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Created July 20, 2014 09:39
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Dirty hack to make 'source-map-support' work with mocha in PhantomJS
sourceMapper = require 'source-map-support'
Dot = require '../../../node_modules/grunt-mocha/node_modules/mocha/lib/reporters/dot.js'
module.exports = Dot
parseLine = (line) ->
[_, file, row] = line.match /file:\/\/\/(.*):(\d*)/
frame =
getFileName: -> file
getLineNumber: -> row
getColumnNumber: -> 1
superEpilogue = Dot.prototype.epilogue
Dot.prototype.epilogue = ->
for test in @failures
test.err.stack = test.err.stack.split('\n').map((line)->
if line.match /^ at /
mapped = sourceMapper.wrapCallSite parseLine line
line.replace /file:\/\/\/(.*):(\d*)/,
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