Last active February 25, 2016 14:05
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using System;
using System.Linq;
using FluentAssertions;
using Xbehave;
using Xunit;
public class AccountsFeature
private Account account;
public void Background()
"Given a new account"
.Given(() => account = new Account());
public void CreatingANewAccount()
"Then it doesn't have any subscriptions"
.Then(() => account.Subscriptions.Count.Should().Be(0));
"And it doesn't have any sites"
.And(() => account.Sites.Count.Should().Be(0));
"And it generates a new api key"
.And(() => account.ApiKeys.FirstOrDefault().Should().NotBeNull());
public void AddingAnExistingSite(Exception ex)
"Given the account has a site"
.Given(() => account = Helper.WithSite(account));
"When I add a site"
.When(() => ex = Record.Exception(() => account.AddSite("sites/1")));
"Then an invalid operation exception is thrown"
.Then(() => ex.Should().BeOfType<InvalidOperationException>());
public void NoSubscriptionsExist()
"When I add a site"
.When(() => account.AddSite("sites/1"));
"Then the site is not added"
.Then(() => account.Sites.Count.Should().Be(0));
public void NoAvailableSubscriptionsExist()
"Given the account has a site"
.Given(() => account = Helper.WithSite(account));
"When I add another site"
.When(() => account.AddSite("sites/1"));
"Then the site is not added"
.Then(() => account.Sites.Count.Should().Be(1));
public void AvailableSubscriptionsExist()
"Given the account has a valid subscription"
.Given(() => account.AddSubscription(Helper.GetValidSubscription()));
"When I add another site"
.When(() => account.AddSite("sites/1"));
"Then the site is added"
.Then(() => account.Sites.Count.Should().Be(1));
public class SiteValidationFeature
private Account account;
public void Background()
"Given a new account with a site"
.Given(() => account = Helper.WithSite(new Account()));
public void TheSpecifiedSiteIsMappedToTheAccount(bool result)
"When I validate the site"
.When(() => result = account.ValidateSite("sites/1"));
"Then the site is valid"
.Then(() => result.Should().BeTrue());
public void TheSpecifiedSiteIsNotMappedToTheAccount(bool result)
"When I validate the site"
.When(() => result = account.ValidateSite("sites/2"));
"Then the site is invalid"
.Then(() => result.Should().BeFalse());
public class SubscriptionValidationFeature
public void TheAccountHasAValidSubscription(Account account, bool result)
"Given an account with a valid subscription"
.Given(() =>
account = new Account();
"When checking that the account has a valid subscription"
.When(() => result = account.HasValidSubscription());
"Then the account is confirmed to have a valid subscription"
.Then(() => result.Should().BeTrue());
public void TheAccountHasNoValidSubscriptions(Account account, bool result)
"Given an account with a valid subscription"
.Given(() =>
account = new Account();
var subscription = new Subscription(
"Fabrik Subscription",
DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-13), // expired by one month
new SubscriptionDuration(1, SubscriptionPeriod.Yearly));
"When checking that the account has a valid subscription"
.When(() => result = account.HasValidSubscription());
"Then the account is found to have no valid subscriptions"
.Then(() => result.Should().BeFalse());
public static class Helper
public static Subscription GetValidSubscription()
return new Subscription(
"Fabrik Subscription",
new SubscriptionDuration(1, SubscriptionPeriod.Yearly)
public static Account WithSite(Account account)
return account;
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