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Created August 19, 2021 19:55
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Save agumonkey/93fd94dcbcba7dcece8657ead8567691 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. -- trying to play with sax again to make DOM tooling [WIP]
import xml
from xml import sax
class Todo:
class Node:
def __init__(self, name, attrs): = name
self.attrs = attrs
self.children = []
def push(self, node):
def __repr__(self):
return f'<{} [{len(self.children)}]>'
class Tab(xml.sax.ContentHandler):
def __init__(self):
self.nodes = 0
self.root = Node('root', {})
self.stack = [self.root]
def __repr__(self):
return f'<{self.root} #{self.nodes}>'
def startDocument(self):
def endDocument(self):
# def startElement(self, name, attrs):
# print('+', name)
# if name == 'table:table-row':
# self.rows.append([])
# if name == 'table:table-cell':
# self.rows[-1].append()
# self.nodes += 1
def startElement(self, name, attrs):
print('sh', name)
self.nodes += 1
def endElement(self, name):
print('re', name)
last = self.stack.pop()
class Sel:
def __init__(self, q):
self.q = q
def all(self, root):
dfs++ over root with q
return Todo
def test(fn='/home/self/Documents/ods.xml'):
t = Tab()
xml.sax.parse(fn, t)
return t
class Indenter:
def __init__(self, z=0, i=1, c=' '):
self.z = z
self.i = i
self.c = c
def ind(self):
return self.c * self.z
def down(self):
return Indenter(self.z+self.i, self.i, self.c)
def walk(t, c=lambda n:n.children, f=lambda s,v:print(s.ind(),v), s=Indenter()):
for e in c(t):
walk(e, c, f, s.down())
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