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Optimized, simplified continuation monad that implement all the Transient effects (except Web, logging and distributed computing) with mock up implementation of some of them ( Parallelism, concurrency, reactive, streaming, non-determinism, backtracking exceptions, state, early termination
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, ExistentialQuantification, ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, UndecidableInstances #-}
module TransientCont where
-- some imports
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans
import GHC.Conc
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Data.IORef
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Typeable
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Monoid
import Unsafe.Coerce
import Control.Exception hiding (onException)
-- convenient debug operator
import Debug.Trace
x !> y= trace (show y) x
infixr 0 !>
The Monad class:
class Monad m where
return :: m a
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
The second term of (>>=) is a lambda. It is also a kind of continuation.
It could be seen also as a callback:
(>>=) can be read as this: when 'm a' (the first term) is executed, apply the second term as a callback
which will receive the result of the first term.
do x <- mx
y <- my
-- ... is equivalent to:
do x <- mx
do y <- my
-- ... desugars to:
mx >>= (\x ->
my >>= (\y ->
z ))
However we want to define 'mx' 'my' etc as compuatations that know their continuations.
In a 'normal' monad each computation does not know what's next.
{- This is the original Continuation Monad
In the continuation monad, each computation 'mx'... is a lambda whose parametet 'a -> m r'
is the continuation 'c', in which 'a' is the value returned by the previous term.
newtype Cont r m a = Cont{runCont :: (a -> m r) -> m r}
instance Functor (Cont r m) where
fmap f m = Cont $ \ c -> runCont m (c . f)
instance Applicative (Cont r m) where
pure x = Cont (\c ->c x) -- Cont ($ x)
f <*> v = Cont $ \ c -> runCont f $ \ g -> runCont v $ \t -> c $ g t
instance Monad (Cont r m) where
return x = Cont (\c -> c x) -- Cont ($ x)
-- (>>=) :: Cont r m a -> (a -> Cont r m b) -> Cont r m b
m >>= k = Cont $ \ c -> runCont m $ \ x -> runCont ( k x ) c
-- in the continuation monad, each term know what is after it, his continuation "c".
-- This allows for the programming of powerful effects as we will know below.
-- 'x' is of type 'a'
-- 'm' is of type 'Cont r m a'
-- However the Cont monad is weird. the type of the result 'r' depend on a term that is outside of the
-- computation itself, since 'Cont r m b` === Cont ((b -> m r) -> m r)
-- it does not materialize in a result. It needs a final lambda 'b -> m r' to produce a value 'm r'
-- State being carried out by the monad. many of these fields are not used here.
type SData= ()
data LifeCycle = Alive | Parent | Listener | Dead
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | EventF describes the context of a TransientIO computation:
data EventF = EventF
{ mfData :: M.Map TypeRep SData
-- ^ State data accessed with get or put operations
, mfSequence :: Int
, threadId :: ThreadId
, freeTh :: Bool
-- ^ When 'True', threads are not killed using kill primitives
, parent :: Maybe EventF
-- ^ The parent of this thread
, children :: MVar [EventF]
-- ^ Forked child threads, used only when 'freeTh' is 'False'
, maxThread :: Maybe (IORef Int)
-- ^ Maximum number of threads that are allowed to be created
, labelth :: IORef (LifeCycle, BS.ByteString)
-- ^ Label the thread with its lifecycle state and a label string
, emptyOut :: Bool
-- ^ Used by empty
} deriving Typeable
-- to avoid a further lambda (b -> m r) to get a result 'r',
-- Type coercion is necessary, since continuations can only be modeled fully within Indexed monads.
