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Created May 14, 2021 08:55
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;;; coin-change problem in common-lisp
;;; coin-change problem in common-lisp
(defun remove-first (e l)
(cond ((null l) '())
(t (if (equal e (car l))
(cdr l)
(cons (car l) (remove-first e (cdr l)))))))
(remove-if (lambda (e) (equal e 1)) '(1 1 2 3 4))
;; (2 3 4)
(remove-first 1 '(1 1 2 3 4))
;; (1 2 3 4)
(defun partial (f &rest pre)
(lambda (&rest post) (apply f (append pre post))))
(funcall (partial #'equal 1) 1)
(defun tri (a b c)
(+ a b c))
(funcall (partial #'+ 1 2) 3 4 5)
(defun cc (s p l)
(cond ((null l) '(()))
((zerop s) (list p))
((< s 0) '())
(t (mapcar (lambda (c)
(let ((others (remove-first (lambda (k) (eq c k)) l)))
(mapcar (lambda (_) (cons c _))
(cc (- s c) c others))))
(cc 2 nil '(2 1))
(defun cc (s l)
(cond ((null l) '())
((< s 0) '())
((zerop s) '(()))
(t (mapcar (lambda (c)
(mapcar (partial #'cons c)
(cc (- s c) (remove-first (partial #'eq c) l))))
(cc 2 '())
(cc 2 '(3))
(cc 2 '(1 1))
;; (funcall (partial #'cons 1) '(2 3 4))
(defun cc (s l)
(cond ((null l) '())
(t (mapcar
(lambda (c)
(let ((d (- s c)))
(cond ((= 0 d) (list c))
((< d 0) '())
(t (mapcar (partial #'cons c)
(cc d
(remove-first (partial #'eq c) l)))))))
(remove-first 1 '(2 3 1 2 3 1))
(cc 2 '(1 3))
(defun cc (n l)
"coin change"
(cond ((null l) '())
(t (remove-if
(mapcar (lambda (c)
(cond ((> c n) '())
((= c n) c)
((< c n) (let ((aug (partial #'cons c))
(others (partial #'eq c)))
(cc (- n c) (remove-first others l))))))
(cc 2 '())
(cc 1 '())
(cc 1 '(1))
(cc 1 '(1 1))
(cc 1 '(1 1 1))
(cc 3 '(1 1 1))
(cc 2 '(1 1))
(cc 2 '(3 4 5 1 1))
(cc 3 '(3 4 5 1 1))
(defun cc (n l)
(cond ((null l) '())
(t (let ((h (car l))
(_ (cdr l)))
(cond ((> h n) (cc n _))
((= h n) (cons (list h) (cc n _)))
((< h n)
(let ((d (- n h)))
(mapcar (partial #'cons h) (cc d _)))))))))
(cc 1 '())
(cc 1 '(1))
(cc 1 '(1 1))
(cc 1 '(2 1))
(cc 2 '(2 1))
(cc 2 '(2 1 1))
(cc 3 '(3 2 1 2 1))
;; now the structure is alright but the linearity is wrong
(defun flatten-1 (l)
(apply #'concatenate 'list l))
(defun flatten-1 (l)
(cond ((null l) '())
((atom (car l)) (cons (car l) (flatten-1 (cdr l))))
(t (append (car l) (flatten-1 (cdr l))))))
(flatten-1 '((1 2 3) 4 (5) (6 7)))
(flatten-1 '((1 2 3) ((4)) (5) (6 7)))
(defun cc (n l)
(cond ((null l) '())
(t (let ((sub
(lambda (h)
(let ((others (remove-first h l)))
(cond ((> h n)
;; (cc n others) ;;; FAIL
((= h n) (list (list h)))
((< h n)
(let ((d (- n h)))
(mapcar (partial #'cons h) (cc d others)))))))
(flatten-1 (remove-if #'null sub))))))
;; the one above seems ok
(cc 2 '())
(cc 2 '(3 1 1 2))
(cc 3 '(3 1 1 1 2))
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