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Last active May 20, 2021 10:41
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Copy to clipboard without input
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<div id="secretInfo" style="display: none;">secret info</div>
<button type="button" id="btnCopy">Copy hidden info</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
var $body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
var $btnCopy = document.getElementById('btnCopy');
var secretInfo = document.getElementById('secretInfo').innerHTML;
var copyToClipboard = function(secretInfo) {
var $tempInput = document.createElement('INPUT');
$tempInput.setAttribute('value', secretInfo)
$btnCopy.addEventListener('click', function(ev) {
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iphiow commented Apr 25, 2019

Thanks a lot !!!

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krtschmr commented Oct 4, 2019


Copy link

krtschmr commented Oct 4, 2019

i've used this idea and transformed it into a universal thing, requires jQuery tho, but is easy to be done with vanilla js. give rel=target and then it will copy it wrong wherever you want.

<div id="copyText">asdasdasdas</div>

<a href="#", class="copy-me", rel="copyText"></a>

$(document).on("click", ".copy-me", function(ev) {
  var $body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
  var rel = $(this).attr("rel");
  var text = $("#"+rel).text();
  var $tempInput = document.createElement('INPUT');
  $tempInput.setAttribute('value',  text)

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thanks, this really helped alot.

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jemoh commented Nov 20, 2019

This one really helped me

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Wow, this really helped me

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This helped me tons! Thanks! Now if I could just figure out how to display a popover confirmation that the item was copied, it'd be perfect!

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thank you!!!! this really helped me!!

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i've used this idea and transformed it into a universal thing, requires jQuery tho, but is easy to be done with vanilla js. give rel=target and then it will copy it wrong wherever you want.

<div id="copyText">asdasdasdas</div>

<a href="#", class="copy-me", rel="copyText"></a>

$(document).on("click", ".copy-me", function(ev) {
  var $body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
  var rel = $(this).attr("rel");
  var text = $("#"+rel).text();
  var $tempInput = document.createElement('INPUT');
  $tempInput.setAttribute('value',  text)

Hi there. I tried it and it don't copy anything. Checked ID, classes and all the code, no console errors. Do you use that code like you posted?

Thanks for your time!

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but a log in between each line and see where it fails?


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renguer0 commented Apr 28, 2020

@gresbtim Well I trying to use it on a modal div. I see that I can use focus() before select() in order to work but it makes a jump in the screen that I really don't like.

I tried some different variations (the exactly posted too, of course). That's my actual code:

$("#copythat").on('click', function(event) {
var tooltip = $(this);
tooltip.attr('data-original-title', 'Copied!');

var copying = "sometexttocopy";
var copying = $('<input>').val(copying).appendTo('body').select()

<a id="copythat" href="#" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Copy?">sometextwaitingforaclick</a>

Do you see anything bad? Or maybe have some suggestion to add focus() and avoid screen jumping?


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