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Created September 27, 2021 13:21
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Improved error handling on top of tundsdev async/await example on YouTube:
// CharactersService.swift
// RickAndMortyApp
// Created by Andreas Hård on 2021-09-27.
import Foundation
struct CharactersService {
let decoder: JSONDecoder
let endpointURL: URL = .init(string: "")!
init(decoder: JSONDecoder) {
self.decoder = decoder
func fetchCharacters() async -> FetchCharactersResult {
do {
let (data, response) = try await endpointURL)
guard let response: HTTPURLResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse else {
let error: FetchCharactersError = .failedToGetHTTPURLResponse
return .failure(error)
guard response.statusCode == 200 else {
let error: FetchCharactersError = .invalidStatusCode(statusCode: response.statusCode)
return .failure(error)
do {
let response: CharactersResponseModel = try decoder.decode(CharactersResponseModel.self, from: data)
return .success(response.results)
} catch {
let error: FetchCharactersError = .decodeError(error: error)
return .failure(error)
} catch {
let error: FetchCharactersError = .urlSessionError(error: error)
return .failure(error)
extension CharactersService {
typealias FetchCharactersResult = Result<[CharactersResponseModel.Character], FetchCharactersError>
enum FetchCharactersError: Error {
case urlSessionError(error: Error)
case failedToGetHTTPURLResponse
case invalidStatusCode(statusCode: Int)
case decodeError(error: Error)
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anhar commented Sep 27, 2021

Improvements to the code:

  • Adding the JSONDecoder to the struct so it doesn't have to be instantiated each time the function is called
  • Removing the throwing of the fetchCharacters() method to have a clear category of what types of errors can occur in the dedicated FetchCharactersError returned in the FetchCharactersResult

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