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Last active July 20, 2016 07:15
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messageformat with format & debug
var mf = (function () {
'use strict';
function warn () {
/* eslint no-console: off, prefer-spread: off */
console.warn.apply(console, arguments)
function error (message) {
/* eslint no-var: off */
var index = 0
var args = arguments
var types = {s: String, i: Number, o: JSON.stringify}
throw Error(message.replace(/%([soi])/g, function (placeholder, type) {
return args.hasOwnProperty(++index) ? types[type](args[index]) : placeholder
function expression (code) {
return Object.assign(new Function(), { toString: function () { return code; } })
function source (object) {
var withFn = function (_, value) { return 'function' === typeof value ? value.toString() : value; }
var stringify = function (value) { return JSON.stringify(value, withFn); }
function sourcify (json, value) {
if ('function' === typeof value) // /!\ replace only once
return json.replace(stringify(value), value.toString())
if (Array.isArray(value))
value.forEach(function (item) { json = sourcify(json, item) })
else if (value && 'object' === typeof value)
Object.keys(value).forEach(function (key) { json = sourcify(json, value[key]) })
return json
return sourcify(stringify(object), object)
var ESC = "'"
var NUM = new RegExp((ESC + "*#$"))
var UNESC = new RegExp(("" + ESC + ESC), 'g')
function cleanup (array) { // @todo move cleanup logic in matching ?
return array.reduce(function (cleaned, item, index, array) {
if ('string' === typeof item) // remove (skip) first/last empty strings & unescape
return cleaned.concat(/^\s*$/.test(item) && (0 === index || index === array.length - 1) ?
[] : item.replace(UNESC, ESC))
return cleaned.concat([cleanup(item)]) // recusive clean
}, [])
// recursive explode by matching pair of tokens
function matching (open, close, escape, string, start, end) {
if ( start === void 0 ) start = 0;
if ( end === void 0 ) end = string.length;
var deep = []
var buffer = []
for (var offset = start, token = string.charAt(offset); offset < end; token = string.charAt(++offset))
// @todo test edge cases
if (escape === token && /[\{\}]/.test(string.charAt(offset + 1))) {
for (token = string.charAt(++offset); offset < end; token = string.charAt(++offset))
if (escape === token && escape !== string.charAt(offset + 1))
break // swallow until next (not escaped) escape char
} else if (open === token) {
if (!deep.length) // prepend first token
buffer.push(string.slice(start, offset))
} else if (close === token) {
if (!deep.length)
matching.error(("missing a \"" + open + "\" before the \"" + close + "\""), string, offset)
var begin = deep.pop()
if (deep.length) // skip sub matching pairs
buffer.push.apply(// found first match, recurse
buffer, [ matching(open, close, escape, string, begin + 1, offset) ].concat( matching(open, close, escape, string, offset + 1, end) ) // till end
} else if (!deep.length && '#' === token) {
var text = string.slice(start, offset + 1)
if (text.match(NUM)[0].length % 2) { // not escaped
buffer, [ text.slice(0, -1) // text and #
, ['#'] ].concat( matching(open, close, escape, string, offset + 1, end) ) // till end
if (!buffer.length)
buffer.push(string.slice(start, end))
if (deep.length)
matching.error(("missing a \"" + close + "\" matching the \"" + open + "\""), string, start + deep.shift())
return buffer
matching.error = function (message, string, offset) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.warn(((string.slice(0, offset)) + "%c" + (string.substr(offset, 1))), 'background: red; color: white', string.slice(offset + 1) || '<-')
var lines = string.slice(0, offset).split(/\r?\n/)
error('%s at line %i, column %i (offset %i).', message, lines.length, lines.pop().length + 1, offset)
function bootstrap (settings, runtime, tags, module) {
if (runtime.hasOwnProperty( || tags.hasOwnProperty(
return // skip if already initialized
module.dependencies.forEach(function (dependency) { // init dependencies
