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Created September 14, 2014 11:28
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Dragon/CoCO emulator written in Python

DragonPy is a Open source (GPL v3 or later) emulator for the 30 years old homecomputer Dragon 32 and Tandy TRS-80 Color Computer (CoCo)...

Dragon 32 and 64 ROMs in Text mode:

screenshot Dragon 64

CoCo with Extended Color Basic v1.1 in Text mode (running with PyPy):

screenshot CoCo Extended Color BASIC

DragonPy is written in Python. It's platform independent and runs with Python v2 and v3 and PyPy. It's tested with Python 2.7.x and 3.4 and PyPy2.

DragonPy will not be a second XRoar written in Python. This project is primarily to lean and understand.

Future goals are:

  • Implement a integrated development environment for BASIC programs

A full featured Dragon / CoCo emulator is XRoar.

Current state

The Dragon 32 / 64 and CoCo ROMs works in Text mode. Also the "single board computer" ROMs sbc09, Simple6809 and Multicomp6809 works well.

There is a rudimentary BASIC editor with save/load BASIC programm listings direct into RAM.

Looks like this:

old screenshot BASIC Editor (older version of the editor)


The Vectrex (Wikipedia) is a vector display-based video game console. The Hardware are only the 6809 CPU, a 6522 Versatile Interface Adapter and the AY-3-8912 sound chip.

Current state is completely not usable. The 6522 is only a dummy implementation. It makes only sense to display some trace lines, e.g.:

...path/to/DragonPy$ python2 --verbosity 5 --machine=Vectrex run --trace --max_ops 1

BASIC Editor

Use "BASIC editor / open" in the main menu to open the editor.

You can load/save ASCII .bas files from you local drive or just type a BASIC listing ;) With "inject into DragonPy" you send the current listing from the Editor to the Emulator and with "load from DragonPy" back from emulator to editor. Note: The is currently no "warning" that un-saved content will be "overwritten" and there is no "auto-backup" ;)

The "renumbering" tool can be found in the editor window under "tools"

You can also run the BASIC Editor without the Emulator:

...path/to/DragonPy$ python2 editor

A rudimentary BASIC source code highlighting is available and looks like this:

screenshot BASIC Editor

Special feature: The Line number that are used in GOTO, SOGUB etc. are extra marked on the left side.

Currently the code are only differate into:

  • DATA
  • Strings
  • Comments
  • Code

TODO: parse the code, to coloring it differently.


The Dragon ROMs can be downloaded here:

There is a simple shell script to automatic download and extract the Dragon ROMs:

...path/to/DragonPy$ ./

Quick start:

# clone the repro:
~$ git clone

# Alternative download as .zip:

~$ cd DragonPy

# Download all ROM files:
~/DragonPy$ ./

# Start Dragon 32
~/DragonPy$ python2 --machine=Dragon32 run


start Dragon 32:

...path/to/DragonPy$ python2 --machine=Dragon32 run

start Dragon 64:

...path/to/DragonPy$ python2 --machine=Dragon64 run

start CoCo with Extended Color Basic v1.1:

...path/to/DragonPy$ python2 --machine=CoCo2b run


Travis CI Status: DragonPy build status on

run unittests

You can run tests with PyPy, Python 2 and Python 3:

...path/to/DragonPy$ python -m unittest discover

All variants:

...path/to/DragonPy$ python2 -m unittest discover
...path/to/DragonPy$ python3 -m unittest discover
...path/to/DragonPy$ pypy -m unittest discover

create coverage report

install coverage for python 2:

~$ sudo pip2 install coverage
...path/to/DragonPy$ coverage2 run --source=dragonpy test
...path/to/DragonPy$ coverage2 coverage2 html
# e.g.:
...path/to/DragonPy$ firefox htmlcov/index.html

more screenshots

"sbc09" ROM in Tkinter window:

screenshot sbc09

"Simple6809" ROM in Tkinter window:

screenshot simple6809

Dragon Keyboard

The keyboard mapping is stored into dragonpy/Dragon32/

Some notes:

  • "CLEAR" is mapped to "Home" / "Pos 1" key
  • "BREAK" is mapped to "Escape" button
  • "LEFT" is mapped to left cursor key and to normal backspace, too.

A "auto shift" mode is implemented. So normal lowercase letters would be automaticly converted to uppercase letters.

paste clipboard

It is possible to paste the content of the clipboard as user input in the machine. Just copy (Ctrl-C) the follow content:

10 CLS
20 FOR I = 0 TO 255:
30 POKE 1024+(I*2),I
50 I$ = INKEY$:IF I$="" THEN 50

Focus the DragonPy window and use Ctrl-V to paste the content.

Looks like:

Then just RUN and then it looks like this:

DragonPy schematic

The main thread with GUI starts the sub thread with CPU+Memory+Periphery. It looks like this:

Main Thread                                     Sub Thread      
+------------------+                         +---------------------+
|                  |                         |                     |
| +-------------+  |  CPU cycles/sec queue   |                     |
| |            <------------------------------------+6809 CPU      |
| |             |  |                         |       +     ^       |
| |     GUI     |  |                         |       |     |       |
| |             |  | Display RAM write queue |    +--v-----+--+    |
| |  .--------------------------------------------+   Memory  |    |
| |  |          |  |                         |    +--+-----^--+    |
| |  |          |  |                         |       |     |       |
| |  |          |  |                         | +-----v-----+-----+ |
| |  |          |  |                         | |    Periphery    | |
| |  |          |  |     Keyboard queue      | |   MC6883 SAM    | |
| |  |          +--------------------------------->MC6821 PIA    | |
| |  |          |  |                         | |                 | |
| +--+-----^----+  |                         | |                 | |
|    |     |       |                         | +-----------------+ |
|    |     |       |                         |                     |
| +--v-----+----+  |                         |                     |
| |             |  |                         |                     |
| |   Display   |  |                         |                     |
| |             |  |                         |                     |
| +-------------+  |                         |                     |
+------------------+                         +---------------------+


The current implementation is not really optimized.

With CPython there is round about 490.000 CPU cycles/sec. in console version. This is half as fast as the real Hardware.

With PyPy round about 6.900.000 - 8.000.000 CPU cycles/sec. In other words with PyPy it's 8 times faster as the real Hardware.

e.g. The Dragon 32 6809 machine with a 14.31818 MHz crystal runs with: 0,895MHz (14,31818Mhz/16=0,895MHz) in other words: 895.000 CPU-cycles/sec.

There is a simple benchmark. Run e.g.:

...path/to/DragonPy$ python2 benchmark
...path/to/DragonPy$ python3 benchmark
...path/to/DragonPy$ pypy benchmark
...path/to/DragonPy$ pypy3 benchmark --loops 10


  1. Add hard-/soft-reset in GUI
  2. Test multiprocessing solution, again
  3. Add sbc variants to CLI
  4. Use bottle for http control server part
  5. implement more Dragon 32 periphery

unimplemented OPs:

  • RTI
  • SWI / SWI2 / SWI3
  • SYNC

missing 6809 unittests after coverage run:

  • MUL
  • BVS


Some links:

Source codes:

Dragon 32 resources:


Some code based on:


An Apple ][ emulator in Python

XRoar A really cool Dragon / CoCo emulator

included Python modules:

python-pager Page output and find dimensions of console. Motorola S-Record utilities

six Six is a Python 2 and 3 compatibility library.



IRC #pylucid on
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