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Created July 6, 2013 10:18
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Save ajaykgp/5939489 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* @desc: This program reads in two words(strings) s, t from stdin
* and find the minimum edit distance and the corresponding
* edit sequence to transform the string s into the string
* t. The allowable operations are insert, delete and
* substitute. The problem is solved using dynamic programming.
* @algo: Let d[i][j] denote the minimum edit distance between the first
* i chars of s and first j chars of t, i.e. between s[0..i] and
* t[0..j]. Then we have the following -
* d[i][j] = 0 if i == 0 && j == 0
* d[i][j] = i if i != 0 && j == 0
* d[i][j] = j if i == 0 && j != 0
* d[i][j] = min(d[i-1][j-1] + subst(s[i-1], t[j-1]),
* d[i][j-1] + insert(t[j-1]),
* d[i-1][j] + delete(s[i-1]))
* where subst(c, d) is the cost of substituting
* char c with char d, insert(c) is the cost of
* inserting the char c, and delete(c) is the cost
* of deleting the char in the string s (edit operations)
* are done on string s.
* To generate the edit sequence, we store the index of the cell in the
* edit distance matrix which contributes to the minimum. In the edit
* sequence: i = insert, d = delete, s = substitute, m = match.
* The complexity of the algorith is O(m*n) where m and n are lenghts of
* the strings s and t respectively.
* @author: ajay
* @time: Sunday 6 January 2013 12:22 PM
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX_LEN 100
typedef struct {
int p_i;
int p_j;
char op;
int edit_dist;
} edit_struct;
int insert_cost(char c);
int delete_cost(char c);
int substitute_cost(char c, char d);
void edit_sequence(char s[], char t[]);
void print_sequence(edit_struct a[][MAX_LEN], int i, int j);
int main(void) {
char s[MAX_LEN], t[MAX_LEN], val;
int i = 0;
while((val = getchar()) != '\n') s[i++] = val;
s[i] = '\0';
i = 0;
while((val = getchar()) != '\n') t[i++] = val;
t[i] = '\0';
edit_sequence(s, t);
return 0;
void edit_sequence(char s[], char t[]) {
int m = strlen(s);
int n = strlen(t);
int i, j;
int i_cost, d_cost, s_cost;
edit_struct a[MAX_LEN][MAX_LEN];
a[0][0].p_i = -1;
a[0][0].p_j = -1;
a[0][0].op = '\0';
a[0][0].edit_dist = 0;
for(i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
a[i][0].p_i = i-1;
a[i][0].p_j = 0;
a[i][0].op = 'd';
a[i][0].edit_dist = i;
for(j = 1; j <= n; j++) {
a[0][j].p_i = 0;
a[0][j].p_j = j-1;
a[0][j].op = 'i';
a[0][j].edit_dist = j;
for(i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
for(j = 1; j <= n; j++) {
i_cost = a[i][j-1].edit_dist + insert_cost(t[j-1]);
d_cost = a[i-1][j].edit_dist + delete_cost(s[i-1]);
s_cost = a[i-1][j-1].edit_dist + substitute_cost(s[i-1], t[j-1]);
if(i_cost <= d_cost) {
if(i_cost <= s_cost) {
a[i][j].p_i = i;
a[i][j].p_j = j-1;
a[i][j].op = 'i';
a[i][j].edit_dist = i_cost;
else {
a[i][j].p_i = i-1;
a[i][j].p_j = j-1;
if(substitute_cost(s[i-1], t[j-1]))
a[i][j].op = 's';
a[i][j].op = 'm';
a[i][j].edit_dist = s_cost;
else {
if(d_cost <= s_cost) {
a[i][j].p_i = i-1;
a[i][j].p_j = j;
a[i][j].op = 'd';
a[i][j].edit_dist = d_cost;
else {
a[i][j].p_i = i-1;
a[i][j].p_j = j-1;
if(substitute_cost(s[i-1], t[j-1]))
a[i][j].op = 's';
a[i][j].op = 'm';
a[i][j].edit_dist = s_cost;
printf("%d\n", a[m][n].edit_dist);
print_sequence(a, m, n);
void print_sequence(edit_struct a[][MAX_LEN], int i, int j) {
if(i == 0 && j == 0) return;
print_sequence(a, a[i][j].p_i, a[i][j].p_j);
printf("%c", a[i][j].op);
int insert_cost(char c) {
return 1;
int delete_cost(char c) {
return 1;
int substitute_cost(char c, char d) {
if(c == d)
return 0;
return 1;
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