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Last active February 26, 2021 18:35
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Example Plugin Affiliate Dashboard
* Plugin Name: Affiliate Order Detail Notes
* Text Domain: affwp_od
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
use \AffiliateWP_Affiliate_Portal\Core;
* Registers the controls for the order details screen.
* @since 1.0.0
* @param Core\Controls_Registry $controls_registry The controls registry instance.
function affwp_od_register_controls( $controls_registry ) {
* Create controls.
* A control is what determines where, when, and how HTML is rendered in Affiliate Portal.
// Instantiate a textarea control. This instructs Affiliate Portal on how to create the order notes text field.
$textarea_control = new Core\Components\Controls\Textarea_Control( array(
'id' => 'affiliate_wp_order_notes', // Unique ID, specific to this control.
'view_id' => 'order-details', // The view in which this control should display.
'section' => 'order-details-single', // The section in which this control should display.
'args' => array(
'label' => __( 'Order Notes', 'affwp_od' ), // The input label.
'get_callback' => 'affwp_od_get_order_notes', // The callback used to display this input.
'save_callback' => 'affwp_od_update_order_notes', // The callback used when saving this input.
) );
// Instantiate a checkbox control. This instructs Affiliate Portal on how to create the checkbox that controls
// if this field should be shared with the affiliate manager.
$share_content_control = new Core\Components\Controls\Checkbox_Control( array(
'id' => 'affiliate_wp_order_share',
'view_id' => 'order-details',
'section' => 'order-details-single',
'args' => array(
'label' => __( 'Share Details With Manager?', 'affwp_od' ), // The input label.
'desc' => __( 'Check this box to share these details with the affiliate manager.', 'affwp_od' ), // The description to display under the checkbox.
'get_callback' => '__return_false', // The callback used when getting this input.
'save_callback' => 'affwp_od_update_order_shared' // The callback used when saving this input.
'atts' => array(
'checked' => false, //TODO: Make this checkbox checked status update appropriately. See AD issue #383
) );
// Create a hidden control. This instructs Affiliate Portal on how to create a hidden input that stores the referral ID.
// We will use this referral ID when saving the form later.
$hidden_control = new Core\Components\Controls\Text_Input_Control( array(
'id' => 'affiliate_wp_order_notes_order_id', // Unique ID, specific to this control.
'view_id' => 'order-details', // The view in which this control should display.
'section' => 'order-detail-notes', // The section in which this control should display.
'args' => array(
'get_callback' => 'affwp_od_get_current_order_id', // The callback used to display this input.
'save_callback' => '__return_false', // The callback used when saving this input.
'atts' => array(
'readonly' => true, // Set this field as readonly.
'type' => 'number', // Set the field type as a number
'class' => array( 'hidden' ), // Hide the field.
) );
* Register our controls.
* This instructs Affiliate Portal to use these controls when rendering the page.
// Register the textarea
$controls_registry->add_control( $textarea_control );
// Register the checkbox field
$controls_registry->add_control( $share_content_control );
// Register the hidden field.
$controls_registry->add_control( $hidden_control );
function affwp_od_get_order_shared( $referral_id ) {
return (bool) affwp_get_referral_meta( $referral_id, 'affwp_od_shared', true );
function affwp_od_update_order_shared( $value ) {
$shared = $value === 'on';
$referral_id = (int) $_POST['affiliate_wp_order_notes_order_id'];
return affwp_update_referral_meta( $referral_id, 'affwp_od_shared', $shared );
* Retrieves the order notes.
* @since 1.0.0
* @return string the custom order notes for the current screen.
function affwp_od_get_order_notes() {
return affwp_od_get_details( affwp_od_get_current_order_id() );
* Updates the order notes on-submit.
* @since 1.0.0
* @param string $value The value to set.
function affwp_od_update_order_notes( $value ) {
// Grab the referral ID from POST data.
$referral_id = (int) $_POST['affiliate_wp_order_notes_order_id'];
// Get the referral from the referral ID. We'll use this to validate the submission.
$referral = affwp_get_referral( $referral_id );
// Validate the referral before updating.
// If the referral exists and the referral affiliate is the same as the affiliate who initiated this request...
if ( false !== $referral && $referral->affiliate_id === (int) affwp_get_affiliate_id() ) {
//...Then update the referral meta with the submitted value.
affwp_update_referral_meta( $referral_id, 'custom_order_notes', strip_tags( $value ) );
* Retrieves the order details from the current screen.
* @since 1.0.0
* @return int the order ID.
function affwp_od_get_current_order_id() {
// The referral ID is stored as a query var, so let's fetch it from there.
return (int) get_query_var( 'affwp_odfa_order' );
* Fetch the order details for the specified referral ID
* @param int $referral_id The referral ID
* @return string the referral details.
function affwp_od_get_details( $referral_id ) {
return affwp_get_referral_meta( $referral_id, 'custom_order_notes', true );
* Echos the output for the edit referrals screen.
* @since 1.0.0
* @param AffWP\Referral $referral Referral object
function affwp_od_display_order_details( $referral ) {
// If this referral is not shared with the affiliate manager, bail.
if ( ! affwp_od_get_order_shared( $referral->referral_id ) ) {
return '';
$output = '
<table class="form-table"><tr class="row">
<th scope="row">
<label for="status">%s</label>
echo sprintf( $output, __( 'Order Details', 'affwp_od' ), affwp_od_get_details( $referral->referral_id ) );
// Add the description to the edit referral screen.
add_action( 'affwp_edit_referral_bottom', 'affwp_od_display_order_details' );
// Register controls.
add_action( 'affwp_portal_controls_registry_init', 'affwp_od_register_controls' );
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