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Last active June 6, 2017 19:53
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  • Save arivero/e74ad3848290845de5ca to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save arivero/e74ad3848290845de5ca to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
tikz/pkgplot logplot of quarks and leptons in Standard Model of Elementary Particles
%remember to install pfgplots
\usepackage{adjustbox} %either import it, or remove the begin...end
%%% Picture starts here
%or \centering
%scale=1.0, %control here and in x, y of semilogaxis, plus adjustbox
virtual/.style={thick,densely dashed},
hide y axis,
axis x line*=bottom,
xmin=3e-4, xmax=3e2,% range for the x axis
xlabel = GeV,
after end axis/.code={
%\draw[red,<->] (axis cs:1.796,6.5) -- (axis cs:246.2,6.5) node[midway,above] {$\alpha$};
\draw[red,<->] (axis cs:0.135,1.5) node[left,left] {$\pi$} -- (axis cs:0.939,1.5) node[right,right] {p} ;
\draw[red,<->] (axis cs:0.000511,6.5) -- (axis cs:.0700356,6.5) node[midway,above] {$\alpha$};
\draw[<->] (axis cs:.0700356,6.8) -- (axis cs:.10104,6.8) node[midway,above] {\tiny $\ln 2$};
\draw[level] (axis cs:173.2,4.5) -- (axis cs:173.2,1.1) node[above left] {{t}};
\draw[virtual] (axis cs:246.2,8.2) -- (axis cs:246.2,0.6) node[midway,right] {v};
\draw[level] (axis cs:0.000511,6.8) -- (axis cs:0.000511,4.2) node[above left] {{$e$}};
\draw[virtual] (axis cs:0.0023,3.8) -- (axis cs:0.0023,2.3) node[above right] {$u$};
\draw[virtual] (axis cs:0.0048,3.8) -- (axis cs:0.0048,2.3) node[above right] {$d$};
\draw[level] (axis cs:0.105658,6.8) -- (axis cs:0.105658,4.2) node[above right] {$\mu$};
\draw[level] (axis cs:1.77682,6.8) -- (axis cs:1.77682,4.2) node[above right] {$\tau$};
\draw[level] (axis cs:0.095,5.5) -- (axis cs:0.095,2.3) node[right] {$s$};
\draw[level] (axis cs:1.275,5.5) -- (axis cs:1.275,2.3) node[right] {$c$};
\draw[level] (axis cs:4.18,4.5) -- (axis cs:4.18,1.4) node[above right] {$b$};
\draw[<->] (axis cs:91.1876,7.0) -- (axis cs:246.2,7.0) node[right] {\tiny $\frac 12 g_0$} ;
\draw[<->] (axis cs:80.385,6.3) -- (axis cs:246.2,6.3) node[right] {\tiny $\frac 12 g_0 cos \theta$};
\draw[<->] (axis cs:42.989,5.8) -- (axis cs:246.2,5.8) node[midway,below] {\tiny $\frac 12 g_0 sin \theta$};
%\draw[<->] (axis cs:42.989,5.8) -- (axis cs:0.31366,5.8) node[midway,below] {\tiny $\alpha$};
\draw[virtual] (axis cs:0.31366,5.4) -- (axis cs:0.313,6.4) node[above,right] {\tiny $313$ MeV};
\draw[level] (axis cs:125.09,4.3) -- (axis cs:125.09,3.5) node[midway,left] {\tiny $H^0$};
\draw[level] (axis cs:91.1876,6.8) -- (axis cs:91.1876,7.7) node[right] {\tiny $Z^0$};
\draw[level] (axis cs:80.385,6.1) -- (axis cs:80.385,7.7) node[left] {\tiny $W^\pm$};
% you need at least one addplot (or some positioned \node) to auto-position the logscale
%\addplot[domain=0.511:246.2, no markers] {(0.0)};\node at (axis cs:200.1,2.8) {xx};
\addplot[<->,point meta=rand] coordinates {(174.1,0.5) (246.2,0.5)} node[above,pos=0.4] {\tiny $\sqrt 2$};
\addplot[-] coordinates {(246.2,2.5) (246.2,2.5)};
%% Koide tuples
%\addplot[<->] coordinates {(0.000511,5) (0.105658,5) (1.77682,5)};
%\addplot[<->] coordinates {(1.275,3) (4.18,3) (173.21,3)};
%\addplot[<->] coordinates {(0.095,4) (1.275,4) (4.18,4)};
%%% Picture ends here
%sqrt(1-0.8819^2).471436 , * Mz= 42.989 * alpha= .31366 Dave Lock
%The relationship $\mu-e$ is well known, used in the early 70s. From $\tau$ to the electroweak vacuum, I read it first in a comment of R. Yablon in USENET. From 313 MeV to electroweak, in 2010 from D Lackey (davelook in a blog comment)
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