-- See paper P. Wadler "Monads and composable continuations"
-- The symtom of that problem in the typical continuation monad is the extra parameter r that complicates
-- reasoning. The monad below eliminates the extra parameter by coercing types since, by construction,
-- the parameter 'x' of the second term is of the type of the first term of the bind.
ety :: a -> b
ety= dontWorryEverithingisOk
tdyn :: a -> Dyn
tdyn= dontWorryEverithingisOk
fdyn :: Dyn -> a
fdyn = dontWorryEverithingisOk
dontWorryEverithingisOk= unsafeCoerce
type Dyn= ()
-- the new data definition:
newtype Transient m a = Transient { runTransT :: (Dyn -> m a) -> m a }
-- will carry on an state. use the state monad transformer
type StateIO = StateT EventF IO
-- load our final monad with the payload state we defined above.
type TransIO = Transient StateIO
instance Monad TransIO where
return = pure -- Transient ($ tdyn a) === Transient (\c -> c $ tdyn a)
-- (>>=) TransIO a -> (a -> TransIO b) -> TransIO b
-- (>>=) Transient ((Dyn -> m a) -> m a) -> (a -> Transient ((Dyn -> m b )) -> m b )
m >>= k = Transient $ \c -> ety $ runTransT m (\x -> ety $ runTransT ( k $ fdyn x) c)
-- the instance, type coercions apart, is identical to the standard continuation. BUT...
-- now we know that the result is the result of the second term. a further lambda/continuation/callback
-- is not needed
instance MonadState EventF TransIO where
get= lift get
put= lift . put
instance MonadTrans (Transient ) where
lift m = Transient ((ety m) >>=)
instance MonadIO TransIO where
liftIO = lift . liftIO
callCC :: ((a -> Transient m b) -> Transient m a) -> Transient m a
callCC f = Transient $ \ c -> runTransT (f (\ x -> Transient $ \ _ -> ety $ c $ tdyn x)) c
-- run the monad with an state 'st'
runTransState :: EventF -> TransIO a -> IO ( a, EventF)
runTransState st t= runStateT (runTrans t) st
runTrans :: TransIO a -> StateIO a
runTrans t= runTransT t (return . ety id )
-- | Run a transient computation with a default initial state
runTransient :: TransIO a -> IO ( a, EventF)
runTransient t = do
th <- myThreadId
label <- newIORef $ (Alive, BS.pack "top")
childs <- newMVar []
runTransState (emptyEventF th label childs) t
emptyEventF :: ThreadId -> IORef (LifeCycle, BS.ByteString) -> MVar [EventF] -> EventF
emptyEventF th label childs =
EventF { mfData = mempty
, mfSequence = 0
, threadId = th
, freeTh = False
, parent = Nothing
, children = childs
, maxThread = Nothing
, labelth = label
, emptyOut = False }
-- executing the continuation in CallCC with a value is executing the contination with this value.
-- the rest of the callCC block is ignored
callCCTest= runTransient $ do
r <- callCC $ \ret -> do
ret 100
liftIO $ print "hello" -- we are here in the Cont/transient monad
return 1
liftIO $ print r
liftIO $ print "world"
-- > main= callCCTest
-- 100
-- "world"
callCCTest1= runTransient $ do
r <- Transient $ \ret -> do
ret $ tdyn 100 -- we are here in the state monad
liftIO $ print "hello"
return 1
liftIO $ print $ r
liftIO $ print $ "world"
-- > main= callCCTest1
-- 100
-- "world"
-- "hello"
-- empty means the early finalization of a computation and the execution of a possible alernative computation
-- This is implemented by a Empty exception which carries out a computation state.
-- this exception can be catched by the alternative computation, which continue the execution.
newtype Empty= Empty EventF deriving Typeable
instance Show Empty where show _= "Empty"
instance Exception Empty
instance Alternative TransIO where
empty= get >>= \st -> liftIO . throw $ Empty st
f <|> g= callCC $ \k -> do
-- -- The straigh definition: invoke f and the continuation. if it fails with empty run g followed
-- -- by the continuation. The state 'st' is propagated to the result.
