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Created March 17, 2021 10:18
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Guided Filter supporting multi-channel guide image and 1 channel source image
PyTorch Guided Filter for multi-channel (color) guide image and 1 channel
(grayscale) source image
import torch as T
import torch.nn as nn
def box_filter_1d(tensor, dim, r):
cs = tensor.cumsum(dim).transpose(dim, 0)
return[ # left side, center, right side
cs[r: 2*r+1],
cs[2*r+1:] - cs[:-2*r-1],
cs[-1:] - cs[-2*r-1: -r-1]]
).transpose(dim, 0)
class BoxFilterND(nn.Module):
"""Compute a fast sum filter with a square window of side length 2*radius
over the given dimension. (ie equivalent result to convolution with kernel
of all ones, but much faster). At edges, behave as if padding zeros
(equivalent to mode='constant' with a fill value of 0).
Makes use of the fact that summation is separable along each dimension.
This is adapted from the matlab code provided by Kaiming He, and
generalized to any dims.
def __init__(self, radius, dims):
self.dims = dims
self.radius = radius
def forward(self, tensor):
for dim in self.dims:
assert tensor.shape[dim] > 2*self.radius, \
"BoxFilter: all dimensions must be larger than radius"
tensor = box_filter_1d(tensor, dim, self.radius)
return tensor
class GuidedFilterND(nn.Module):
"""PyTorch GuidedFilter for a multi-channel guide image and a 1 channel
source image.
See Section 3.5 of the 2013 Guided Filter paper by Kaiming He et. al,
and also Algorithm 2 on arXiv
For the Fast Guided Filter, pass either a subsampled filter image `p` when
calling the forward method, or at initialization, pass a subsampling_ratio
>=1 to subsample the image before computations. (ie. a value of 2 samples
every other pixel). This makes the algorithm faster on large images with
little loss in detail. By default, this implementation will try
to infer if the filter image p has been downsampled. An error is raised if
you both pass in a p that is a different shape than I and also pass in a
subsampling ratio.
Note: `radius` and `subsampling_ratio` are not differentiable, but
`eps` is differentiable and could be torch.Tensor(eps, requires_grad=True)
def __init__(self, radius: int, eps: float, subsampling_ratio: int = 1):
self.subsampling_ratio = subsampling_ratio
self.radius = radius
self.eps = eps
def forward(self, I, p):
- I is the guide image (3,4, or 5 dimensional image),
where first two dims are the (batch_size, channels, h,w,extra,extra)
- p is the filter image (batch_size, c', ...)
where c' satisfies c' <= channels (typically c'=1 or c'=channels)
ndim = I.dim() - 2 # for scale factor
# determine if fast guided filter (ie are we using downsampling?)
if p.shape[-1] != I.shape[-1]:
is_fast = True
# infer the subsampling ratio for fast guided filter
subsampling_ratio = I.shape[-1] / p.shape[-1]
I_orig = I
I = T.nn.functional.interpolate(
I, size=p.shape[2:], mode='bilinear')
radius = round(self.radius / subsampling_ratio)
if self.subsampling_ratio != 1:
raise Exception(
f"{self.__class__.__name__}: either the filter img p must"
" be same size as I, or don't pass a subsampling_ratio")
elif self.subsampling_ratio != 1:
is_fast = True
# fast guided filter with a predefined subsampling ratio
I_orig = I
scale_factor = (1/self.subsampling_ratio, ) * ndim
I = T.nn.functional.interpolate(
I, scale_factor=scale_factor, mode='bilinear')
p = T.nn.functional.interpolate(
p, scale_factor=scale_factor, mode='bilinear')
radius = round(self.radius / self.subsampling_ratio)
is_fast = False
radius = self.radius
# now do the guided filter operations
bs,c = I.shape[:2]
_I_shape2 = I.shape[2:]
_I_dims = list(range(I.dim()))[2:]
# --> assign letter for each dimension of the image
hw = ''.join(einsum_letter for einsum_letter in 'hwzyx'[:I.dim()-2])
f = BoxFilterND(radius, dims=range(2, I.dim()))
