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Last active August 24, 2016 01:41
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crouton notes

crouton tips for chromebook

# making chroots in any diredctory you want, eg on removeable media
sudo sh ~/Downloads/crouton -r trusty -t x11 -p /media/removable/USB\ Drive/crouton/chroots/

# enter chroot from removeable media
sudo enter-chroot -c /media/removable/USB\ Drive/crouton/chroots/

# recover chroot from tar.gz
sudo edit-chroot -r trusty -c chroots/ -f bak/trusty-20150729-1937.tar.gz

# update chroot
sudo sh ~/Downloads/crouton -u  -n trusty

# enter default chroot without X
sudo enter-chroot

# mount an encrypted chroot as unencrypted
sudo mount-chroot -n trusty

# delete a chroot
sudo delete-chroot trusty

# encrypt an unencrypted chroot
sudo edit-chroot -c chroots/ -e trusty

# force chroot unmount
sudo unmount-chroot -c chroots/ -f trusty

# backup a chroot to tarball, specifying chroot dir, backup dir
sudo sh bin/edit-chroot -b trusty -c chroots/ -f bak/

# start i3 when entering chroot
# first make sure that ~/.xinitrc on chroot contains "exec i3"
sudo sh bin/enter-chroot xinit -c chroots/

# update a chroot on removable media
# first bind mount the chroot dir to /usr/local/chroots/
sudo mount --bind /media/removable/USB\ Drive/crouton/chroots/ /usr/local/chroots/
# now update the chroot as normal
sudo sh ~/Downloads/crouton -u -n trusty
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