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Created September 28, 2013 09:28
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LoopBack Cheatsheet

#LoopBack Cheatsheet

LoopBack from api-example

Instantiate the sls-sample-app

slc lb api-example
cd sls-sample-app
slc install strong-agent
slc install
slc run app.js

LoopBack from base

Create a custom LoopBack Node server

slc lb workspace loopback-workspace
cd loopback-workspace/
slc lb project loopback-project
cd loopback-project/
slc install
slc run .

Add a custom model type : product

slc lb model product

#Running your Loopback server run

slc run .


slc debug .

Run with verbose output

DEBUG=* node app.js

##Exploring LoopBack Verify the server is running localhost:3000/ API explorer http://localhost:3000/explorer/ Routes Inventory http://localhost:3000/routes LoopBack Docs

Test the endpoint for the product model type: verif '[ ]' empty set localhost:3000/products

open http://localhost:3000/products

Add some test data of type product

//add some test data with curl to the 'product' model type
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"name": "Product A", "inventory": 11, "UPC": "127890"}' http://localhost:3000/products;
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"name": "Product B", "inventory": 22, "UPC": "127891"}' http://localhost:3000/products;
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"name": "Product C", "inventory": 33, "UPC": "127892"}' http://localhost:3000/products;
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"name": "Product D", "inventory": 44, "UPC": "123893"}' http://localhost:3000/products

Test the endpoint for the product model type: and verify newly added product instances localhost:3000/products

LoopBack from base to sailboat app

data Source :

Start interactive mode

slc model sailboat -i

Define the schema

"designer" "builder"  "loa"  "lwl"  "beam"	"draft"	"ballast"	"displacement"	"sailarea"	

Add some default data to the repo

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"designer": "Robert H. Perry","builder": "Valiant Yachts","loa": "39’ 11″ (12.16 m.)","lwl": " 34’ 0″ (10.36 m.)","beam": "12’ 4″ (3.76 m.)","draft": "6’ 0″ (1.83 m.)","ballast": "7,700 lbs. (3,493 kg.)","displacement": "22,500 lbs. (10,206 kg.)","sailarea": "772 sq. ft. (71.7 sq. m.)" }' http://localhost:3000/sailboats;

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"designer": "Robert H. Perry","builder": "Valiant Yachts","loa": "37′ 0″","lwl": "31′ 7″","beam": "11′ 5″","draft": "5′ 9″","ballast": " 6,600 lbs","displacement": "17,000 lbs","sailarea": "667 sqft" }' http://localhost:3000/sailboats;

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"designer": "Robert H. Perry","builder": "Valiant Yachts","loa": "37′ 0″","lwl": "31′ 7″","beam": "11′ 5″","draft": "5′ 9″","ballast": " 6,600 lbs","displacement": "17,000 lbs","sailarea": "667 sqft" }' http://localhost:3000/sailboats;

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"designer": "Robert H. Perry","builder": "Valiant Yachts","loa": "37′ 0″","lwl": "31′ 7″","beam": "11′ 5″","draft": "5′ 9″","ballast": " 6,600 lbs","displacement": "17,000 lbs","sailarea": "667 sqft" }' http://localhost:3000/sailboats
  • template
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"designer": "","builder": "","loa": "","lwl": "","beam": "","draft": "","ballast": "","displacement": "","sailarea": "" }' http://localhost:3000/sailboats

Verify the data from the browser localhost:/3000/sailboats;

optional - from base

add docs: insert{basePath: 'http://localhost:3000'});

add the API Browser : http://localhost:3000/explorer/#!/sailboats/sail_find_get_4

Mobile Application Integration from sample

iOS App

iOS Sample

Mobile Application Integration from base

SDK install path : /usr/local/share/strongloop-node/strongloop/sdks

open /usr/local/share/strongloop-node/strongloop/sdks/

X.h #import <LoopBack/LoopBack.h>

LoopBack from preconfigured mobile app and loopback-node-server

git clone mobile-solution
  • (void) findProductLowestInventory {

    //Find the Product with the Product With the Lowest Inventory

    // Docs reference: //

    // HTTP REST Call: // http://localhost:3000/products?filter%5Blimit%5D=2

    void (^staticMethodErrorBlock)(NSError *) = ^(NSError *error) { NSLog( @"Error %@", error.description); [AppDelegate showGuideMessage: @"No Server Found"]; };//end selfFailblock

