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Last active April 14, 2022 02:06
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Bash Alias Shortcut Commands
# Git
email = ----FILL THIS OUT----
name = ----FILL THIS OUT----
lg = log --oneline --graph --decorate --abbrev-commit --pretty=format:'%C(bold blue)[%cn] %C(green)(%cr) %C(yellow)%h %C(red)%d %C(reset)%s'
br = branch
co = checkout
cm = commit
df = diff --color-moved=dimmed-zebra
sh = stash
st = status
ui = auto
default = simple
longpaths = true
#alias gi='git init'
#alias gcl='git clone'
#alias gf='git fetch'
#alias gp='git push'
#alias gco='git checkout'
#alias gb='git branch'
#alias gmg='git merge'
#alias gbi='git bisect'
#alias grb='git rebase'
#alias grs='git reset'
#alias grv='git revert'
#alias gst='git stash'
#alias ga='git add -A'
#alias grm='git rm'
#alias gmv='git mv'
#alias gg='git grep'
#alias gc='git commit -m'
#alias gs='git status'
#alias gk='gitk'
#alias gd='git diff'
#alias gl='git log --pretty=oneline'
#alias gsh='git show'
# command
git config --show-origin
(in repo's .git dir)
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