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Created August 13, 2019 04:25
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small game
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<head lang='en'>
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<meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width'>
<title>This is a smallgame</title>
body {
font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, sans-serif;
color: #333;
font-weight: 300;
margin: 0;
text-align: top;
touch-action: none;
overflow: hidden;
canvas {
image-rendering: -moz-crisp-edges;
image-rendering: pixelated;
<canvas id=c></canvas>
<script src='bundle.js'></script>
const CIRCLES = 99;
const GRAVITY = 0.1;
const FRICTION = 0.7;
const LEFT = 37;
const UP = 38;
const RIGHT = 39;
const DOWN = 40;
const global = {};
global.mouse = {};
global.key = null;
global.prevKey = null;
function clone(obj) {
return Object.assign({}, obj);
function compose() {
var fns = arguments;
return function (result) {
for (var i = fns.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {
result = fns[i].call(this, result);
return result;
function getXRange(min) {
return { min: min, max: window.innerWidth - min };
function getYRange(min) {
return { min: min, max: window.innerHeight - min };
function getRandomArbitrary(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) + min);
function getRandomX(min) {
return getRandomArbitrary(min, window.innerWidth - min);
function getRandomY(min) {
return getRandomArbitrary(min, window.innerHeight - min);
function getRandom(max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * max);
function getRadians(angle) {
return angle * Math.PI/180;
function getDxDy(angle, speed) {
const dx = Math.cos(getRadians(angle)) * speed;
const dy = Math.sin(getRadians(angle)) * speed;
return { dx, dy };
function createCircle(count) {
const id = count;
const radius = getRandomArbitrary(5, 100);
const x = getRandomX(radius);
const y = getRandomY(radius);
const angle = getRandom(360);
const speed = Math.abs(radius-100)/4;
const { dx, dy } = getDxDy(angle, speed);
const xRange = getXRange(radius);
const yRange = getYRange(radius);
return { id, radius, x, y, angle, speed, dx, dy, xRange, yRange };
function isCircle(item) {
if (!item) return false;
const { x, y, radius } = item;
if (x && y && radius) {
return true;
return false;
function createPerson(count = 0) {
const id = count;
const width = 20;
const height = 50;
const x = (window.innerWidth / 2) - (width / 2);
const y = window.innerHeight - height;
const fillStyle = 'blue'
const xRange = getXRange(0);
return { id, x, y, width, height, fillStyle, xRange };
function isPerson(item) {
if (!item) return false;
const { x, y, width, height, fillStyle } = item;
if (x && y && width && height && fillStyle === 'blue') {
return true;
return false;
function createRope(person) {
const rope = createPerson();
rope.x = person.x;
rope.y = person.y;
rope.height = person.height / 2;
rope.yRange = getYRange(0);
rope.fillStyle = 'yellow'; = ? : 0;
return rope;
function isRope(item) {
if (!item) return false;
const { x, y, width, height, fillStyle } = item;
if (x && y && width, height, fillStyle === 'yellow') {
return true;
return false;
function makeCircles(len) {
const circles = [];
let count = len;
while (count--) {
return circles;
function clearScreen(ctx) {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
function drawCircle(ctx, circle) {
ctx.arc(circle.x, circle.y, circle.radius, 0, Math.PI*2, false);
if (circle.fillStyle) {
ctx.fillStyle = circle.fillStyle;
} else {
ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(20, 100, 20, 0.1)"
if (circle.lineWidth) {
ctx.lineWidth = circle.lineWidth;
const drawCircles = ctx => {
return circles => {
circles.forEach(function(circle) {
if (isCircle(circle)) {
drawCircle(ctx, circle)
return circles;
const drawPerson = ctx => {
return circles => {
circles.forEach(function(item) {
if(isPerson(item)) {
ctx.fillStyle = item.fillStyle;
ctx.fillRect(item.x, item.y, item.width, item.height);
return circles;
const drawRope = ctx => {
return circles => {
circles.forEach(function(item) {
if(isRope(item)) {
ctx.fillStyle = item.fillStyle;
ctx.fillRect(item.x, item.y, item.width, item.height);
return circles;
function distance(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
return Math.floor(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x1 - x2, 2) + Math.pow(y1 - y2, 2)));
function isOverlap(person, circle) {
if (distance(person.x, person.y, circle.x, circle.y) <= circle.radius ||
distance(person.x + person.width, person.y, circle.x, circle.y) <= circle.radius ||
distance(person.x, person.y + person.height, circle.x, circle.y) <= circle.radius ||
distance(person.x + person.width, person.y + person.height, circle.x, circle.y) <= circle.radius
) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function isSomeOverlap(ropes, circle) {
return ropes.some(rope => isOverlap(rope, circle));
function isInRange(value, range) {
return value ? (value >= range.min && value <= range.max) : false;
