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Last active December 23, 2020 17:22
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Reactive Conf 2017 ⚡️ Talk Proposal - Memory Leak Hunt 2017 Style

This is a proposal for lightning talk at Reactive Conf. Please 🌟 this gist to push the proposal!

Memory Leak Testing in 2017

Hi, I am Andy, creator of leakage - the node-powered memory leak testing library.

Instead of manual debugging it provides a structured approach to fix or even prevent memory leaks.

Talk Content

I will show you how to write a leakage test to fix a common leak scenario and make sure it is gone for good!

Leakage is a quite unique tool, since it not only helps you debug leaks, but actually allows writing leakage tests using Mocha, Jest, AVA, tape and friends. You can use it to prove that your code does not leak and write regression tests for leaks you fixed.

Despite writing OSS for several years, I have never given a talk at a conference. So I am particularly looking forward to this! If you like the idea, please 🌟 the gist and spread the word 😊


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