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Created July 24, 2015 23:13
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import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Mixin.create({
attributeBindings: ['data-original-title', 'data-toggle', 'data-placement'],
classNameBindings: ['hasError:has-warning'],
record: null,
property: null,
cacheBust: false,
Property that should be checked for the model's property name. Autocomplete fields need to use `modelProperty`
instead of `property` because binding them to the model's actual property causes issues with relations.
errorPropertyAttributeName: 'property',
// Error tooltip
hasError: false,
'data-original-title': null,
'data-toggle': 'tooltip',
'data-placement': 'bottom',
didInsertElement: function() {
valueDidChange: function() {
if (this.get('record')) {
this.set('record.' + this.get('property'), this.get('value'));
recordValueDidChange: function() {
this.set('value', this.get('record.' + this.get('property')));
}.observes('record', 'property').on('init'),
addRecordPropertyObservers: function() {
var component = this,
errorPath = 'record.errors.' + this.get(this.get('errorPropertyAttributeName'));
this.addObserver(errorPath, this, function() {
var propertyErrors = component.get(errorPath) || [];
var errorString = {
return error.message.capitalize();
}).join(', ');
component.set('data-original-title', errorString || null);
component.set('hasError', !!errorString);
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