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Last active May 21, 2017 06:22
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Breaking repeating-key XOR [Cryptopals | Set 1 | Challenge 6]
// Problem:
// Solution: (more or less)
// Usage: Just 'go run' this file!
package main
import (
const minXORKeyLength = 2
const maxXORKeyLength = 40
const numTestChunks = 4
const space = ' '
const inputURL = ""
func editDistance(s1, s2 string) int {
distance := 0
for i, c1 := range(s1) {
r1 := fmt.Sprintf("%8b", c1)
r2 := fmt.Sprintf("%8b", s2[i])
for j := 0; j < 8; j++ {
if r1[j] != r2[j] {
return distance
func normalizedEditDistance(s1, s2 string) float64 {
return float64(editDistance(s1, s2))/float64(len(s1))
// Given two characters c1 and c2 which are iid random variables,
// and two characters x and y, it seems intuitive that the expected
// edit distance between (c1 ^ x) and (c2 ^ y) is minimized when
// x = y. Thus, if we let i vary over the possible repeating XOR
// key lengths, take 4 (consecutive) test chunks of the ciphertext
// of length i, and compute the sum of their normalized pairwise
// edit distances, we expect this sum to be minimized when i is
// any multiple of the true key length.
// This is the intuition behind the following heuristic algorithm.
func probableKeyLength(ciphertext string) int {
keyLength := 0
bestScore := math.MaxFloat64
for i := minXORKeyLength; i <= maxXORKeyLength && i * numTestChunks <= len(ciphertext); i++ {
score := 0.0
for j := 0; j < numTestChunks-1; j++ {
for k := j+1; k < numTestChunks; k++ {
score += normalizedEditDistance(ciphertext[j*i:j*i + i], ciphertext[k*i: k*i + i])
if score < bestScore {
bestScore = score
keyLength = i
return keyLength
// The most common plaintext character is ' ', thus XOR-ing
// the most common character in some ciphertext with ' ' yields
// the most likely key, assuming the ciphertext was obtained
// from the plaintext via a single character repeating XOR.
func detectSingleCharXORKey(ciphertext string) byte {
counts := map[byte]int{}
for _, c := range []byte(ciphertext) {
if count, ok := counts[c]; ok {
counts[c] = count+1
} else {
counts[c] = 1
maxCount := 0
var mostCommonChar byte
for c, count := range counts {
if count > maxCount {
mostCommonChar = c
maxCount = count
return mostCommonChar ^ space
func encryptSingleCharXOR(text string, key byte) string {
textAsBytes := []byte(text)
encryptedChars := make([]byte, len(textAsBytes))
for i, c := range textAsBytes {
encryptedChars[i] = c ^ key
return string(encryptedChars)
func decryptSingleCharXOR(ciphertext string) string {
key := detectSingleCharXORKey(ciphertext)
return encryptSingleCharXOR(ciphertext, key)
func main() {
resp, err := http.Get(inputURL)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
rawEncodedCiphertext, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
encodedCiphertext := strings.Replace(string(rawEncodedCiphertext), "\n", "", -1)
rawCiphertext, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(encodedCiphertext)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
ciphertext := string(rawCiphertext)
keyLength := probableKeyLength(ciphertext)
subCiphertexts := make([]string, keyLength)
for i, c := range ciphertext {
subCiphertexts[i % keyLength] += string(c)
subPlaintexts := make([]string, keyLength)
for i, sc := range subCiphertexts {
subPlaintexts[i] = decryptSingleCharXOR(sc)
plaintext := ""
for i := 0; i < len(ciphertext); i++ {
plaintext += string(subPlaintexts[i % keyLength][i/keyLength])
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