-- -- Since exceptions are defined in the IO Monad, we need to run them naked in IO, using
-- -- 'runTransState', and wear the result again with 'liftIO'
-- st <- get
-- liftIO $ (runTransState st (f >>= k)
-- `catch` (\(Empty st) -> runTransState st (g >>= k) ))
-- empty
-- -- however empty exception in the continuation of f in 'f >>= cont' would trigger the execution of g
-- -- This is not what is needed. we need it only when Empty is triggered in 'f'
-- A state variable `emptyOut` is used to detect when empty is called in the continuation
-- In this case, empty is ignored and retrown.
st <- get
liftIO $ io st f k `catch` \(Empty st) -> do
let c = emptyOut st
when c $ throw (Empty st) -- when the exception comes from the continuation do not execute g
io st g k
io st f cont= runTransState st{emptyOut=False} (f >>= cont' )
where cont' x= do modify $ \st ->st{emptyOut=True} ; cont x
instance Functor (Transient m) where
fmap f m = Transient $ \c -> ety $ runTransT m $ \ x -> ety c $ f $ fdyn x
instance Applicative TransIO where
pure a = Transient ($ tdyn a)
-- -- this would be the standard definition following the continuation monad
--f <*> v = ety $ Transient $ \ k -> ety $ runTransT f $ \ g -> ety $ runTransT v $ \t -> k $ (ety g) t
-- but we need to give the opportunity to execute both terms in parallel
-- so we define it as the composition of two alternative computations
f <*> v = do
r1 <- liftIO $ newIORef Nothing
r2 <- liftIO $ newIORef Nothing
(fparallel r1 r2) <|> (vparallel r1 r2)
-- to allow parallel execution of both terms, two mutable variables store the result of each term
-- one executes f, the other v.
-- Each term inspect if the other has finished
-- if it has not finished, trows empty and the thread finish
-- if has finished, evaluate the result and execute the continuation `k` with the result
fparallel :: IORef (Maybe(a -> b)) -> IORef (Maybe a) -> TransIO b
fparallel r1 r2= ety $ Transient $ \k ->
runTransT f $ \g -> do
(liftIO $ writeIORef r1 $ Just (fdyn g)) !> "f write r1"
mt <- liftIO $ readIORef r2 !> "f read r2"
case mt of
Just t -> k $ (fdyn g) t
Nothing -> get >>= liftIO . throw . Empty
vparallel :: IORef (Maybe(a -> b)) -> IORef (Maybe a) -> TransIO b
vparallel r1 r2= ety $ Transient $ \k ->
runTransT v $ \t -> do
(liftIO $ writeIORef r2 $ Just (fdyn t)) !> "v write r2"
mg <- liftIO $ readIORef r1 !> "v read r1"
case mg of
Nothing -> get >>= liftIO . throw . Empty
Just g -> k $ (ety g) t
-- standard monoid definition. Since is defined in terms of Applicative, it allows parallel execution
-- of x and y.
instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (TransIO a) where
x <> y = (<>) <$> x <*> y
instance Monoid a => Monoid (TransIO a) where
mappend = (<>) -- mappend <$> x <*> y
mempty = return mempty
-- An "algebra" defined in terms of Applicative, so it allows parallel execution!
instance (Num a, Eq a) => Num (TransIO a) where
fromInteger = return . fromInteger
mf + mg = (+) <$> mf <*> mg
mf * mg = (*) <$> mf <*> mg
negate f = f >>= return . negate
abs f = f >>= return . abs
signum f = f >>= return . signum
-- How is this parallel execution permitted? Because we can create threads that execute continuations
-- these threads execute all alternative computations in parallel.
-- since all combinators are constructes in terms of the Applicative operators which are parallel enabled.
-- async execute an 'io' operation, then create a thread and initiates the execution of the continuation within it.
