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Last active August 20, 2020 16:35
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Also check out the complete winning solution:
⍝ 2020 APL Problem Solving Competition Phase II
⍝ Problem 9, Task 1 - Weights
⍝ 1) Read the diagram of a mobile from the file as a vector of lines (M).
⍝ 2) Find lines which exactly repeat the preceding lines and contain only
⍝ vertical bars (│) and spaces. Such lines don't bring any useful
⍝ information. (This filtering step allows to process files which are
⍝ very deep without running out of memory. For example, 10K characters
⍝ wide, 100K lines deep. Without filtering, such a file would be
⍝ represented by a matrix with 1 billion characters!)
⍝ 3) Remove the repeating lines and format the rest of the lines into a
⍝ character matrix (2D).
q←~((∧/∊∘'│ ')¨M)∧0,2≡/M←⊃⎕NGET ⍵ 1
⍝ Find the distinct weight names to know how many variables are there.
⍝ Assumption: all characters other than " ┌─┴┐│" and newline are weights.
N←∪' ┌─┴┐│'~⍨∊M
⍝ Coefficients matrix: specifies the relationships between weights.
⍝ It is such a matrix that satisfies (C+.×W)≡(1,(¯1+≢N)⍴0),
⍝ where W is the solution vector (numeric values of weights).
⍝ We have only one row at this point: to set the first weight as the unit.
C←(1@1)(1(≢N))⍴0 ⍝ the first weight is provisionally set to be 1
⍝ Define recursive function for parsing.
⍝ Returns a boolean vector for weights found in the sub-mobile (sub-tree)
⍝ Meanwhile, appends the matrix C as it goes (see the next function)
descent←{ ⍝ this function parses input vertically
y←⍺+¯1+⌊/⍸'│'≠(⍺-1)↓M[;⍵] ⍝ find first non-'│' from here down
'┴'=M[y;⍵]:y explore ⍵ ⍝ explore new lever if fulcrum is found
(1@(N⍳M[y;⍵]))(≢N)⍴0 ⍝ otherwise: turn weight name into a vector
⍝ Parses a lever and adds the resulting relations between weights into C
explore←{ ⍝ this function parses input horizontally
d←(∊∘'┐┌')M[⍺;] ⍝ find all lever edges in the current row
l r←(⍳∘1)¨(⌽(⍵-1)↑d)(⍵↓d) ⍝ offsets of the left and right edges
w1←(⍺+1)descent ⍵-l ⍝ parse left sub-mobile
w2←(⍺+1)descent ⍵+r ⍝ parse right sub-mobile
cfs←(l×w1)-r×w2 ⍝ relationship between weights here (coefs)
C⍪←cfs÷∨/cfs ⍝ divide the coefs by GCD and catenate to C
w1+w2 ⍝ return all the weights of this sub-mobile
⍝ Find the topmost link: it will be the starting point for parsing.
⍝ Assumption: there are no empty lines above the mobile.
ign←1 descent x ⍝ parse the input to find the matrix C
⍝ 1) Obtain a solution by multiplying the inverse of C by vector 1 0 ... 0
⍝ (equivalent to just taking the first column of the inverse).
⍝ 2) Divide the solution vector by generalized GCD of its values to get
⍝ the smallest integer solution.
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