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Created October 31, 2017 04:23
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docker wrapper
wrapper around docker that perhaps makes it slightly less insecure
example usage:
sudo $DOCKER run -it -v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd -v /tmp:/tmp ubuntu
use strict;
# find out who am i --
# coreutils's logname(1) executable is least likely to be fooled
my $user = `/usr/bin/logname`;
die "root may simply run docker directly if you please"
if $user eq 'root';
# compare to environment variable sudo(8) should be setting
die "$user - who are you? are you not using sudo?"
if $user ne $ENV{SUDO_USER};
my $uid = getpwnam($user);
die "$user - your uid ($uid) is not numeric"
unless $uid =~ m/^\d+$/;
die "$user - your uid ($uid) is too low"
if $uid < 500;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling");
my $DOCKER = "/usr/bin/docker";
# dispatch to command
my $command = shift @ARGV || '';
my @commands = qw/run exec ps info stop diff logs kill images rm rmi
inspect version/;
# NOTE: commands NOT currently whitelisted as they are perhaps unsafe:
# start
# attach
# FIXME: future work:
# those commands could be whitelisted if we're sure the container being started
# or attached to is safe (e.g. does not immediately grant root privs). we could
# use docker label metadata to so whitelist containers automatically.
# for now users can come to admins to request help if they need to troubleshoot
# their container (in production; users can always do their own debugging in
# their own dev environment).
die "command must be one of: " . join( " ", @commands )
unless grep $_ eq $command, @commands;
my $exit_status = 0;
no strict 'refs';
&{ "docker_" . $command }();
die "system failed: $!" if $exit_status == -1;
if ( $exit_status & 127 ) {
warn "child died with signal " . $exit_status & 127;
else {
$exit_status = $exit_status >> 8;
exit $exit_status;
# pass white-listed arguments to docker run
sub docker_run
my %flags;
my %strings;
foreach (qw/
cpu_shares cpus detach_keys entrypoint env_file memory name restart
shm_size user workdir
$strings{$_} = '';
my %lists;
foreach (qw/attach env label volume/) {
$lists{$_} = [];
my %opt = (
"d|detach" => \$flags{detach},
"help" => \$flags{help},
"i|interactive" => \$flags{interactive},
"read-only" => \$flags{read_only},
"rm" => \$flags{rm},
"t|tty" => \$flags{tty},
"c|cpu-shares=s" => \$strings{cpu_shares},
"cpus=s" => \$strings{cpus},
"detach-keys=s" => \$strings{detach_keys},
"entrypoint=s" => \$strings{entrypoint},
"env-file=s" => \$strings{env_file},
"m|memory=s" => \$strings{memory},
"name=s" => \$strings{name},
"restart=s" => \$strings{restart},
"shm-size=s" => \$strings{shm_size},
"u|user=s" => \$strings{user},
"w|workdir=s" => \$strings{workdir},
"a|attach=s" => $lists{attach},
"e|env=s" => $lists{env},
"l|label=s" => $lists{label},
"v|volume=s" => $lists{volume},
GetOptions(%opt) or die "invalid arguments";
my $docker_image = shift @ARGV;
# docker image argument can't start with "-"
die "you must specify a valid docker image"
unless $docker_image and $docker_image !~ m/^\s*-/;
# user can be nobody; otherwise cannot be specified
my $u = delete $strings{user};
die "you cannot specify a user argument"
if $u and $u ne 'nobody';
$uid = "nobody" if $u eq 'nobody';
# build run command -- user is mandatory (cannot be root; can be nobody)
my $docker_cmd = qq{$DOCKER run
-u $uid
# add flags
foreach ( keys %flags ) {
next unless $flags{$_};
my $flag = $_;
$flag =~ s/_/-/;
$docker_cmd .= " --$flag ";
my @docker_cmd = split( m/\s+/, $docker_cmd );
# add strings
foreach ( keys %strings ) {
my $s = $strings{$_};
next unless length($s);
my $flag = $_;
$flag =~ s/_/-/;
push @docker_cmd, "--$flag=$s";
# add lists
foreach my $list ( keys %lists ) {
foreach ( @{ $lists{$list} } ) {
push @docker_cmd, "--$list=$_";
# docker accepts no options for itself after the image is specified; so
# passing thru parsed @ARGV in case the user specifies an image command
# (and optionally that command's arguments) should be safe
system( @docker_cmd, $docker_image, @ARGV );