bootstrap(settings, runtime, tags, compile[dependency])
var init = module(settings) // init module
Object.defineProperty(runtime,, { value: init.runtime, enumerable: true }) /*, writeable: false, configurable: false*/
Object.defineProperty(tags,, { value: init.tag }) /*, enumerable: false, writeable: false, configurable: false*/
function compile (settings, runtime, tags, params) {
if ('string' === typeof params)
return params
if ('#' === params[0] && 1 === params.length) // leaves # alone
return params[0]
var compiler = compile.bind(null, settings, runtime, tags)
params = (param) { return 'string' === typeof param ? param.trim() :; }) // recurse
if ('string' === typeof params[0]) // explode first param
params.splice.apply(params, [ 0, 1 ].concat( params[0].trim().split(/\s*,\s*/) ))
var tag = params.splice(1, 1).pop() || 'variable'
if (!compile[tag])
error('unkown module %o, unable to compile', tag)
bootstrap(settings, runtime, tags, compile[tag])
if (!tags[tag])
error('module %o does not have tag, unable to compile', tag)
return tags[tag].apply(tags, [ runtime ].concat( params ))
function add (module) {
var dependencies = [], len = arguments.length - 1;
while ( len-- > 0 ) dependencies[ len ] = arguments[ len + 1 ];
if (!module || 'function' !== typeof module || !
error('you must provide a module as a named function')
if (compile.hasOwnProperty(
error('%o module is already defined',
compile[] = Object.assign(module, {
dependencies: (module.dependencies || dependencies).map(function (dependency) {
if (!compile.hasOwnProperty(dependency))
error('add %o dependency before requiring it in %o module', dependency,
return dependency
function locale (settings) {
return { runtime: settings.locale || 'en' }
function debug (settings) {
var debug = settings.debug ? 'function' === typeof settings && settings.debug || warn : false
return { runtime: debug && expression(("_debug_ || " + debug)) }
variable.dependencies = ['locale', 'debug']
function variable (settings) {
return {
runtime: new Function(("key, data" + (settings.debug ? ', id' : ''))
, "if (data && {}, key)) return data[key];"
+ (settings.debug ? "debug('missing %o key in %o data for message %o with %o locale', key, data, id, locale);" : '')
+ "return '{' + key + '}'"
, tag: function (_, key) { return expression(("variable(" + (source(key)) + ", data" + (settings.debug ? ', id' : '') + ")")); }
function compileOptions (runtime, type, key, params, offset) {
var plural = type.replace(/^select/, '')
var number = plural && expression(("num(" + (source(key)) + ", data, " + (source(offset)) + (runtime.debug ? ', id' : '') + ")"))
var options = params.reduce(function (options, param, index, params) {
if ('string' === typeof param)
options[param.replace(/^=(\d+)$/, '$1')] = expression(
params[index + 1]
.map(function (part) { return '#' === part && number || part; }) // replace # in text
.map(source).join(' + ')
return options
}, {})
// check options
var keys = Object.keys(options)
if (!options.hasOwnProperty('other'))
error('mandatory %s "other" option is missing (found %o) in message %o with %o locale'
, type, keys,, runtime.locale)
var types = runtime[type] && runtime[type].types // only plural/selectordinal have known types
if (types) {
var unknown = keys.filter(isNaN).filter(function (option) { return -1 === types.indexOf(option); })
unknown.length && warn('unknown %s %o (locale %o only accepts %o) found in message %o with %o locale'
, type, unknown, runtime.locale, types,, runtime.locale)
var forgotten = types.filter(function (option) { return !options.hasOwnProperty(option); })
forgotten.length && warn('%s %o not specified (locale %o use %o) in message %o with %o locale'
, type, forgotten, runtime.locale, types,, runtime.locale)
return source(options)
function compileSelect (type, runtime, key) {
var params = [], len = arguments.length - 3;
while ( len-- > 0 ) params[ len ] = arguments[ len + 3 ];
var offset = 0
var args = ''
if ('select' !== type) { // plural
