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Created June 2, 2015 20:23
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Hexagon maze generator
import copy
import math
import random
from python.common.svg import Svg
def coordinate_to_string(i, j):
return str(i) + "," + str(j)
def generate_graph(x, y):
graph = {}
edges = []
for i in range(2 * x):
for j in range(y):
if (i + j) % 2 != 0:
id = coordinate_to_string(i, j)
paths = set()
lower_i = i - 1 >= 0
upper_i = i + 1 < (x * 2)
lower_j = j - 1 >= 0
lower_i2 = i - 2 >= 0
upper_j = j + 1 < y
upper_i2 = i + 2 < (x * 2)
if lower_i and lower_j:
edges.append((id, coordinate_to_string(i - 1, j - 1)))
paths.add(coordinate_to_string(i - 1, j - 1))
if lower_i and upper_j:
edges.append((id, coordinate_to_string(i - 1, j + 1)))
paths.add(coordinate_to_string(i - 1, j + 1))
if upper_i and lower_j:
edges.append((id, coordinate_to_string(i + 1, j - 1)))
paths.add(coordinate_to_string(i + 1, j - 1))
if upper_i and upper_j:
edges.append((id, coordinate_to_string(i + 1, j + 1)))
paths.add(coordinate_to_string(i + 1, j + 1))
if upper_i2:
edges.append((id, coordinate_to_string(i + 2, j)))
paths.add(coordinate_to_string(i + 2, j))
if lower_i2:
edges.append((id, coordinate_to_string(i - 2, j)))
paths.add(coordinate_to_string(i - 2, j))
graph[id] = paths
return graph, edges
def draw_graph(width, height, size=600, edges=None):
svg = Svg()
medges = copy.deepcopy(edges)
one_height = size / height
one_width = size / width
_size = min(one_height, one_width)
current_y = _size / 2
if medges is not None:
froms = map(lambda x: (x[1], x[0]), edges)
for fr in froms:
# for fr in medges:
# print(fr)
for i in range(2 * height):
current_x = _size / 2
for j in range(width):
if (i + j) % 2 == 0:
center = (current_x, current_y)
gaps = []
if medges is not None:
gaps = get_gaps(i, j, medges)
svg.add_hexagon(center, _size / 2, gaps, "none", 3)
current_x += (_size - _size / 4)
current_y += math.sqrt((_size / 2) ** 2 - (_size / 4) ** 2)"canvas")
def get_gaps(i, j, edges):
gaps = []
id = coordinate_to_string(i, j)
o_x, o_y = id.split(",")
froms = filter(lambda x: x[0] == id, edges)
for fr in list(froms):
or_x, or_y = int(o_x), int(o_y)
str_x, str_y = fr[1].split(",")
d_x, d_y = int(str_x), int(str_y)
if or_y == d_y:
if or_x > d_x:
if or_x > d_x and or_y > d_y:
if or_x > d_x and or_y < d_y:
if or_x < d_x and or_y > d_y:
if or_x < d_x and or_y < d_y:
return gaps
def carve_paths(edges):
result_edges = []
sets = {}
while len(edges) > 0:
edge = random.sample(edges, 1)[0]
o_id, d_id = edge
if o_id not in sets.keys():
sets[o_id] = set()
if d_id not in sets.keys():
sets[d_id] = set()
set_o = sets[o_id]
set_d = sets[d_id]
if len(set_o.intersection(set_d)) == 0:
new_set = set_o | set_d
sets[o_id] = new_set
sets[d_id] = new_set
return result_edges
g, e = generate_graph(25, 25)
draw_graph(25, 25, 1000, edges=carve_paths(e))
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