$exit_status = $?;
# pass white-listed arguments to docker start
# NOTE: docker start is not safe - users can restart stopped "admin"
# containers if any exist on the host
# docker start is NOT whitelisted above
sub docker_start
my %flags;
my %strings;
foreach (qw/
$strings{$_} = '';
my %opt = (
"a|attach" => \$flags{attach},
"i|interactive" => \$flags{interactive},
"detach-keys=s" => \$strings{detach_keys},
GetOptions(%opt) or die "invalid arguments";
my $docker_container = shift @ARGV;
# docker container argument can't start with "-"
die "you must specify a valid docker container"
unless $docker_container and $docker_container !~ m/^\s*-/;
# build start command
my $docker_cmd = qq{$DOCKER start
# add flags
foreach ( keys %flags ) {
next unless $flags{$_};
my $flag = $_;
$flag =~ s/_/-/;
$docker_cmd .= " --$flag ";
my @docker_cmd = split( m/\s+/, $docker_cmd );
# add strings
foreach ( keys %strings ) {
my $s = $strings{$_};
next unless length($s);
my $flag = $_;
$flag =~ s/_/-/;
push @docker_cmd, "--$flag=$s";
system( @docker_cmd, $docker_container, @ARGV );
$exit_status = $?;
# pass white-listed arguments to docker attach
# NOTE: docker attach is not safe - users can attach to "admin"
# containers if any exist on the host
# docker attach is NOT whitelisted above
sub docker_attach
my %flags;
my %strings;
foreach (qw/
detach_keys sig_proxy
$strings{$_} = '';
my %opt = (
"no-stdin" => \$flags{no_stdin},
"detach-keys=s" => \$strings{detach_keys},
"sig-proxy=s" => \$strings{sig_proxy},
GetOptions(%opt) or die "invalid arguments";
my $docker_container = shift @ARGV;
# docker container argument can't start with "-"
die "you must specify a valid docker container"
unless $docker_container and $docker_container !~ m/^\s*-/;
# build attach command
my $docker_cmd = qq{$DOCKER attach
# add flags
foreach ( keys %flags ) {
next unless $flags{$_};
my $flag = $_;
$flag =~ s/_/-/;
$docker_cmd .= " --$flag ";
my @docker_cmd = split( m/\s+/, $docker_cmd );
# add strings
foreach ( keys %strings ) {
my $s = $strings{$_};
next unless length($s);
my $flag = $_;
$flag =~ s/_/-/;
push @docker_cmd, "--$flag=$s";
system( @docker_cmd, $docker_container, @ARGV );
$exit_status = $?;
# pass white-listed arguments to docker exec
sub docker_exec
my %flags;
my %strings;
foreach (qw/
detach_keys user
$strings{$_} = '';
my %lists;
foreach (qw/env/) {
$lists{$_} = [];
my %opt = (
"d|detach" => \$flags{detach},
"i|interactive" => \$flags{interactive},
"t|tty" => \$flags{tty},
"detach-keys=s" => \$strings{detach_keys},
"u|user=s" => \$strings{user},
"e|env=s" => $lists{env},
GetOptions(%opt) or die "invalid arguments";
my $docker_container = shift @ARGV;
# docker container argument can't start with "-"
die "you must specify a valid docker container"
unless $docker_container and $docker_container !~ m/^\s*-/;
# user can be nobody; otherwise cannot be specified
my $u = delete $strings{user};
die "you cannot specify a user argument"
if $u and $u ne 'nobody';
$uid = "nobody" if $u eq 'nobody';
# build exec command -- user is mandatory (cannot be root; can be nobody)
my $docker_cmd = qq{$DOCKER exec
-u $uid
# add flags
foreach ( keys %flags ) {
next unless $flags{$_};
my $flag = $_;
$flag =~ s/_/-/;
$docker_cmd .= " --$flag ";
my @docker_cmd = split( m/\s+/, $docker_cmd );
# add strings
foreach ( keys %strings ) {
my $s = $strings{$_};
next unless length($s);
my $flag = $_;
$flag =~ s/_/-/;
push @docker_cmd, "--$flag=$s";
# add lists
foreach my $list ( keys %lists ) {
foreach ( @{ $lists{$list} } ) {
push @docker_cmd, "--$list=$_";
# docker accepts no options for itself after the container is specified; so
# passing thru parsed @ARGV in case the user specifies a command
# (and optionally that command's arguments) should be safe
system( @docker_cmd, $docker_container, @ARGV );
$exit_status = $?;
# pass white-listed arguments to docker stop
sub docker_stop
my %flags;
my %strings;
foreach (qw/
$strings{$_} = '';
my %opt = (
"t|time=s" => \$strings{time},