    // Define the load success block for the LBModelPrototype allWithSuccess message void (^staticMethodSuccessBlock)() = ^(id result) { NSLog(@"Success on Static Method result: %@", result);

      LBModel *model = (LBModel *)[result objectAtIndex:0];
      self.labelMethod1.text = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%@ - %@",
                             [model objectForKeyedSubscript:@"name"] ,
                             (int)[model objectForKeyedSubscript:@"inventory"] ];

    };//end staticMethodSuccessBlock

    LBModelPrototype *objectProto = [ [AppDelegate adapter] prototypeWithName:@"products"];

    [[ [AppDelegate adapter] contract] addItem:[SLRESTContractItem itemWithPattern:@"/products" verb:@"GET"] forMethod:@"products.filter"];

    //Product with lowest inventory // http://localhost:3000/products?filter[order]=inventory%20ASC&filter[limit]=1': The highest inventory products [objectProto invokeStaticMethod:@"filter" parameters:@{ @"filter[order]":@"inventory ASC",@"filter[limit]":@1} success:staticMethodSuccessBlock failure:staticMethodErrorBlock];

}//end findPoductLowestInventory

  • (void) findProductLowestPrice {

    //Find the Product with the Product With the Lowest Inventory

    // Docs reference: //

    // HTTP REST Call: // http://localhost:3000/products?filter%5Blimit%5D=2

    void (^staticMethodErrorBlock)(NSError *) = ^(NSError *error) { NSLog( @"Error %@", error.description); [AppDelegate showGuideMessage: @"No Server Found"]; };//end selfFailblock

    // Define the load success block for the LBModelPrototype allWithSuccess message void (^staticMethodSuccessBlock)() = ^(id result) { NSLog(@"Success on Static Method result: %@", result);

      LBModel *model = (LBModel *)[result objectAtIndex:0];
      self.labelMethod2.text = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%@ - %@",
                                [model objectForKeyedSubscript:@"name"],
                            [model objectForKeyedSubscript:@"price"] ];

    };//end staticMethodSuccessBlock

    LBModelPrototype *objectProto = [ [AppDelegate adapter] prototypeWithName:@"products"];

    [[ [AppDelegate adapter] contract] addItem:[SLRESTContractItem itemWithPattern:@"/products" verb:@"GET"] forMethod:@"products.filter"];

    //Product with lowest inventory // http://localhost:3000/products?filter[order]=inventory%20ASC&filter[limit]=1': The highest inventory products [objectProto invokeStaticMethod:@"filter" parameters:@{ @"filter[order]":@"price ASC",@"filter[limit]":@1} success:staticMethodSuccessBlock failure:staticMethodErrorBlock];

}//end findProductHighest

//Filter Limit 2 http://localhost:3000/products?filter%5Blimit%5D=2
//[objectProto invokeStaticMethod:@"filter" parameters:@{ @"filter[limit]":@2} success:staticMethodSuccessBlock failure:staticMethodErrorBlock];

//Filter Pagination 2 http://localhost:3000/products?filter[limit]=2&filter[offset]=5
// TODO [objectProto invokeStaticMethod:@"filter" parameters:@{ @"filter[limit]=2&filter[offset]=5":@2} success:staticMethodSuccessBlock failure:staticMethodErrorBlock];

//Products with name Product A http://localhost:3000/products?filter[where][name]='Product A':
// TODO [objectProto invokeStaticMethod:@"filter" parameters:@{ @"filter[where][name]":@"Product A"} success:staticMethodSuccessBlock failure:staticMethodErrorBlock];

// Product with highest inventory
// http://localhost:3000/products?filter[order]=inventory%20DESC&filter[limit]=1': The highest inventory products
//[objectProto invokeStaticMethod:@"filter" parameters:@{ @"filter[order]=inventory&DESC&filter[limit]":@1} success:staticMethodSuccessBlock failure:staticMethodErrorBlock];

//Product sorted Ascending ASC  Descending DESC
// http://localhost:3000/products?filter[order]=inventory%20ASC&filter[limit]=1': The highest inventory products
//[objectProto invokeStaticMethod:@"filter" parameters:@{ @"filter[order]":@"inventory DESC"} success:staticMethodSuccessBlock failure:staticMethodErrorBlock];

//'/weapons?filter[fields][name]=1&filter[fields][effectiveRange]=1': Only name and effective ranges
//'/weapons?filter[where][effectiveRange][gt]=900&filter[limit]=3': The top 3 weapons with a range over 900 meters
//'/locations': Locations
//'/locations?filter[where][geo][near]=153.536,-28.1&filter[limit]=3': The 3 closest locations to a given geo point