-- then it leaves the current thread with 'empty' so an alternative computation can use this thread.
async :: IO a -> TransIO a
async io= callCC $ \ret -> do
st <- get
liftIO $ forkIOE $ do
runTransState st ( liftIO io >>= ret )
return ()
forkIOE x= forkIO $ (x >> return ()) `catch` \(Empty _)-> return () -- myThreadId >>= killThread
-- the initiator of the monad. since threads may die with an empty exception,
-- we need to keep the program running even if the only thread running is the
-- console loop
mexit= unsafePerformIO $ newEmptyMVar
runsingleth mx= do
(runTransient mx >> return ()) `catch` \(Empty _) -> return ()
keep mx= do
forkIO $( runTransient mx >> return ()) `catch` \(Empty _) -> return ()
takeMVar mexit
-- do the same than 'async' but execute the 'io' operation in a loop. each time it creates a new thread.
waitEvents :: IO a -> TransIO a
waitEvents io= callCC $ \ret -> do
st <- get
loop ret st
loop ret st= do
liftIO $ forkIOE $ do
runTransState st (liftIO io >>= ret )
return ()
loop ret st
testWaitEvents= do
r <- waitEvents getLine
liftIO $ putStr "received: " >> print r
-- > main= keep testWaitEvents
-- > hello
-- received: "hello"
-- > world
-- received: "world"
-- > ssds
-- received: "ssds"
-- asynchronous programs combine algebraically with (<|>)
-- An IRC client:
-- main = do
-- h <- withSocketsDo $ connectTo "" $ PortNumber $ fromIntegral 6667
-- keep' $ (waitEvents getLine >>= liftIO . hPutStrLn h) <|>
-- (waitEvents (hGetLine h) >>= liftIO . putStrLn )
-- choose execute as many alternative 'async' operation as there are values in a list.
-- So each value is returned to the continuation, which is executed in a different thread.
-- So it executes the rest of tjhe computation for all the values in parallel.
-- this initiates a parallel non-deterministic computation.
-- it is equivalent to 'async(return x1) <|> async(return x2)....`
choose :: [a] -> TransIO a
choose xs = foldl (<|>) empty $ map (async . return) xs
choosetwo= do
r <- choose [1..3]
r' <- choose ['a'..'c']
th <- liftIO myThreadId
liftIO $ print (r,r', th)
-- > main= keep choosetwo
-- (2,'a',ThreadId 79)
-- (2,'b',ThreadId 80)
-- (1,'a',ThreadId 78)
-- (1,'b',ThreadId 82)
-- (1,'c',ThreadId 83)
-- (2,'c',ThreadId 84)
-- (3,'a',ThreadId 85)
-- (3,'b',ThreadId 86)
-- (3,'c',ThreadId 87)
pythagoras = do
x <- choose [1..10]
y <- choose ([1 .. x] :: [Int])
z <- choose [1 .. round $ sqrt(fromIntegral $ 2*x*x)]
guard (x*x+y*y==z*z)
th <- liftIO myThreadId
liftIO $ print (x, y, z, th)
-- > main= keep $ pythagoras
-- (4,3,5,ThreadId 173)
-- (8,6,10,ThreadId 565)
-- A continuation is a callback. we can cheat a callback handler by giving it our continuation.
-- So instead of
-- > do
-- > ....
-- > setCallback ourCallback -- our logic is interrupted here
-- > ourCallback value= do
-- > foo value; ..... -- ... and continues here
-- > ...
-- Instead of that, now we can write:
-- > do
-- > ....
-- > value <- react setCallback (return ())
-- > foo value -- code is not broken
-- > ...
:: ((eventdata -> IO response) -> IO ())
-> IO response
-> TransIO eventdata
react setCallback iob= callCC $ \ret -> do
st <- get
liftIO $ setCallback $ \x -> do runTransState st $ ret x
-- react used for console input
-- Let's define a framework with callbacks.
-- Since we may have many threads/modules/programs, I can create a thread which will input from the keyboard.
-- Other modules, probably running in differen threads may set callbacks which this console input thread
-- could call when some input line is entered.
rcb= unsafePerformIO $ newIORef []
setCallback :: String -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
setCallback name cb= atomicModifyIORef rcb $ \cbs -> (reverse $ (name,cb) : cbs,())
delCallback name= atomicModifyIORef rcb $ \cbs -> (filter ((/=) name . fst ) cbs,())
-- `reactOption` set one of these callbacks, when the input matches the string `resp` then
-- it returns it, so the rest of the computation is executed.
