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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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def estimate_house_sales_price(num_of_bedrooms, sqft, neighborhood):
price = 0
# In my area, the average house costs $200 per sqft
price_per_sqft = 200
if neighborhood == "hipsterton":
# some areas cost a bit more
price_per_sqft = 400
elif neighborhood == "skid row":
# some areas cost less
price_per_sqft = 100
# start with a price estimate based on how big the place is
price = price_per_sqft * sqft
# adjust our estimate based on the number of bedrooms
if num_of_bedrooms == 0:
# Studio apartment is cheap
price = price - 20000
# places with more bedrooms are usually
# more valuable
price = price + (num_of_bedrooms * 5000)
return price
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