N = f(T.ones_like(I[:,[0]]))
I_mean = f(I) / N
p_mean = f(p) / N
Ip_mean = f(p * I) / N
first_term = (Ip_mean - p_mean * I_mean)
_cov = T.einsum(f'bc{hw},bd{hw}->bcd{hw}', I, I)\
.reshape(bs, c*c, *_I_shape2)
cov = (f(_cov) / N).reshape(bs, c, c, *_I_shape2)\
.permute(0, *(x+1 for x in _I_dims), 1, 2)
eps_mat = self.eps * T.eye(c).reshape(1, *[1 for _ in _I_dims], c, c)
second_term = T.inverse(cov + eps_mat)
A = T.einsum(f'bc{hw},b{hw}cd->bc{hw}', first_term, second_term)
b = p_mean - T.einsum(f'bc{hw},bd{hw}->b{hw}', A, I_mean).unsqueeze_(1)
A_mean = f(A) / N
b_mean = f(b) / N
if is_fast:
I = I_orig
A_mean = T.nn.functional.interpolate(
A_mean, size=I.shape[2:], mode='bilinear')
b_mean = T.nn.functional.interpolate(
b_mean, size=I.shape[2:], mode='bilinear')
q = T.einsum(f'bc{hw},bd{hw}->b{hw}', A_mean, I).unsqueeze_(1) + b_mean
return q
if __name__ == "__main__":
import numpy as np
from cv2.ximgproc import guidedFilter
from ietk import util
from import IDRiD
from ietk.methods.brighten_darken_iciar2020 import solvet
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
def plot(*imgs, shape=None, axis='off', suptitle=None, **subplots_kws):
if shape is None:
shape = (1, len(imgs))
fig, axs = plt.subplots(*shape, **subplots_kws)
for ax, im in zip(axs.ravel(), imgs):
if isinstance(im, T.Tensor):
im = im.permute(1,2,0).detach().cpu().numpy().squeeze()
if suptitle is not None:
fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.02, hspace=0.02)
return fig
def main():
dset = IDRiD('./data/IDRiD_segmentation')
img_id = 'IDRiD_27'
img, labels = dset[img_id]
# img_id, img, labels = dset.sample()
print("using image", img_id)
print('crop img')
# crop it and get a focus region
_L = np.dstack(list(labels.values())).sum(-1, keepdims=1).repeat(3, axis=-1).astype('float64')
_I = img.copy()
_I, fg, L = util.center_crop_and_get_foreground_mask(_I, label_img=_L)
_I = _I[1000:1500,1000:2000]
I_np = _I.astype('float32')
t_np = solvet(1-I_np, 1, use_gf=False).astype('float32') # this is "a"
radius, eps = 10, .1
# Guided Filter in OpenCV
q_np = guidedFilter(I_np, t_np, radius=radius, eps=eps)
plot(I_np, t_np.squeeze(), q_np, (I_np-0)/q_np.reshape(*q_np.shape, 1) + 0, suptitle='OpenCV Guided Filter')
# KF.BoxBlur((radius, radius))
I_pyt = T.tensor(I_np).permute(2,0,1).unsqueeze_(0)
p_pyt = T.tensor(t_np).permute(2,0,1).unsqueeze_(0)
# Guided Filter in PyTorch
gf = GuidedFilterND(radius, eps)
q = gf.forward(I_pyt, p_pyt)
q_pyt_test = q[0].squeeze().numpy()
'allclose results for varying tolerance, comparing against OpenCV',
'\n1e-1', np.allclose(q_pyt_test, q_np, atol=1e-1, rtol=1e-1),
'\n1e-2', np.allclose(q_pyt_test, q_np, atol=1e-2, rtol=1e-2),
'\n1e-3', np.allclose(q_pyt_test, q_np, atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-3),
'\n1e-4', np.allclose(q_pyt_test, q_np, atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-4),
'\n1e-5', np.allclose(q_pyt_test, q_np, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5),
'SQ. DIFF', ((q_pyt_test - q_np)**2).sum()
plot(I_pyt[0], q[0], q_np, I_pyt[0] /q[0],
suptitle=('Guided Filter: '
'\nOpenCV implementation (middle right)'
'\nthis PyTorch implementation (middle left)'
'\nJ using this impl (right)'))
return locals()
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adgaudio commented Mar 17, 2021

My implementation of a Guided Filter in PyTorch supporting a multi-channel (color) guide image and 1 channel
(grayscale) source image. It has no learned parameters.

If you are interested in collaborating with me on academic papers, please reach out. I would be happy to follow up over email or web call.

Everything below if __name__ == "__main__" section makes a simple plot that makes use of this library to load an image and plot it ... Picture looks like this

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