-- otherwise, empty stops from doing further actions.
reactOption :: String -> String -> TransIO String
reactOption resp message = do
liftIO $ do
putStr "enter "
putStr resp
putStr "\t to:"
putStrLn message
x <- react (setCallback resp) (return ())
if x /= resp then empty else -- if it is not the expected value, give up
return resp -- return it to his continuation
-- the thread that execute the callbacks in a loop
consoleLoop = do
x <- getLine
mbs <- readIORef rcb
-- for each string entered, execute all the callbacks
mapM (\(n,cb) -> cb x `catch` \(Empty _) -> return()) mbs
testAlternative= do
r <- async (return "hello") <|> async (return "world") <|> async (return "world2")
liftIO $ print r
-- > main= keep testAlternative
-- "hello"
-- "world"
-- "world2"
mainReact = do
fork consoleLoop
r <- (reactOption "hello" "hello") <|> (reactOption "world" "world")
liftIO $ putStr "received: " >> print r
fork f= (async f >> empty) <|> return()
-- > main= keep mainReact
-- enter hello to:hello
-- enter world to:world
-- > hello
-- received: "hello"
-- > world
-- received: "world"
-- > hello
-- received: "hello"
combination= do
r <- ( async (threadDelay 10000 >> return "hello ") <> return "world") <|> return "world2"
liftIO $ putStrLn r
-- > main= keep combination
-- world2
-- hello world
looptest= runTransient $ do
setState "hello"
r <- liftIO $ newIORef 0
sum r 1000000
s <- getState
liftIO $ putStrLn s
sum r 0= do r <- liftIO $ readIORef r; liftIO $ print r
sum r x= do
liftIO $ modifyIORef r $ \v -> v + x
sum r $x -1
-- option using STM and waitEvents
inputLoop :: IO()
inputLoop= do
l <- getLine
atomically (writeTVar mvline l)
wait = unsafePerformIO newEmptyMVar
mvline= unsafePerformIO $ newTVarIO ""
option :: String -> String -> TransIO String
--option :: [Char] -> Transient r (StateT t IO) [Char]
option resp message= do
liftIO $ do
putStr "enter "
putStr resp
putStr "\t to:"
putStrLn message
waitEvents . atomically $ do
x <- readTVar mvline
if x== resp then writeTVar mvline "" >> return resp else GHC.Conc.retry
-- callCC :: ((a -> Transient r StateIO b) -> Transient r m a) -> Transient r m a
forkIO $ inputLoop
keep $ do
r <- option "hello" "hello" <|> option "world" "world"
liftIO $ putStr "received: " >> print r
class AdditionalOperators m where
-- | Run @m a@ discarding its result before running @m b@.
(**>) :: m a -> m b -> m b
-- | Run @m b@ discarding its result, after the whole task set @m a@ is
-- done.
(<**) :: m a -> m b -> m a
atEnd' :: m a -> m b -> m a
atEnd' = (<**)
-- | Run @m b@ discarding its result, once after each task in @m a@, and
-- every time that an event happens in @m a@
(<***) :: m a -> m b -> m a
atEnd :: m a -> m b -> m a
atEnd = (<***)
instance AdditionalOperators (Transient StateIO) where
-- (**>) :: TransIO a -> TransIO b -> TransIO b
(**>) f g = Transient $ \c -> ety $ runTransT f (\x -> ety $ runTransT g c)
-- (<***) :: TransIO a -> TransIO b -> TransIO a
(<***) f g =
ety $ Transient $ \k -> ety $ runTransT f $ \x -> ety $ runTransT g (\_ -> k x)
f' = callCC $ \c -> g >> c ()
-- (<**) :: TransIO a -> TransIO b -> TransIO a
(<**) f g = ety $ Transient $ \k -> ety $ runTransT f $ \x -> ety $ runTransT g (\_ -> k x)
--f >>= g = Transient $ \k -> runTransT f $ \x -> ety $ runTransT ( g $ unsafeCoerce x) k
infixr 1 <***, <**, **>
----------------------------------backtracking ------------------------
data Backtrack b= forall a r c. Backtrack{backtracking :: Maybe b
,backStack :: [(b ->TransIO c,c -> TransIO a)] }
deriving Typeable
-- | Delete all the undo actions registered till now for the given track id.
