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Last active May 28, 2021 15:11
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Shopify shortcodes, post meta and featured images

Shopify shortcodes, post meta and featured images


Hello World this is an example Shopify blog post with a [my_shortcode].
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur [another_shortcode] elit. Proin vel lacinia nunc,
id elementum leo. Donec eget lacus sed dui interdum mollis.
<!--featured_image--> <!--/featured_image-->
<!--something_else--> Some other meta data <!--/something_else -->

In the blog template

Ignore all article content preceding Then pull out the individual meta tags...

{% capture meta %}{{ article.content }}{% endcapture %}
{% assign metas = meta | split: "<!--meta-->" | size %}
{% if metas == 2 %}

    {% assign featured_image = meta | split: "<!--featured_image-->" | last | split: "<!--/featured_image-->" | first %}
    {{ featured_image }}

    {% assign something_else = meta | split: "<!--something_else-->" | last | split: "<!--/something_else-->" | first %}
    {{ something_else }}

{% endif %}

In the article template

Include your shortcodes...

{% capture my_shortcode %}{% include 'my_shortcode' %}{% endcapture %}
{% capture another_shortcode %}{% include 'another_shortcode' %}{% endcapture %}

Process the shortcodes...

{% capture content %}{{ article.content }}{% endcapture %}
{% assign content = content | replace: '[my_shortcode]', my_shortcode %}
{% assign content = content | replace: '[another_shortcode]', another_shortcode %}

Render the content, ignoring everything after

{% assign content = content | split: "<!--meta-->" | first %}
{{ content }}
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