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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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Simple minimal router
//// Simple minimal router (works in IE9+)
/*** Usage **************************************
//// Navigate to url
//// Replace url (w/o history entry)
route('/path', true)
//// Listen for every url change
//// Map routes to specific handlers
var routes = route() // Or: route(routes)
// Handle "/"
routes.home = function(){ alert('welcome home') }
// Handle "/hello/*"
routes.hello = function(size, thing){
// If no "thing" param (/hello/size), redirect to default thing (skipping history entry)
if(!thing) return route('/hello/big/'+thing, true)
// If no "size" param (/hello), cancel the route (redirects home)
if(!size) return false
// If everything's ok, do the thing
alert('greetings from the '+size+' '+thing)
function route(){
var methods = {'string':navigate, 'function':listen, 'object':map, 'undefined':map}
methods[typeof arguments[0]].apply(null, arguments)
function navigate(path, replace){
? location.replace('#'+path)
: location.hash = '#'+path
function listen(cb){
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', onChange)
window.addEventListener('hashchange', onChange)
function onChange(){ cb.apply(null, location.hash.split('/').slice(1)) }
function map(handlers){
handlers = handlers || {}
var args =
var handler = handlers[args.shift() || 'home']
handler && handler.apply(handlers, args) === false && navigate('/', true)
return handlers
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tipiirai commented Jul 6, 2014

Very cool and minimal! I like this.

Why the IE9 limitation? Because of the map function?
Please educate me: why use DOMContentLoaded instead of onpopstate?

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aurri commented Jul 7, 2014

The IE9 limitation comes from DOMContentLoaded, which is supported only in IE9+.

DOMContentLoaded handles the initial url. I did't use popstate, because it requires IE10. Also it seems that popstate doesn't reliably fire on page load across browsers (namely Firefox), hence the need for DOMContentLoaded.

Even though this mapping of routes to methods looked nice at first sight, it eventually ended up being too restrictive for me. I also missed a way for silently manipulating a url without trigerring the event handlers (which sadly requires popstate, which means IE10+), as well as a simpler API for all the different ways of changing the url. So it all came down to just this:

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