params[0] = params[0].replace(/^offset:\s*(.+?)\s+/, function (_, number) {
if (isNaN(number))
error('%s offset must be a number, invalid %o offset found in message %o with %o locale'
, type, number,, runtime.locale)
offset = Number(number)
return ''
args += ", " + type + ", " + offset
args += runtime.debug ? ((args ? '' : ', null, null') + ", id") : ''
return expression(("select(" + (source(key)) + ", data, " + (compileOptions(runtime, type, key, params, offset)) + args + ")"))
select.dependencies = ['variable']
function select (settings) {
var debug = settings.debug ? ', id' : ''
return {
runtime: new Function(("key, data, options, plural, offset" + debug)
, "var value = variable(key, data" + debug + "); "
+ 'if({}, value))'
+ 'return options[value];'
+ 'return plural && options[plural(value - offset)] || options.other'
, tag: compileSelect.bind(null, 'select')
function num (settings) {
var debug = settings.debug ? ', id' : ''
return {
runtime: new Function(("key, data, offset" + debug)
, "var num = data && (data[key] - offset);"
+ "return isNaN(num) ? variable(key, data" + debug + ") : num"
function noplural () { return 'other' }
plural.dependencies = ['locale', 'select', 'num']
function localePlural (settings) {
return localePlural.hasOwnProperty(settings.locale) && localePlural[settings.locale] || noplural
if ('function' === typeof plurals)
Object.assign(localePlural, plurals())
function plural (settings) {
return {
runtime: localePlural(settings)
, tag: compileSelect.bind(null, 'plural')
selectordinal.dependencies = ['locale', 'select', 'num']
function localeOrdinal (settings) {
return localeOrdinal.hasOwnProperty(settings.locale) && localeOrdinal[settings.locale] || noplural
if ('function' === typeof ordinals)
Object.assign(localeOrdinal, ordinals())
function selectordinal (settings) {
return {
runtime: localeOrdinal(settings)
, tag: compileSelect.bind(null, 'selectordinal')
formats.dependencies = ['currency']
function formats (settings) {
return { runtime: settings.formats || {} }
function invalid () {
return { runtime: '%o key in %o data is an invalid %s (should be a valid %o) for message %o with %o locale' }
intl.dependencies = ['locale', 'formats', 'invalid', 'debug']
function intl (settings) {
return {
runtime: new Function('intl, formats, _locale'
, "try {"
+ "if (!Intl[intl].supportedLocalesOf(locale).length) {"
+ "locale = 'object' === typeof navigator && navigator.language || 'en'"
+ (settings.debug ? ";debug('formating %o locale is not supported, fallback to %o locale', _locale, locale)" : '')
+ "}"
+ "} catch (e) {"
+ (settings.debug ? "debug('Intl.%s not supported, formating will be broken. Use a polyfill:', intl, '');" : '')
+ "for (var format in formats)"
+ "if (formats.hasOwnProperty(format))"
+ "formats[format].cache = function (value) {"
+ "return value.toLocaleString(locale, formats[format])"
+ "}"
+ "}"
function format (settings, type, intl, formats) {
var Type, check
intl.replace(/(Date|Number)(Time)?Format/, function (_, Constructor, dateTime) {
Type = Constructor
check = "isNaN(valid" + (dateTime ? '.getTime()' : '') + ")"
var invalid = settings.debug && ("debug(invalid, key, data, " + (source(type)) + ", " + (source(Type)) + ", id, locale),")
var support = "intl(" + (source(intl)) + ", formats." + type + ", locale)"
// const support = `setTimeout(function () { support(${source(intl)}, formats.${type}, locale) })`
var debug = settings.debug ? ', id' : ''
var body = "function(key, data, format" + debug + ") { "
+ "var value = variable(key, data" + debug + ")"
+ ", valid = new " + Type + "(value)"
+ ", options = formats." + type + "[format] || formats." + type + ".default"
+ ", " + type + " = options.cache || (options.cache = new Intl." + intl + "(locale, options).format);"
+ "return " + check + " ? (" + (invalid || '') + "value) : " + type + "(valid) }"
return Object.assign(expression(("(" + support + ", " + body + ")")), {
formats: Object.assign(formats, { // ensure default format, allow default to be a text alias
default: 'string' !== typeof formats.default && formats.default
