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Last active January 21, 2020 15:10
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import Foundation
func simpleSwitch() {
let name = "Ironman"
switch name {
case "Spiderman": print("Hello, Peter Parker")
case "Ironman": print("Hello, Tony Stark")
default: print("who are you?")
func comparingMoreThanOneValue() {
let name = "Ironman"
let pass = "jarvis"
switch (name, pass) {
case ("Spiderman", "park3r"): print("Hello, Peter Parker")
case ("Ironman", "jarvis"): print("Hello, Tony Stark")
default: print("who are you?")
func switchWithTuple() {
let authentication = (name: "Spiderman", pass: "park3r")
switch authentication {
case ("Spiderman", "park3r"): print("Hello, Peter Parker")
case ("Ironman", "jarvis"): print("Hello, Tony Stark")
default: print("who are you?")
func partialMatchingWithTuple() {
let authentication = (name: "Ironman", pass: "jarvis", hostIp: "")
switch authentication {
case ("Spiderman", "park3r", _): print("Hello, Peter Parker")
case ("Ironman", "jarvis", _): print("Hello, Tony Stark")
default: print("who are you?")
//Always remember swift picks up the first match not better match. If case (, _, ) are in above example at the top. It would be picked.
//If you like to know other parts of tuple but keep them out of matching. You should use let syntax
// Note: Swift will take the first matching case it finds, so you need to ensure you look for the most specific things first.
func checkOtherPartsOfTuple() {
let authentication = (name: "Ironman", pass: "jarvis", hostIp: "")
switch authentication {
case ("Spiderman", "park3r", _): print("Hello, Peter Parker")
case ("Ironman", let pass, _): print("Hello, Tony Stark. Password was \(pass)")
case (_, _, _): print("Why so myterious")
default: print("who are you?") // Though this would not be executed as case above would be executed. Please see note
/// Matching Calculated Tuples
func matchingCalculatedTuples(number: Int) -> String {
switch (number % 3 == 0, number % 5 == 0) {
case (true, false):
return "Foo"
case (false, true):
return "Bar"
case (true, true):
return "FooBar"
case (false, false):
return String(number)
let result = matchingCalculatedTuples(number: 13)
let result2 = matchingCalculatedTuples(number: 130)
let result3 = matchingCalculatedTuples(number: 30)
let result4 = matchingCalculatedTuples(number: 27)
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