-- backCut :: (Typeable b, Show b) => b -> TransIO ()
backCut reason=
delData $ Backtrack (Just reason) []
-- | 'backCut' for the default track; equivalent to @backCut ()@.
undoCut :: TransIO ()
undoCut = backCut ()
-- | Run the action in the first parameter and register the second parameter as
-- the undo action. On undo ('back') the second parameter is called with the
-- undo track id as argument.
{-# NOINLINE onBack #-}
onBack :: (Typeable b, Show b) => TransIO a -> ( b -> TransIO a) -> TransIO a
onBack ac back = do
-- Backtrack mreason _ <- getData `onNothing` backStateOf (typeof bac) !> "HANDLER1"
-- r <-ac
-- case mreason !> ("mreason",mreason) of
-- Nothing -> ac
-- Just reason -> bac reason
registerBack ac back
typeof :: (b -> TransIO a) -> b
typeof = undefined
-- | 'onBack' for the default track; equivalent to @onBack ()@.
onUndo :: TransIO a -> TransIO a -> TransIO a
onUndo x y= onBack x (\() -> y)
-- | Register an undo action to be executed when backtracking. The first
-- parameter is a "witness" whose data type is used to uniquely identify this
-- backtracking action. The value of the witness parameter is not used.
--{-# NOINLINE registerUndo #-}
-- registerBack :: (Typeable a, Show a) => (a -> TransIO a) -> a -> TransIO a
registerBack ac back = callCC $ \k -> do
md <- getData `asTypeOf` (Just <$> (backStateOf $ typeof back)) !> "HANDLER"
case md of
Just (bss@(Backtrack b (bs@((back',_):_)))) ->
-- when (isNothing b) $ do
-- addrx <- addr back'
-- addrx' <- addr back -- to avoid duplicate backtracking points
-- when (addrx /= addrx') $ do return () !> "ADD"; setData $ Backtrack mwit ( (back, k): unsafeCoerce bs)
setData $ Backtrack b ( (back, k): unsafeCoerce bs)
Just (Backtrack b []) -> setData $ Backtrack b [(back , k)]
Nothing -> do
setData $ Backtrack mwit [ (back , k)] !> "NOTHING"
typeof :: (b -> TransIO a) -> b
typeof = undefined
mwit= Nothing `asTypeOf` (Just $ typeof back)
-- registerUndo :: TransIO a -> TransIO a
-- registerUndo f= registerBack () f
-- XXX Should we enforce retry of the same track which is being undone? If the
-- user specifies a different track would it make sense?
-- | For a given undo track id, stop executing more backtracking actions and
-- resume normal execution in the forward direction. Used inside an undo
-- action.
forward :: (Typeable b, Show b) => b -> TransIO ()
forward reason= do
Backtrack _ stack <- getData `onNothing` (backStateOf reason)
setData $ Backtrack(Nothing `asTypeOf` Just reason) stack
-- | Start the undo process for the given undo track id. Performs all the undo
-- actions registered till now in reverse order. An undo action can use
-- 'forward' to stop the undo process and resume forward execution. If there
-- are no more undo actions registered execution stops and a 'stop' action is
-- returned.
