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Created April 24, 2020 14:52
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// Pizza Party (#8 from
// Write a program to evenly divide pizzas. Prompt for the number of people, the
// number of pizzas, and the number of slices per pizza. Ensure that the number of
// pieces comes out even. Display the number of pieces of pizza each person should
// get. If there are leftovers, show the number of leftover pieces.
// Challenges
// * Revise the program to ensure that inputs are entered as numeric values.
// * Alter the output so it handles pluralization properly, for example:
// * Each person gets 2 pieces of pizza. or
// * Each person gets 1 piece of pizza.
// * Handle the output for leftover pieces appropriately as well.
// * Create a variant of the program that:
// * prompts for the number of people and the number of pieces each person wants
// * and calculate how many full pizzas you need to purchase.
use std::env;
fn main() {
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
let people: u32 = parse_cli_arg((&args[1]).to_string());
let pizzas: u32 = parse_cli_arg((&args[2]).to_string());
let pizza_slices: u32 = parse_cli_arg((&args[3]).to_string());
let total_slices: u32 = pizza_slices * pizzas;
let slices_per_person: u32 = total_slices / people;
let slices_leftover: u32 = total_slices % people;
println!("{} people with {} pizzas.", people, pizzas);
println!("Each person gets {} pieces of pizza.", slices_per_person);
println!("There are {} leftover pieces.", slices_leftover);
fn parse_cli_arg(arg: String) -> u32 {
match arg.trim().parse() {
Ok(num) => num,
Err(_) => 0,
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