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from lithium-import
var path = require('path');
var nconf = require('nconf');
var async = require('async');
var url = require('url');
var _convert = require('./node_modules/nodebb-plugin-import/node_modules/bbcode-to-markdown');
nconf.file({ file: path.join(__dirname, './config.json') });
var dbType = nconf.get('database');
var productionDbConfig = nconf.get(dbType);
nconf.set(dbType, productionDbConfig);
var db = require('./src/database');
function replaceLiImages (content) {
content = content || '';
content = content.replace(/(http.*)?\/t\d*\/image\/serverpage\/image-id\/(\w+)\/image-size\/.*\?/ig, '/uploads/_imported_images/$2\?');
content = content.replace(/(http.*)?\/legacyfs\/online\/avatars\/(.*)/ig, '/uploads/_imported_images/legacy_avatars/$2\?');
content = content.replace(/<li-image[^>]+id='?"?([^'"\s>]+)'?"?/ig, '<li-image src="/uploads/_imported_images/$1"');
content = content.replace(/li-image/ig, 'img');
return content;
function convert (content) {
content = _convert.bbcodeToMarkdown(replaceLiImages(content));
content = content.replace(/(\[.*?\])\((.+?)\)/g, function (match, m1, m2, offset, string) { return m1 + '(' + url.resolve(m2, '') + ')'; });
return content;
// find the first (default) img src in a string
var _findImgsRE = /<img[^>]+src='?"?([^'"\s>]+)'?"?\s*.*\/?>/gi;
function findImgSrc (str, options) {
options = options || {first: true, last: false, index: 0};
var results = _findImgsRE.exec(str || '');
if(results) {
return results[options.first ? 1 : options.last ? results.length - 1 : options.index + 1];
db.init(function() {
var batch = require('./src/batch');
function (next) {
batch.processSortedSet('topics:tid', function (ids, next) {
async.each(ids, function (id, next) {
function (next) {
db.getObject('topic:' + id, next);
function (topic, next) {
var thumb = findImgSrc(replaceLiImages(topic._imported_content));
if (!thumb) {
return next(null, topic);
db.setObjectField('topic:' + topic.tid, 'thumb', thumb, function (err) {
next(err, topic);
function (topic, next) {
var content = convert(topic._imported_content);
db.setObjectField('post:' + topic.mainPid, 'content', content, function (err) {
next(err, topic);
], next);
}, next);
}, {}, function (err) {
if (!err) console.log('TOPICS ALL DONE!');
function (next) {
batch.processSortedSet('posts:pid', function (ids, next) {
async.each(ids, function (id, next) {
function (next) {
db.getObject('post:' + id, next);
function (post, next) {
if (!post._imported_content) {
return next();
var content = convert(post._imported_content);
db.setObjectField('post:' + id, 'content', content, function (err) {
next(err, post);
], next);
}, next);
}, {}, function (err) {
if (!err) console.log('POSTS ALL DONE!');
], function (err) {
if (!err) console.log('ALL DONE!');
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