back :: (Typeable b, Show b) => b -> TransIO a
back reason = do
Backtrack _ cs <- getData `onNothing` backStateOf reason
let bs= Backtrack (Just reason) cs
setData bs
goBackt bs
goBackt (Backtrack _ [] )= empty !> "END"
goBackt (Backtrack Nothing _ )= error "goback: no reason"
goBackt (Backtrack (Just reason) ((handler,cont) : bs))= do
-- setData $ Backtrack (Just reason) $ tail stack
-- unsafeCoerce $ first reason !> "GOBACK2"
x <- unsafeCoerce handler reason -- !> ("RUNCLOSURE",length stack)
Backtrack mreason _ <- getData `onNothing` backStateOf reason
-- setData $ Backtrack mreason bs
-- case mr of
-- Nothing -> return empty -- !> "END EXECUTION"
case mreason of
Nothing -> do
--setData $ Backtrack Nothing bs
unsafeCoerce $ cont x !> "FORWARD EXEC"
justreason -> do
setData $ Backtrack justreason bs
goBackt $ Backtrack justreason bs !> ("BACK AGAIN")
backStateOf :: (Monad m, Show a, Typeable a) => a -> m (Backtrack a)
backStateOf reason= return $ Backtrack (Nothing `asTypeOf` (Just reason)) []
------ exceptions ---
-- | Install an exception handler. Handlers are executed in reverse (i.e. last in, first out) order when such exception happens in the
-- continuation. Note that multiple handlers can be installed for the same exception type.
-- The semantic is thus very different than the one of `Control.Exception.Base.onException`
onException :: Exception e => (e -> TransIO ()) -> TransIO ()
onException exc= return () `onException'` exc
onException' :: Exception e => TransIO a -> (e -> TransIO a) -> TransIO a
onException' mx f= onAnyException mx $ \e ->
case fromException e of
Nothing -> return $ error "do nothing,this should not be evaluated"
Just e' -> f e'
--onAnyException :: TransIO a -> (SomeException ->TransIO a) -> TransIO a
onAnyException mx f= ioexp `onBack` f
ioexp = callCC $ \cont -> do
st <- get
ioexp' $ runTransState st (mx >>=cont ) `catch` exceptBack st
ioexp' mx= do
(mx,st') <- liftIO mx
put st'
case mx of
Nothing -> empty
Just x -> return x
exceptBack st = \(e ::SomeException) -> -- recursive catch itself
runTransState st (back e )
`catch` exceptBack st
-- | Delete all the exception handlers registered till now.
cutExceptions :: TransIO ()
cutExceptions= backCut (undefined :: SomeException)
-- | Use it inside an exception handler. it stop executing any further exception
-- handlers and resume normal execution from this point on.
continue :: TransIO ()
continue = forward (undefined :: SomeException) !> "CONTINUE"
-- | catch an exception in a Transient block
-- The semantic is the same than `catch` but the computation and the exception handler can be multirhreaded
-- catcht1 mx exc= mx' `onBack` exc
-- where
-- mx'= Transient $ const $do
-- st <- get
-- (mx, st) <- liftIO $ runTransState st mx `catch` exceptBack st
-- put st
-- return mx
catcht :: Exception e => TransIO a -> (e -> TransIO a) -> TransIO a
catcht mx exc= do
rpassed <- liftIO $ newIORef False
sandbox $ do
delData $ Backtrack (Just (undefined :: SomeException)) []
r <- onException' mx $ \e -> do
passed <- liftIO $ readIORef rpassed
if not passed then unsafeCoerce continue >> exc e else empty
liftIO $ writeIORef rpassed True
return r
sandbox :: TransIO a -> TransIO a
sandbox mx= do
exState <- getData `onNothing` backStateOf (undefined :: SomeException)
mx <*** setState exState
-- | throw an exception in the Transient monad
throwt :: Exception e => e -> TransIO a
throwt= back . toException
-- * Extensible State: Session Data Management
-- | Same as 'getSData' but with a more general type. If the data is found, a
-- 'Just' value is returned. Otherwise, a 'Nothing' value is returned.
getData :: (MonadState EventF m, Typeable a) => m (Maybe a)
getData = resp
where resp = do
list <- gets mfData
case M.lookup (typeOf $ typeResp resp) list of
Just x -> return . Just $ unsafeCoerce x
Nothing -> return Nothing
typeResp :: m (Maybe x) -> x
typeResp = undefined
-- | Retrieve a previously stored data item of the given data type from the
-- monad state. The data type to retrieve is implicitly determined from the
-- requested type context.