|| formats[formats.default] || formats[Object.keys(formats).shift()]
function compileFormat (formater, runtime, key, format) {
var formats = runtime[formater].formats
if (format && !formats.hasOwnProperty(format))
warn('unknow %o %s format (supported are %o), will fallback to default %s format in message %o with %o locale'
, format, formater, Object.keys(formats), formater,, runtime.locale)
runtime.formats || (runtime.formats = {}) // add used formats to runtime
var used = runtime.formats[formater] || (runtime.formats[formater] = {})
var current = format || 'default'
if (!used.hasOwnProperty(current))
used[current] = formats[current]
var debug = runtime.debug ? ', id' : ''
var args = format ? (", " + (source(format)) + debug) : debug ? (", null" + debug) : ''
return expression((formater + "(" + (source(key)) + ", data" + args + ")"))
date.dependencies = ['intl']
function date (settings) {
return {
runtime: format(settings, 'date', 'DateTimeFormat', || {
default: 'medium'
, short: { month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric', year: '2-digit' }
, medium: { month: 'short', day: 'numeric', year: 'numeric' }
, long: { month: 'long', day: 'numeric', year: 'numeric' }
, full: { month: 'long', day: 'numeric', year: 'numeric', weekday: 'long' }
, tag: compileFormat.bind(null, 'date')
time.dependencies = ['intl']
function time (settings) {
return {
runtime: format(settings, 'time', 'DateTimeFormat', settings.time || {
default: 'medium'
, short: { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }
, medium: { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', second: 'numeric' }
, long: { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', second: 'numeric', timeZoneName: 'short' }
, full: { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', second: 'numeric', timeZoneName: 'short' }
, tag: compileFormat.bind(null, 'time')
function currency (settings) {
return { runtime: settings.currency || 'USD' }
number.dependencies = ['intl', 'currency']
function number (settings) {
return {
runtime: format(settings, 'number', 'NumberFormat', settings.number || {
default: 'decimal'
, decimal: { style: 'decimal' }
, integer: { style: 'decimal', maximumFractionDigits: 0 }
, currency: { style: 'currency', currency: expression('(currency)') }
, percent: { style: 'percent' }
, tag: compileFormat.bind(null, 'number')
function fallback () {
return {
runtime: new Function("key, data, fallback", "return data && data[key] || fallback")
, tag: function (_, key, fallback) { return expression(("fallback(" + (source(key)) + ", data, " + (source(fallback)) + ")")); }
add(variable) // dependencies: locale, debug
add(select) // dependency: variable
add(plural) // dependency: locale, select, num
add(selectordinal) // dependency: locale, select, num
add(formats) // dependency: currency
add(intl) // dependencies: locale, debug, formats, invalid
add(date) // dependency: intl
add(time) // dependency: intl
add(number) // dependencies: intl, currency
Object.assign(mf, {add: add, warn: warn, error: error, expression: expression, source: source})
function vars (runtime) {
var vars = Object.keys(runtime).reduce(function (declarations, name) { return declarations.concat((name + " = " + (source(runtime[name])))); }
, [])
return vars.length ? ("var " + (vars.join(', ')) + "; ") : ''
function mf (messages, settings) {
if ( settings === void 0 ) settings = {};
if (!messages)
error('you must provide messages (map of {id: message})')
var runtime = {}
var compiler = compile.bind(null, settings, runtime, {})
var compiled = Object.keys(messages).reduce(function (compiled, id) { = id
var parts = cleanup(matching('{', '}', ESC, messages[id])).map(compiler)
var debug = runtime.debug ? ("var id = " + (source(id)) + ";") : ''
compiled[id] = new Function('data', (debug + "return " + (' + '))))
return compiled
}, {})
return new Function('_debug_', ((vars(runtime)) + "return " + (source(compiled))))
return mf;
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