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Last active June 6, 2017 10:36
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How To Write Reusable and Testable Code with Microsoft Bot Framework
"use strict";
const builder = require("botbuilder");
const library = new builder.Library('welcome'); // welcome is a library name
const LANGUAGES = {'English': 'en', 'Русский': 'ru'};
library.dialog('/pickLocale', [
(session) => {
// Prompt the user to select their preferred locale
builder.Prompts.choice(session, "What language do you prefer?", Object.keys(LANGUAGES).join("|"));
(session, results) => {
// Update preferred locale
let locale = LANGUAGES[results.response.entity];
session.preferredLocale(locale, (err) => {
if (err) {
// Problem loading the selected locale
} else {
// Locale files loaded
session.endDialog("locale_set", results.response.entity);
library.dialog('/showWelcomeMessage', [
(session) => session.endDialog("welcome")
module.exports = library;
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