const applyMoveFreely = compose(
function applyMoveLeftOrRight(circle) {
const c = clone(circle);
if (c.dx) {
if (isInRange(c.x + c.dx, c.xRange)) {
c.x += c.dx;
} else {
c.angle = 180 - c.angle;
const { dx, dy } = getDxDy(c.angle, c.speed);
c.dx = dx;
c.dy = dy;
// c.dx = -c.dx;
return c;
function applyMoveUpOrDown(circle) {
const c = clone(circle);
if (c.dy) {
if (isInRange(c.y + c.dy, c.yRange)) {
c.y += c.dy;
} else {
c.angle = 360 - c.angle;
const { dx, dy } = getDxDy(c.angle, c.speed);
c.dx = dx;
c.dy = dy;
// c.dy = -c.dy;
return c;
function applyGravity(circle) {
const c = clone(circle);
if (!isInRange(c.y + c.dy, c.yRange)) {
c.dy = -c.dy * FRICTION;
} else {
c.dy += GRAVITY;
c.y += c.dy;
return c;
function movePerson(person) {
const p = clone(person);
if (global.key === RIGHT) {
if (isInRange(p.x + 3, p.xRange)) {
p.x += 3;
} else if (global.key === LEFT) {
if (isInRange(p.x - 3, p.xRange)) {
p.x -= 3;
return p;
function moveRope(rope) {
const r = clone(rope);
r.y -= 10;
return r;
function isRed(item) {
return item && item.fillStyle === 'red';
const checkRope = rope => (
isInRange(rope.y, rope.yRange) ? moveRope(rope) : {}
const applyStyle = filter => styleCb => circles => {
return =>
filter(circle) ? styleCb(circle) : circle
const not = f => {
return (...args) => !f.apply(null, args);
const gravity = applyStyle(isRed)(applyGravity);
const moveLeftOrRight = applyStyle(isRed)(applyMoveLeftOrRight);
const moveFreely = applyStyle(not(isRed))(applyMoveFreely);
const updatePerson = applyStyle(isPerson)(movePerson);
const updateRope = applyStyle(isRope)(checkRope);
function findPerson(circles) {
return circles.find(item => {
return isPerson(item);
function addRope(circles) {
if (global.key === UP) {
const p = findPerson(circles);
if (p) { = circles.length;
if (global.prevKey === LEFT || global.prevKey === RIGHT) {
global.key = global.prevKey;
return circles;
function checkOverlapPersonItem(circles, changeItem) {
const p = circles.find(item => isPerson(item));
if (p) {
return {
return isOverlap(p, item) ? changeItem(item) : item;
return circles;
function checkCollisionItem(circles, changeItem) {
const ropes = circles.filter(item => isRope(item));
if (Array.isArray(ropes) && ropes.length > 0) {
return => {
return isSomeOverlap(ropes, item) ? changeItem(item) : item;
return circles;
const changeColor = color => item => {
const newItem = clone(item);
newItem.fillStyle = color;
return newItem;
const changeRadius = limit => fn => item => {
const newItem = clone(item);
if (newItem.radius > limit) {
newItem.radius = fn(newItem.radius);
return newItem;
const changeHalfSize = changeRadius(10)(x => x / 2);
const checkPerson = circles => {
return checkOverlapPersonItem(circles, () => ({}));
const checkCollision = (circles) => {
return checkCollisionItem(circles, changeColor('red'));
const halfSize = (circles) => {
return checkCollisionItem(circles, changeHalfSize);
const cloneCircle = (circles) => {
let addedCircles = [];
let newCircles = checkCollisionItem(circles, (item) => {
if (item.fillStyle !== 'red') {
const leftCircle = clone(item);
leftCircle.x -= leftCircle.radius*2;
leftCircle.dx = item.dx > 0 ? -leftCircle.dx : leftCircle.dx;
leftCircle.y -= leftCircle.radius*2;
leftCircle.fillStyle = 'red';
const rightCircle = clone(item);
rightCircle.x += rightCircle.radius*2;
rightCircle.dx = item.dx > 0 ? rightCircle.dx : -rightCircle.dx;
rightCircle.y -= rightCircle.radius*2;
rightCircle.fillStyle = 'red';
return {};
} else {
return item;
return newCircles.concat(addedCircles);
function isBottom(item) {
if ((item.y + item.radius) >= window.innerHeight) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function isTop(item) {
if (item.y <= item.radius) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function countDown(item) {
if (!item) return item;
const newItem = clone(item);
if (newItem.timeoutCount === undefined) {
newItem.timeoutCount = 100;
return newItem.timeoutCount === 0 ? {} : newItem;
const isCircleAndRed = item => (isCircle(item) && isRed(item));
const checkTopOrBottom = item => (isBottom(item) || isTop(item)) ? countDown(item) : item;
const checkItemOnTheBottom = applyStyle(isCircleAndRed)(checkTopOrBottom);
const checkTimeout = checkItemOnTheBottom;
function startAnimation(ctx) {
let circles = makeCircles(CIRCLES);
const update = compose(
const draw = compose(
function animate() {
circles = update(circles);
circles = draw(circles);
function processKeyEvent(e) {
global.prevKey = global.key;
global.key = e.keyCode;
const letterPressed = String.fromCharCode(global.key)
console.log(global.key, letterPressed.toLowerCase());
function processMouseEvent(e) {
global.mouse = {x: e.x, y: e.y};
function activate() {
const c = document.querySelector("canvas");
c.width = window.innerWidth;
c.height = window.innerHeight;
const ctx = c.getContext("2d");
window.addEventListener('load', activate);
window.addEventListener('keydown', processKeyEvent, true);
window.addEventListener('mousemove', processMouseEvent, true);
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