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Last active February 11, 2021 10:15
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UTM and Referral Cookie - Find more here
* You also can find
* Improved version and documentation
* on repository:
// configuration
var $hostname = '.sviluppo1.loc',
cookie_params = ['source', 'medium', 'campaign']; // there are also [... 'term', 'content'] !commented
function crumbleCookie(a) {
for (var d = document.cookie.split(";"), c = {}, b = 0; b < d.length; b++) {
var e = d[b].substring(0, d[b].indexOf("=")).trim(),
i = d[b].substring(d[b].indexOf("=") + 1, d[b].length).trim();
c[e] = i;
if (a) return c[a] ? c[a] : null;
return c;
function bakeCookie(a, d, c, b, e, i) {
var j = new Date();
c && (c *= 864E5);
j = new Date(j.getTime() + c);
document.cookie = a + "=" + escape(d) + (c ? ";expires=" + j.toGMTString() : "") + (b ? ";path=" + b : "") + (e ? ";domain=" + e : "") + (i ? ";secure" : "");
* Write cookie as url string
* use getTrafficSource() and bakeCookie()
* @param n Name of cookie to write
* @return void
function writeLogic(n) {
var a = getTrafficSource(n, $hostname);
a = a.replace(/\|{2,}/g, "|");
a = a.replace(/^\|/, "");
a = unescape(a);
bakeCookie(n, a, 182, "/", "", ""); //Cookie expiration sets to 182 days
* Read cookie saved as url and return object with key=>value
* @param n Name of cookie to read
* @returns object key=>value object of cookie
function readLogic(n) {
var cookie_string = crumbleCookie()[n], cookie_obj = {}, param;
for (var key in cookie_params) {
param = cookie_params[key];
cookie_obj[param] = getParam('?' + decodeURIComponent(cookie_string), param);
return cookie_obj;
* Get Formatted string of cookie Referral
* @param cookie_obj Object with cookie referral params {source, medium, campaign}
* @return string Formatted string of Referral
function attrToString(cookie_obj) {
if (cookie_obj.source == 'direct') {
return 'direct';
} else {
// open with brackets
var attr_value = cookie_obj.source + '(' + cookie_obj.medium;
// add campaign name if exist
if (cookie_obj.campaign.length > 1) {
attr_value = attr_value + ' | ' + cookie_obj.campaign;
// close brackets
attr_value = attr_value + ')';
// return string
return attr_value;
* Get value of url query string param "?param=value"
* @param s Url query string "?parma=value"
* @param q The param to retrieve
* @return {string} param value
function getParam(s, q) {
try {
var match = s.match('[?&]' + q + '=([^&]+)');
return match ? match[1] : '';
// return s.match(RegExp('(^|&)'+q+'=([^&]*)'))[2];
} catch(e) {
return '';
function calculateTrafficSource() {
var source='', medium='', campaign=''; //, term='', content='';
var search_engines = [['bing', 'q'], ['google', 'q'], ['yahoo', 'q'], ['baidu', 'q'], ['yandex', 'q'], ['ask', 'q'], ['', 'qs'], ['', 'q']]; //List of search engines
var socials = [['facebook'], ['twitter'], ['instagram'], ['flickr'], ['tumblr'], ['vimeo'], ['pinterest']]; // List of socials [''], [''],
var ref = document.referrer;
ref = ref.substr(ref.indexOf('//')+2);
var ref_domain = ref;
// ref_path = '/', no need
// ref_search = ''; no need
// Checks for campaign parameters
var url_search =;
// console.log(url_search.indexOf('utm_source'));
// console.log(getParam(url_search, 'gclid'));
// console.log(url_search);
if(url_search.indexOf('utm_source') > -1) {
source = getParam(url_search, 'utm_source');
medium = getParam(url_search, 'utm_medium');
campaign = getParam(url_search, 'utm_campaign');
// term = getParam(url_search, 'utm_term'); no need
// content = getParam(url_search, 'utm_content'); no need
else if (getParam(url_search, 'gclid')) {
source = 'google';
medium = 'cpc';
campaign = 'gclid';
else if(ref) {
// separate domain, path and query parameters
if (ref.indexOf('/') > -1) {
ref_domain = ref.substr(0,ref.indexOf('/'));
// ref_path = ref.substr(ref.indexOf('/')); no need
/* no need if (ref_path.indexOf('?') > -1) {
ref_search = ref_path.substr(ref_path.indexOf('?')+1);
ref_path = ref_path.substr(0, ref_path.indexOf('?'));
medium = 'referral';
source = ref_domain;
// Extract term for organic source
for (var i=0; i<search_engines.length; i++){
if(ref_domain.indexOf(search_engines[i][0]) > -1){
medium = 'organic';
source = search_engines[i][0];
// term = getParam(ref_search, search_engines[i][1]) || '(not provided)'; no need
// Or of social
for (var i=0; i<socials.length; i++){
if (ref_domain.indexOf(socials[i][0]) > -1) {
medium = 'social';
source = socials[i][0];
return {
'source' : source,
'medium' : medium,
'campaign': campaign
}; // 'term' : term, 'content' : content
function getTrafficSource(cookieName, hostname) {
var trafficSources = calculateTrafficSource();
var source = trafficSources.source.length === 0 ? 'direct' : trafficSources.source;
var medium = trafficSources.medium.length === 0 ? 'none' : trafficSources.medium;
var campaign = trafficSources.campaign.length === 0 ? 'direct' : trafficSources.campaign;
// exception
if(medium === 'referral') {
campaign = '';
// var rightNow = new Date(); no need date
var value = 'source=' + source +
'&medium=' + medium +
'&campaign='+ campaign;
// '&term=' + trafficSources.term +
// '&content=' + trafficSources.content +
// + '&date=' + rightNow.toISOString().slice(0,10).replace(/-/g,""); no need date
return value;
// Self-invoking function
// no need date
// var date = new Date();
// var fr_date = date.getUTCFullYear().toString() + ((date.getUTCMonth() < 9) ? '0' + (date.getUTCMonth()+1).toString() : (date.getUTCMonth()+1).toString()) + ((date.getUTCDate() < 10) ? '0' + date.getUTCDate().toString() : date.getUTCDate().toString());
var session = crumbleCookie()['js_referral'];
// First time session
if (typeof session == 'undefined')
} else {
var session = readLogic('js_referral'),
session2 = readLogic('js_referral_returned');
// First time session (only the first time visit)
if (typeof session != 'undefined') {
console.log(session); // object {source, medium, campaign}; // or formatted string "source (medium | campaign)"
// Last time session (ever the last time visit)
if (typeof session2 != 'undefined') {; // object {source, medium, campaign}; // or formatted string "source (medium | campaign)"
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@JhonathaNunes thanks, strange error, maybe is for error that found @morojosa i now fix it. Also i create repository with documentation of this code

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