-- If the data item is not found, an 'empty' value (a void event) is returned.
-- Remember that an empty value stops the monad computation. If you want to
-- print an error message or a default value in that case, you can use an
-- 'Alternative' composition. For example:
-- > getSData <|> error "no data"
-- > getInt = getSData <|> return (0 :: Int)
getSData :: Typeable a => TransIO a
getSData = do
mx <- getData
case mx of
Nothing -> empty
Just x -> return x
-- | Same as `getSData`
getState :: Typeable a => TransIO a
getState = getSData
-- | 'setData' stores a data item in the monad state which can be retrieved
-- later using 'getData' or 'getSData'. Stored data items are keyed by their
-- data type, and therefore only one item of a given type can be stored. A
-- newtype wrapper can be used to distinguish two data items of the same type.
-- @
-- import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
-- import Transient.Base
-- import Data.Typeable
-- data Person = Person
-- { name :: String
-- , age :: Int
-- } deriving Typeable
-- main = keep $ do
-- setData $ Person "Alberto" 55
-- Person name age <- getSData
-- liftIO $ print (name, age)
-- @
setData :: (MonadState EventF m, Typeable a) => a -> m ()
setData x = modify $ \st -> st { mfData = M.insert t (unsafeCoerce x) (mfData st) }
where t = typeOf x
-- | Accepts a function that takes the current value of the stored data type
-- and returns the modified value. If the function returns 'Nothing' the value
-- is deleted otherwise updated.
modifyData :: (MonadState EventF m, Typeable a) => (Maybe a -> Maybe a) -> m ()
modifyData f = modify $ \st -> st { mfData = M.alter alterf t (mfData st) }
where typeResp :: (Maybe a -> b) -> a
typeResp = undefined
t = typeOf (typeResp f)
alterf mx = unsafeCoerce $ f x'
where x' = case mx of
Just x -> Just $ unsafeCoerce x
Nothing -> Nothing
-- | Same as modifyData
modifyState :: (MonadState EventF m, Typeable a) => (Maybe a -> Maybe a) -> m ()
modifyState = modifyData
-- | Same as 'setData'
setState :: (MonadState EventF m, Typeable a) => a -> m ()
setState = setData
-- | Delete the data item of the given type from the monad state.
delData :: (MonadState EventF m, Typeable a) => a -> m ()
delData x = modify $ \st -> st { mfData = M.delete (typeOf x) (mfData st) }
-- | Same as 'delData'
delState :: (MonadState EventF m, Typeable a) => a -> m ()
delState = delData
-- STRefs for the Transient monad
-- | If the first parameter is 'Nothing' return the second parameter otherwise
-- return the first parameter..
onNothing :: Monad m => m (Maybe b) -> m b -> m b
onNothing iox iox'= do
mx <- iox
case mx of
Just x -> return x
Nothing -> iox'
testBack = do
runTransient $ do
return () !> "before"
r <- async (print "hello") `onBack` \s -> liftIO $ print $ "received: 111"++ s
r <- async (print "world") `onBack` \s -> liftIO $ print $ "received: 222"++ s
back "exception"
takeMVar wait
testException= do
runTransient $ do
return () !> "before"
onException $ \(s :: SomeException) -> liftIO $ print $ "received: 111"++ show s
async $ print "$$$$$$$$$$$$"
-- r <- async (print "hello") `onException'` \(s :: SomeException) -> liftIO $ print $ "received: 111"++ show s
-- r <- async (print "world") `onException'` \(s :: SomeException) -> liftIO $ print $ "received: 222"++ show s
liftIO $ print "AFTER"
liftIO $ myThreadId >>= print
error "exception"
takeMVar wait
mainCatch= do
runTransient $ do
async $ print "hello"
error "error"
return ()
`catcht` (\(e :: SomeException) -> liftIO $ print $ "RECEIVED " ++ show e)
takeMVar wait
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agocorona commented Sep 21, 2017

For information abut what async, waitEvents, react etc does, see

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