 [[[AppDelegate adapter] contract] addItem:[SLRESTContractItem itemWithPattern:@"/location/nearby" verb:@"GET"] forMethod:@"locations.getNearestFew"];
 [LocationProto invokeStaticMethod:@"getNearestFew" parameters:@{
 @"here": @{
 @"lat": 37.587409,
 @"lng": -122.338225
 } success:staticMethodSuccessBlock failure:staticMethodErrorBlock];

-( void) customMethod1 {

// Define the load error functional block
void (^staticMethodErrorBlock)(NSError *) = ^(NSError *error) {
    NSLog( @"Error %@", error.description);
    [AppDelegate showGuideMessage: @"No Server Found"];
};//end selfFailblock

// Define the load success block for the LBModelPrototype allWithSuccess message
void (^staticMethodSuccessBlock)() = ^(id result) {
    NSLog(@"Success on Static Method result: %@", result);
    self.labelMethod1.text = @"Response 1";
};//end staticMethodSuccessBlock

//Get a local representation of the 'cars' model type
LBModelPrototype *objectB = [ [AppDelegate adapter] prototypeWithName:@"cars"];
[[ [AppDelegate adapter]  contract] addItem:[SLRESTContractItem itemWithPattern:@"/cars/custommethod1" verb:@"GET"] forMethod:@"cars.custommethod1"];

// Invoke the invokeStaticMethod message for the 'cars' LBModelPrototype
// Equivalent http JSON endpoint request : http://localhost:3000/cars/custommethod1
[objectB invokeStaticMethod:@"custommethod1" parameters:@{} success:staticMethodSuccessBlock failure:staticMethodErrorBlock ];

}//end CustomMethod1

-( void) customMethod2 { // Define the load error functional block void (^staticMethodErrorBlock)(NSError *) = ^(NSError *error) { NSLog( @"Error %@", error.description); [AppDelegate showGuideMessage: @"No Server Found"]; };//end selfFailblock

// Define the load success block for the LBModelPrototype allWithSuccess message
void (^staticMethodSuccessBlock)() = ^(id result) {
    NSLog(@"Success on Static Method result: %@", result);
    self.labelMethod2.text = @"Response 2";
};//end staticMethodSuccessBlock

//Get a local representation of the 'cars' model type
LBModelPrototype *objectB = [ [AppDelegate adapter] prototypeWithName:@"cars"];
[[ [AppDelegate adapter]  contract] addItem:[SLRESTContractItem itemWithPattern:@"/cars/custommethod2" verb:@"GET"] forMethod:@"cars.custommethod2"];

// Invoke the invokeStaticMethod message for the 'cars' LBModelPrototype
// Equivalent http JSON endpoint request : http://localhost:3000/cars/custommethod2?arg1=yack&arg2=123
[objectB invokeStaticMethod:@"custommethod2" parameters:@{@"arg1":@"yack" , @"arg2":@123} success:staticMethodSuccessBlock failure:staticMethodErrorBlock ];

}//end CustomMethod2

  • (void)customMethod3 { // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ // Uncomment the comment block below to call a custom method on the server // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    // Define the load error functional block void (^staticMethodErrorBlock)(NSError *) = ^(NSError *error) { NSLog( @"Error %@", error.description); [AppDelegate showGuideMessage: @"No Server Found"]; };//end selfFailblock

    // Define the load success block for the LBModelPrototype allWithSuccess message void (^staticMethodSuccessBlock)() = ^(id result) { NSLog(@"Success on Static Method result: %@", result); };//end staticMethodSuccessBlock

    //Get a local representation of the 'cars' model type LBModelPrototype *objectB = [ [AppDelegate adapter] prototypeWithName:@"cars"]; [[ [AppDelegate adapter] contract] addItem:[SLRESTContractItem itemWithPattern:@"/cars/custommethod3" verb:@"GET"] forMethod:@"cars.custommethod3"];

    // Invoke the invokeStaticMethod message for the 'cars' LBModelPrototype // Equivalent http JSON endpoint request : http://localhost:3000/cars/custommethod3?arg1=yack&arg2=123 [objectB invokeStaticMethod:@"custommethod3" parameters:@{@"arg1":@"yack" , @"arg2":@123} success:staticMethodSuccessBlock failure:staticMethodErrorBlock ];

}//end customMethod3

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