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Created August 20, 2011 22:51
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Courtesy of Sitepen
First, let’s look at very lightweight, but powerful boilerplate, an adapter that will let you write a module for both AMD and CommonJS standard module systems, using AMD style dependency declarations. This combination allows us to create modules that can be used both in browser and server environments:
define(["dep1", "dep2"], // a list of our dependencies
function(dep1, dep2){ // the arguments match up with our dependencies
// the contents of our module
// what we return from our module
return {
someExportedFunction: function(){...},
})(typeof define=="function"?define:function(factory){module.exports=factory.apply(this,;});
We can also achieve compatibility with AMD and standard CommonJS by putting boilerplate around the standard CommonJS module format:
// module contents
var dep1 = require("dep1");
exports.someExportedFunction = function(){...};
})(typeof define=="function"?define:function(factory){factory(require,exports)});
You can even combine styles, for example you could use CommonJS style require calls with the AMD style of using a return to export functionality:
return {
someMethod: function(){
})(typeof define=="function"?define:function(factory){module.exports = factory(require)});
Next we will look at the boilerplate for creating dependency free modules that can run on all four systems:
Remember that you can’t declare any dependencies with this last boilerplate, because it is designed to work as a plain script without the help of any module loader (that would resolve the dependencies). But, if you have a dependency free module, this gives you maximum portability.
(function(name, factory){
typeof require == "undefined" ?
(typeof dojo != "undefined" && dojo.provide(name)) &
// direct script
factory(this[name] = {}) :
typeof exports == "undefined" ?
// browser transport/C loader or RequireJS
define(name, ["exports"], factory) :
// CommonJS environment
})("module-name", function(exports){
// actual module contents following CommonJS format (assigning values/function as properties of exports)
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