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Last active August 31, 2020 11:57
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Yii2 displaying a menu with an unlimited nesting level from Nested Sets
* @var $this yii\web\View
* @var $categories \app\models\Category[]
* @var $level_start int
use yii\helpers\Html;
* Displaying a menu with an unlimited nesting level from Nested Sets
* ported code for yii2 from
* example:
* $root_node = Category::find()->where(['depth' => 0])->one();
* $level_start = $root_node->depth;
* $categories = $root_node->children()->all();
* return $this->render('sidebar', ['categories' => $categories, 'level_start' => $level_start]);
$level = $level_start;
$menu = null;
foreach ($categories as $key => $category) {
switch ($category->depth) {
case ($category->depth == $level):
$menu .= Html::endTag('li') . PHP_EOL;
case $category->depth > $level:
$class_ul = $level == $level_start ? 'main-menu' : 'sub-menu';
$menu .= Html::beginTag('ul', ['class' => $class_ul]);
case $category->depth < $level:
$menu .= Html::endTag('li') . PHP_EOL;
for ($i = $level - $category->depth; $i; $i--) {
$menu .= Html::endTag('ul') . PHP_EOL;
$menu .= Html::endTag('li') . PHP_EOL;
//If you do not need to add a class to the parent tag li
$menu .= Html::beginTag('li');
$menu .= Html::a($category->name, '#');
//if you want to add a class to the parent tag li uncomment this block && comment prev block
/*if (isset($categories[$key + 1]) && $categories[$key + 1]->depth > $category->depth) {
$menu .= Html::beginTag('li', ['class' => 'parent']);
$menu .= Html::a($category->name, '/category');
} else {
$menu .= Html::beginTag('li');
$menu .= Html::a($category->name, '/sub-category');
$level = $category->depth;
for ($i = $level; $i > $level_start; $i--) {
$menu .= Html::endTag('li') . PHP_EOL;
$menu .= Html::endTag('ul') . PHP_EOL;
echo $menu;
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