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Created November 9, 2020 06:49
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Google SVG draw
<div class="wrapper">
<h2 class="title">SVG Drawing Animation</h2>
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<path stroke="#3780ff" stroke-width="2" class="st0 svg-elem-1" d="M73.4 0h5.3c18.4.4 36.5 7.8 49.5 20.9-4.8 4.9-9.7 9.6-14.4 14.5-7.3-6.6-16.1-11.7-25.7-13.5-14.2-3-29.5-.3-41.4 7.8C33.7 38.2 24.9 52.6 23 68c-2.1 15.2 2.2 31.2 12.1 43 9.5 11.5 24 18.7 39 19.2 14 .8 28.6-3.5 38.8-13.3 8-6.9 11.7-17.4 12.9-27.6-16.6 0-33.2.1-49.8 0V68.7h69.9c3.6 22.1-1.6 47-18.4 62.8-11.2 11.2-26.7 17.8-42.5 19.1-15.3 1.5-31.1-1.4-44.7-8.8C24 133.1 11 118.4 4.6 101.1c-6-15.9-6.1-33.9-.5-49.9C9.2 36.6 19 23.7 31.6 14.7 43.7 5.8 58.4.9 73.4 0z"></path>
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<div class="controls">
<button class="btn-draw">Draw</button>
<button class="btn-erase">Erase</button>
var wrapper = document.querySelector('.wrapper svg')
var btnDraw = document.querySelector('.btn-draw')
var btnErase = document.querySelector('.btn-erase')
// We are only adding and removing the 'active' class,
// the entire animation is defined in the CSS code
function draw() {
function erase() {
// Add handlers to our buttons
btnDraw.addEventListener('click', draw, false)
btnErase.addEventListener('click', erase, false)
// Play draw animation once
setTimeout(draw, 1000)
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