GetOptions(%opt) or die "invalid arguments";
my $docker_container = shift @ARGV;
# docker container argument can't start with "-"
die "you must specify a valid docker container"
unless $docker_container and $docker_container !~ m/^\s*-/;
# build stop command
my $docker_cmd = qq{$DOCKER stop
# add flags
foreach ( keys %flags ) {
next unless $flags{$_};
my $flag = $_;
$flag =~ s/_/-/;
$docker_cmd .= " --$flag ";
my @docker_cmd = split( m/\s+/, $docker_cmd );
# add strings
foreach ( keys %strings ) {
my $s = $strings{$_};
next unless length($s);
my $flag = $_;
$flag =~ s/_/-/;
push @docker_cmd, "--$flag=$s";
system( @docker_cmd, $docker_container, @ARGV );
$exit_status = $?;
# pass white-listed arguments to docker diff
sub docker_diff
my $docker_container = shift @ARGV;
# docker container argument can't start with "-"
die "you must specify a valid docker container"
unless $docker_container and $docker_container !~ m/^\s*-/;
# build diff command
my $docker_cmd = qq{$DOCKER diff
my @docker_cmd = split( m/\s+/, $docker_cmd );
system( @docker_cmd, $docker_container );
$exit_status = $?;
# pass white-listed arguments to docker info
sub docker_info
my %strings;
foreach (qw/
$strings{$_} = '';
my %opt = (
"f|format=s" => \$strings{format},
GetOptions(%opt) or die "invalid arguments";
# build info command
my $docker_cmd = qq{$DOCKER info
my @docker_cmd = split( m/\s+/, $docker_cmd );
# add strings
foreach ( keys %strings ) {
my $s = $strings{$_};
next unless length($s);
my $flag = $_;
$flag =~ s/_/-/;
push @docker_cmd, "--$flag=$s";
system( @docker_cmd );
$exit_status = $?;
# pass white-listed arguments to docker version
sub docker_version
my %strings;
foreach (qw/
$strings{$_} = '';
my %opt = (
"f|format=s" => \$strings{format},
GetOptions(%opt) or die "invalid arguments";
# build version command
my $docker_cmd = qq{$DOCKER version
my @docker_cmd = split( m/\s+/, $docker_cmd );
# add strings
foreach ( keys %strings ) {
my $s = $strings{$_};
next unless length($s);
my $flag = $_;
$flag =~ s/_/-/;
push @docker_cmd, "--$flag=$s";
system( @docker_cmd );
$exit_status = $?;
# pass white-listed arguments to docker ps
sub docker_ps
my %flags;
my %strings;
foreach (qw/
format last
$strings{$_} = '';
my %lists;
foreach (qw/ filter /) {
$lists{$_} = [];
my %opt = (
"a|all" => \$flags{all},
"l|latest" => \$flags{latest},
"no-trunc" => \$flags{no_trunc},
"q|quiet" => \$flags{quiet},
"s|size" => \$flags{size},
"format=s" => \$strings{format},
"n|last=s" => \$strings{last},
"f|filter=s" => $lists{filter},
GetOptions(%opt) or die "invalid arguments";
# build ps command
my $docker_cmd = qq{$DOCKER ps
# add flags
foreach ( keys %flags ) {
next unless $flags{$_};
my $flag = $_;
$flag =~ s/_/-/;
$docker_cmd .= " --$flag ";
my @docker_cmd = split( m/\s+/, $docker_cmd );
# add strings
foreach ( keys %strings ) {
my $s = $strings{$_};
next unless length($s);
my $flag = $_;
$flag =~ s/_/-/;
push @docker_cmd, "--$flag=$s";
# add lists
foreach my $list ( keys %lists ) {
foreach ( @{ $lists{$list} } ) {
push @docker_cmd, "--$list=$_";
system( @docker_cmd );
$exit_status = $?;
# pass white-listed arguments to docker logs
sub docker_logs
my %flags;
my %strings;
foreach (qw/
since tail
$strings{$_} = '';
my %opt = (
"details" => \$flags{details},
"f|follow" => \$flags{follow},
"t|timestamps" => \$flags{timestamps},
"since=s" => \$strings{since},
"tail=s" => \$strings{tail},
GetOptions(%opt) or die "invalid arguments";
my $docker_container = shift @ARGV;
# docker container argument can't start with "-"
die "you must specify a valid docker container"
unless $docker_container and $docker_container !~ m/^\s*-/;
# build logs command
my $docker_cmd = qq{$DOCKER logs
# add flags
foreach ( keys %flags ) {
next unless $flags{$_};
my $flag = $_;
$flag =~ s/_/-/;
$docker_cmd .= " --$flag ";
my @docker_cmd = split( m/\s+/, $docker_cmd );
# add strings
foreach ( keys %strings ) {
my $s = $strings{$_};
next unless length($s);
my $flag = $_;
$flag =~ s/_/-/;
push @docker_cmd, "--$flag=$s";
system( @docker_cmd, $docker_container );
