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Forked from jesseh/gist:970832
Created February 9, 2014 05:27
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def _get_notes(prev_tag, next_tag):
with hide('stdout'):
commits = run("git log --graph --pretty=format:'%h - %s (%cr by %an)%d' "
+ "--abbrev-commit --date=relative"+ " %s..%s"
% (prev_tag, next_tag)).splitlines()
commits.pop() # prev_tag went out with the previous release notes.
commits.reverse() # order going down with time
commits = "\n".join(commits)
commits = re.sub(r"\\",r"__SUB__", commits)
commits = re.sub(r"/",r"\\", commits)
commits = re.sub(r"__SUB__", r"/", commits)
tags = run("git tag -n2 --contains=%s" % prev_tag).splitlines()
tags = tags[1:] # again drop the prev tag.
tags = "\n".join(tags)
changed_tests = run("git diff --no-color --stat 7.1f0..7.1g2 | grep 'test\|behavior' | cut -d ' ' -f2 | xargs grep 'def test'").splitlines()
pattern = r"([^:]+):\s+def test([^(]*)\("
tests_by_file = {}
for t in changed_tests:
filename, testname = re.match(pattern, t).group(1,2)
testname = re.sub(r"(.)(?=[A-Z])", r"\1 ", testname).capitalize() # Undo CamelCase style for readability.
# Create a dict of tests by file
tests = tests_by_file.get(filename, [])
tests_by_file[filename] = tests
# Assemble a string of all the expectations (tests by file)
expectations = ""
for f in tests_by_file.keys():
expectations += "\n%s:\n - " % f
expectations += "\n - ".join(tests_by_file[f])
expectations += "\n"
# Generate the output
notes = """
CHANGED EXPECTATIONS (not all tests have changed)
""" % (tags, expectations, commits)
return notes
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