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Created September 24, 2020 08:44
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A repo listing the repos under this account, where beginners can contribute

  1. Ludo-The_Game - C++, HTML, ReactJS

    Follow the issues section for the issues, you will find many beginner issues there

  2. AttendancePortal - HTML, CSS, JS

    This is a good start for a beginner, in web development, since here you can contribute HTML, and for python beginners knowing Flask

  3. CSV_Tabler - C++

    Here, the main motive is to parse a string, separating words (also known as tokenization, similar to boost::tokenizer<escaped_list_separator>). If you know parsing, you can contribute code to this

  4. Useful_APIs - JS

    This is for javascript. You can contribute a lot if you have little knowledge of expressJS and backend

    If you have created APIs with expressJS, here you can add new routes, or any utility api in /util route, if you need any help, do open an issue or dm me.

  5. parserCalculator - C++

    Again, a parser, here you parse a string, adding brackets to make a valid mathematical expression, and then taking out the smallest bracket solve it, then repeat, and finally you get the solution to the expression, for eg. 45+5(/3)*23

    If it seems familiar, or you want to alter the implementation, do see the code

  6. CPP_Util - C++

    A small utility library for C++

    Since it's a new repo, there's a lot of utility functions/classes that can be added, you can add your util algos here, or edit the ones already in it

  7. sudokuSolver - C++

    It is a multi-threaded sudoku Solver, using tricks to fill the board earlier before the main program solves the board

    You can implement sudokuTricks likes duets in the same row, means the two numbers can be removed from the possibility in the other boxes in the row, etc.

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