$exit_status = $?;
# pass white-listed arguments to docker kill
sub docker_kill
my %strings;
foreach (qw/
$strings{$_} = '';
my %opt = (
"s|signal=s" => \$strings{signal},
GetOptions(%opt) or die "invalid arguments";
my $docker_container = shift @ARGV;
# docker container argument can't start with "-"
die "you must specify a valid docker container"
unless $docker_container and $docker_container !~ m/^\s*-/;
# build kill command
my $docker_cmd = qq{$DOCKER kill
my @docker_cmd = split( m/\s+/, $docker_cmd );
# add strings
foreach ( keys %strings ) {
my $s = $strings{$_};
next unless length($s);
my $flag = $_;
$flag =~ s/_/-/;
push @docker_cmd, "--$flag=$s";
system( @docker_cmd, $docker_container, @ARGV );
$exit_status = $?;
# pass white-listed arguments to docker images
sub docker_images
my %flags;
my %strings;
foreach (qw/
$strings{$_} = '';
my %lists;
foreach (qw/ filter /) {
$lists{$_} = [];
my %opt = (
"a|all" => \$flags{all},
"digests" => \$flags{digests},
"no-trunc" => \$flags{no_trunc},
"q|quiet" => \$flags{quiet},
"format=s" => \$strings{format},
"f|filter=s" => $lists{filter},
GetOptions(%opt) or die "invalid arguments";
my $docker_repository = shift @ARGV;
# docker repository argument can't start with "-"
die "you must specify a valid docker repository"
unless $docker_repository and $docker_repository !~ m/^\s*-/;
# build images command
my $docker_cmd = qq{$DOCKER images
# add flags
foreach ( keys %flags ) {
next unless $flags{$_};
my $flag = $_;
$flag =~ s/_/-/;
$docker_cmd .= " --$flag ";
my @docker_cmd = split( m/\s+/, $docker_cmd );
# add strings
foreach ( keys %strings ) {
my $s = $strings{$_};
next unless length($s);
my $flag = $_;
$flag =~ s/_/-/;
push @docker_cmd, "--$flag=$s";
# add lists
foreach my $list ( keys %lists ) {
foreach ( @{ $lists{$list} } ) {
push @docker_cmd, "--$list=$_";
system( @docker_cmd , $docker_repository );
$exit_status = $?;
# pass white-listed arguments to docker rm
sub docker_rm
my %flags;
my %opt = (
"f|force" => \$flags{force},
"v|volumes" => \$flags{volumes},
GetOptions(%opt) or die "invalid arguments";
my $docker_container = shift @ARGV;
# docker container argument can't start with "-"
die "you must specify a valid docker container"
unless $docker_container and $docker_container !~ m/^\s*-/;
# build rm command
my $docker_cmd = qq{$DOCKER rm
# add flags
foreach ( keys %flags ) {
next unless $flags{$_};
my $flag = $_;
$flag =~ s/_/-/;
$docker_cmd .= " --$flag ";
my @docker_cmd = split( m/\s+/, $docker_cmd );
system( @docker_cmd, $docker_container, @ARGV );
$exit_status = $?;
# pass white-listed arguments to docker rmi
sub docker_rmi
my %flags;
my %opt = (
"f|force" => \$flags{force},
"no-prune" => \$flags{no_prune},
GetOptions(%opt) or die "invalid arguments";
my $docker_image = shift @ARGV;
# docker image argument can't start with "-"
die "you must specify a valid docker image"
unless $docker_image and $docker_image !~ m/^\s*-/;
# build rmi command
my $docker_cmd = qq{$DOCKER rmi
# add flags
foreach ( keys %flags ) {
next unless $flags{$_};
my $flag = $_;
$flag =~ s/_/-/;
$docker_cmd .= " --$flag ";
my @docker_cmd = split( m/\s+/, $docker_cmd );
system( @docker_cmd, $docker_image, @ARGV );
$exit_status = $?;
# pass white-listed arguments to docker inspect
sub docker_inspect
my %flags;
my %strings;
foreach (qw/
format type
$strings{$_} = '';
my %opt = (
"s|size" => \$flags{size},
"f|format=s" => \$strings{format},
"type=s" => \$strings{type},
GetOptions(%opt) or die "invalid arguments";
my $docker_id = shift @ARGV;
# docker id argument can't start with "-"
die "you must specify a valid docker id"
unless $docker_id and $docker_id !~ m/^\s*-/;
# build inspect command
my $docker_cmd = qq{$DOCKER inspect
my @docker_cmd = split( m/\s+/, $docker_cmd );
# add strings
foreach ( keys %strings ) {
my $s = $strings{$_};
next unless length($s);
my $flag = $_;
$flag =~ s/_/-/;
push @docker_cmd, "--$flag=$s";
system( @docker_cmd, $docker_id, @ARGV );
$exit_status = $?;
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