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Created February 11, 2015 09:20
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Script to symbolicate output from Activity's sample dumps
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
# The human has to determine the UUID from the binary images section for now. Sue me.
my ($uuid, $sample_file_path) = @ARGV;
die "Usage:\n $0 'main bundle uuid' 'path to sample.txt'"
unless $uuid && -f $sample_file_path;
# CAVEAT: This cannot symbolicate bundled frameworks atm. Sorry! Apps with multiple dSYMs - for now just hope the right one is alphabetically first...
# just need to find and set the load address
my $load_address;
my $code_type;
my $dwarf_path;
open my $fh, '<', $sample_file_path
or die $!;
while (my $line = <$fh>) {
if ($line =~ /^Load Address:\s+(0x[a-f0-9]+)$/) {
$load_address = $1;
} elsif ($line =~ /^Code Type:\s+(.+)/) {
if ($1 eq 'X86-64') {
$code_type = 'x86_64';
} elsif ($1 eq 'X86') {
$code_type = 'i386';
} else {
die "Unknown Code Type: '$1'";
if ($line =~ /\?\?\? .* \[(0x[a-f0-9]+)\]/) {
my $address = $1;
my $replacement = symbolicate_address($address);
$line =~ s/\?\?\?.* load address/$replacement load address/;
print $line;
sub dSYM_dwarf_paths {
my $matches = `mdfind 'com_apple_xcode_dsym_uuids = "$uuid"'`;
my @matches = split /\n/, $matches;
die "No dsym found for uuid ($uuid) in spotlight."
unless @matches > 0;
my $archive_path = $matches[0];
my $dwarf_paths = `find "$archive_path" -path '*.dSYM/*/DWARF/*'`;
return split /\n/, $dwarf_paths;
sub symbolicate_address {
my $address = shift;
die "Couldn't determine Code Type"
unless $code_type;
die "Couldn't determine Load Address"
unless $load_address;
if (!$dwarf_path) {
my @dwarf_paths = dSYM_dwarf_paths;
die "No dSYMs found"
unless @dwarf_paths > 0;
$dwarf_path = $dwarf_paths[0];
die "bad path found: '$dwarf_path'"
unless -f $dwarf_path;
my $ret = `xcrun atos -arch $code_type -o '$dwarf_path' -l '$load_address' '$address'`;
chomp $ret;
return $ret;
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