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Forked from mastensg/
Last active December 22, 2015 16:59
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type RemoteName = String
type FileName = String
type Trusted = Bool
type Present = Bool
headerWhereis :: [(RemoteName, Trusted)] -> String
headerWhereis remotes = (unlines $ zipWith format [0..] remotes) ++ (pipes (length remotes))
format n (name, trusted) = (pipes n) ++ "," ++ name ++ (trust trusted)
pipes = flip replicate '|'
trust True = ""
trust False = " (untrusted)"
formatWhereis :: [(Trusted, Present)] -> FileName -> String
formatWhereis remotes file = thereMap ++ " " ++ (show $ length $ filter trustedPresent remotes) ++ status ++ " " ++ file
thereMap = concatMap there remotes
there (True, True) = "X"
there (False, True) = "x"
there (_, False) = "_"
untrustedPresent (t, p) = not t && p
trustedPresent (t, p) = t && p
-- we can also use import Data.Text.Lazy.justifyLeft, but then we need to pack/unpack the string
justifyLeft n s = s ++ replicate (n - length s) ' '
status = justifyLeft 2 $ (missing $ filter trustedPresent remotes) ++ (more $ filter untrustedPresent remotes)
more [] = ""
more _ = "+"
-- XXX: this should be dependent on numCopies
missing (_:_:_) = ""
missing _ = "!"
-- this should output:
-- ,here
-- |,home
-- ||,cabin (untrusted)
-- |||
-- XXx 2+ img.png
-- _X_ 1! bigfile
-- XX_ 2 zort
-- __x 0+! maybemissing
-- that would be a good unit test!
main = do
putStrLn $ headerWhereis [("here", True), ("home", True), ("cabin", False)]
putStrLn $ formatWhereis [(True, True), (True, True), (False, True)] "img.png"
putStrLn $ formatWhereis [(False, False), (True, True), (False, False)] "bigfile"
putStrLn $ formatWhereis [(True, True), (True, True), (False, False)] "zort"
putStrLn $ formatWhereis [(False, False), (False, False), (False, True)] "maybemissing"
#!/usr/bin/env python
import subprocess
import sys
rows, cols = subprocess.check_output('stty size'.split()).split()
rows = int(rows)
cols = int(cols)
def list_repos():
"""list the repositories in advance so we can print the header"""
repos = {}
output = subprocess.Popen('git annex status --fast'.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
line = output.stdout.readline()
while line:
if ' -- ' in line:
# found a repo, set it in the array
repos[" ".join(line.split(" -- ")[-1].split())] = []
if 'transfers in progress' in line:
line = output.stdout.readline()
output.terminate() # don't wait for a potentially slow operation, --fast seems to hang sometimes
return repos
def print_repos(repos):
"""print the header"""
for i in range(len(repos)):
print(i * "|" + "," + repos.keys()[i])
print(len(repos) * "|")
def print_path(repos, path):
"""print a specific path's location details"""
line = ""
for repo in repos:
if path in repos[repo]:
line += "X"
line += "_"
line += " " + path
def parse_whereis(repos):
"""parse output of git annex whereis and display one line per file with its status"""
repos_empty = repos
command = 'git annex whereis'.split() + sys.argv[1:]
output = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
paths = []
lines = 0 # printed lines
for line in output.stdout:
if line.startswith("ok"):
print_path(repos, path)
repos = repos_empty
paths = []
lines += 1
if lines + len(repos.keys()) + 1 >= rows:
lines = 0
if line.startswith("whereis"):
path = " ".join(line.split(" ")[1:-3])
repo = " ".join(line.split(" -- ")[-1].split())
repos = list_repos()
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